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Lumberjack News

Filed under: Humboldt News Sources

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Lumberjack News: The translators of Humboldt County

Lumberjack News: KHSU public radio faces possible defunding

Lumberjack News: Q & A with new dean Lisa Bond-Maupin

Lumberjack News: HSU takes back the night

Lumberjack News: Remembering the 2014 Spring Preview bus crash

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Lumberjack News: HSU faces $6 million budget deficit

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Lumberjack News: HSU’s head is in the clouds

Lumberjack News: Attempted murder on the plaza

Lumberjack News: HSU graduate making a name for himself

Lumberjack News: Trump watch (March 29 to April 4)

Lumberjack News: This week in news (March 29 to April 4)

Lumberjack News: Celebrating Culture and Success at the HSU Big Time

Lumberjack News: HSU’s head is in the clouds

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lumberjack News: HSU faces $6 million budget deficit

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Lumberjack News: Drink the Tap Water, Just Don’t Eat the Paint

Lumberjack News: Word on the street: How do you feel about the tuition increase?

Lumberjack News: Inmates fates deteriorates

Lumberjack News: The vote is in, tuition goes up!

Lumberjack News: Trump Watch (March 22 to March 28)

Lumberjack News: This week in news (March 22 to March 28)

Lumberjack News: Slippery slopes at the Arcata Community Forest Run

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lumberjack News: Trump watch (March 15 to March 22)

Lumberjack News: This week in news (March 15 to March 21)

Lumberjack News: Uber Now Available in Arcata!

Lumberjack News: Do you know your rights?

Lumberjack News: Theatre Arts retrofit postponed – again

Lumberjack News: College of the Redwoods Iranian student suing school

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lumberjack News: CSU Board of Trustees Open Sessions, broadcast live now.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Lumberjack News: Berning Green

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Lumberjack News: Arcata women’s rally ends early as man is taken into custody by police

Lumberjack News: HSU student affected by Trump Ban

Lumberjack News: Trump watch (March 1 to March 7)

Lumberjack News: Underrepresented minority groups in science

Lumberjack News: Lumberjacks continue to spread peace

Lumberjack News: Jill Stein returns to HSU

Lumberjack News: It started with a pitch

Lumberjack News: The people’s university

Lumberjack News: This week in news (March 1 to March 7)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Lumberjack News: Students walk out

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lumberjack News: Ashes to ashes

Lumberjack News: Students are Still Going to Class When They are Sick

Lumberjack News: Trump Watch (Feb. 22 to Feb. 28)

Lumberjack News: Arcata city council to discuss becoming sanctuary

Lumberjack News: This week in news (Feb. 22 to Feb. 28)

Lumberjack News: Tax season is here for free

Lumberjack News: Jill Stein is coming to HSU

Lumberjack News: Humboldt gets its first Startup

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017

Lumberjack News: Housing sees more open beds

Lumberjack News: Tuition increase could be stopped by new bill

Lumberjack News: This week in news (Feb. 15 to Feb. 22)

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