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Lifebloggers Blogging About Humboldt Life

Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Prescription Expiration Dates

Friday, Oct. 28, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: That Nursing Home Thing

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: We're Just Trying To Help?

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Where's All The Campaign Signs?

Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Meteorites ON

Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: AVA Endorses Ken Anton for State Assembly

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Five Misconceptions

Monday, Oct. 24, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: My First Amber Alert

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Dealing With A Stressful Election

Fred's Humboldt Blog: That Aleppo Thing

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Libertarians Set

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Info On Prop 61

Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016

Early Morning Fog: the great toilet paper war aka lessons in poverty aka why millennials rule

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Prop 56: Proof Libertarianism Doesn't Work?

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Clinton Leaks Not By Russia?

Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Who Cares About Accepting Election Results?

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Schiaparelli Lander Crashed

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Clinton, The Debate and Gun Control

Fred's Humboldt Blog: A Look At Libya and Ghaddafi

Fred's Humboldt Blog: How The War On

Friday, Oct. 21, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: The Wasted Vote

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Asgardia: A Real Battlestar Gallactica?

Fred's Humboldt Blog: The Garage Door Opener Risk

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: In Tribute To Jill Stein

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Rome Didn't Fall In A Day

Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Bernie Sanders: Election is Rigged

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Possession of Wikileaks Material Illegal?

Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Brits Certify CBD As Medicinie

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Another Halloween Hater

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Watch Shiaparelli Land On Mars

Monday, Oct. 17, 2016

Through the Eyes of Women: October 17, 2016, Is It Possible To Aim For Financial Security? Host Corinne Frugoni Talks With Ginger Weber, Financial Planner About Preparing For The Challenges Of The Future.

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Reason Looks At California Ballot Initiatives

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Police Opinions

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Facebook Rumor

Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016

Early Morning Fog: mistakes and mea culpas

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Tuccille's Blog Lives!

Fred's Humboldt Blog: THC On Measure V

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Webelos?

Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Mcmurdo Station Cam

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Johnson Leads in Mock Ohio Poll

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Our Failed Free TV Experiment

Friday, Oct. 14, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: My Voting Adventrure

Fred's Humboldt Blog: I'm Off To Vote

Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Candidates Needed?

Fred's Humboldt Blog:

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Few In Jail For Pot?

Fred's Humboldt Blog: My Letter To The Mayor

Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Halloween Sucks!

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Mike Rowe On Voting

Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016

Fred's Humboldt Blog: Fewer Panhandlers in Eureka?

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