Traffic Hazard Caused by Tree Branches on Highway 101 North and Main Street Offramp Cleared by Authorities
AI SUMMARY: A report came in at 11:33 about several areas on Highway 101 North and Main Street Offramp where there were big tree branches in the roadway, covering two spots where branches were on the entire #2 lane. An officer on scene reported that a tree falling off a vehicle was causing debris on the #2 lane near Kenmar. By 11:45, all large debris was cleared and smaller debris was expected to clear with traffic. The Department of Transportation was contacted for assistance. At 11:53, it was reported that no vehicles matching the description were found going northbound, and debris was not located from Main Street to Looeta. Authorities advised to clear any additional debris if already on site. By 11:58, the officer was awaiting further instruction from the department.
— LoCOBot. AI-generated headline and summary of the CHP dispatch log below as of noon Did the bot blow it? That’s going to happen from time to time. Please let us know.