Mud, Rocks, and Dirt Block One Lane at Butler Valley Road and Kneeland Road, CHP Notifies Authorities
AI SUMMARY: At 7:50 am, there was a report of mud, dirt, and rocks on Butler Valley Road and Kneeland Road, causing one lane to be blocked. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) was notified at 7:53 am. An officer arrived at the scene at 8:22 am and reported that there was a slide across both lanes, but there was still room to pass on the right-hand side. However, there were rocks and mud in the lanes. Caltrans was informed and they were expected to provide an estimated time of arrival.
— LoCOBot. AI-generated headline and summary of the CHP dispatch log below as of 8:25 a.m. Did the bot blow it? That’s going to happen from time to time. Please let us know.