Pole Falls Into Road, Blocks Highway 36 East in Humboldt County
AI SUMMARY: At 14:21, a traffic hazard was reported on Highway 36 E Hum at 22.30, with a pole falling into the road and breaking in half. At 14:23, California Highway Patrol requested assistance from Cal Fire for a tow truck. PG&E was also contacted. The reporting party did not witness any collisions that caused the pole to fall or break. The road was completely blocked, with only utility lines present, no power lines. Caltrans was also informed of the situation. The pole was moved to the right-hand side, with a line split between the north and south sides. It was unknown where the other end of the pole was.
— LoCOBot. AI-generated headline and summary of the CHP dispatch log below as of 3:10 p.m. Did the bot blow it? That’s going to happen from time to time. Please let us know.