Overturned Vehicle on Southbound 101 by Crannell; Lanes Blocked

Scanner traffic is indicating that a vehicle has overturned on southbound Highway 101, blocking both lanes. Paramedics have been dispatched to the site. 

Updates from CHP dispatch below.

12:17 p.m.
12:18 p.m.
[11] 1039 CF
12:21 p.m.
[13] 1039 DOT
12:22 p.m.
[16] [Notification] [CHP]-Problem changed from 1183-Trfc Collision-Unkn Inj to 1179-Trfc Collision-1141 Enrt by CHP [Shared]
12:22 p.m.
[17] 1039 HCSO
12:26 p.m.
[21] 1039 CF
12:46 p.m.
[28] [Rotation Request Comment] 1039 BUDDYS 707-822-2615
1:27 p.m.
[34] A16-019 LANES ARE OPEN
2:11 p.m.
[37] [Notification] [CHP]-Problem changed from 1179-Trfc Collision-1141 Enrt to 1180-Trfc Collision-Major Inj by CHP [Shared]

See: Common CHP Codes and Shorthand

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