LoCO Hopes Your Weekend Does Not Include Jeep-Towing a Motorhome Through a Roundabout
Today in Humboldt
It was another newsy-as-all-hell week here at the Outpost, which is how we like it. But as we get ready to call it a Friday, a reader goes and submits the above photo of some poor souls attempting to use a jeep and a chain to tow a motorhome through an Arcata roundabout in the rain. That can’t be fun! The pit bull in the driver’s seat suggests to us that this was a hectic situation. Our condolences to those involved.
Why do we end our week by sharing this image with you? Maybe we felt some catharsis while viewing this scene. Because while we have not found ourselves in this exact predicament, this point in winter always feels like a slog. We’re all towing our own busted motorhomes in one form or another. LoCO sees you. We will get through. Have a weekend, Humboldt.
(Note: Updates on this incident can be found in LoCO’s CHP Watch below.)
-Andrew Goff