Humboldt: Going Down!

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unofficial / 11:56 p.m.
Engine 8216 released by HCSO from Park Road call, returning to quarters
unofficial / 11:47 p.m.
McKinleyville medical aid call, staging required pending HCSO’s arrival, 2000 block Park Road, Arcata Amb, Engine 8216 and HCSO all responding Code 3
Going Down @ 9:30 p.m.
At 5:53 p.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a Assault With A Deadly Weapon call for 5000 BLOCK OF Block of GREENWOOD HEIGHTS DR. Link here.
Going Down @ 7:35 p.m.
At 5:19 p.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a Death Investigation call for 1700 BLOCK OF Block of HENRY LN. Link here.
Going Down @ 7:30 p.m.
At 6:13 p.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a Grand Theft call for 2700 BLOCK OF Block of CENTRAL AVE. Link here.
Going Down @ 3:30 p.m.
At 1:44 p.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a Threats Report call for 5700 BLOCK OF Block of STATE HWY 200 BLOCK OF. Link here.
Going Down @ 7:25 a.m.
At 10:14 a.m. Wednesday, Eureka Police Department received a BURGLARY IN PROGRESS call for 500 BLOCK OF Block of N ST. Link here.
Going Down @ 5:30 a.m.
At 1:05 a.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a Vehicle Pursuit call for ALLIANCE RD/SPEAR AVE. Link here.
Going Down @ 5:10 a.m.
At 3:39 a.m., Arcata Police Department received a BURGLARY IN PROGRESS call for 100 BLOCK OF Block of H ST. Link here.
Going Down @ 3:10 a.m.
At 1:07 a.m., Arcata Police Department received a VEHICLE PURSUIT call for 400 BLOCK OF Block of BAYSIDE CT. Link here.
unofficial / 1:51 a.m.
Arcata ambulance being dispatched to L K Wood and California for an evaluation of the suspect
unofficial / 1:48 a.m.
Code 4, the frequency is clear and a deputy is requesting an ambulance Code 2 [urgent, but no siren or red lights]
unofficial / 1:45 a.m.
[last location I heard was L K Wood near Sunset]
unofficial / 1:44 a.m.
Officers are now in foot pursuit of the driver… he’s now fighting with the ofcrs… [you’re going from kind of bad to WAY worse, guy)
unofficial / 1:42 a.m.
Now n/bound on Bayview at 12th… w/b on 12th St… at Spring St now about 5 [five] mph.. n/bound on Union again… w/bound on 14th.. northbound on B Street, approx 40 mph and he’s swerving around.. n/b on L K Wood… his door is opening… approaching Sunset… n/b L K Wood, driver’s door is still open…
unofficial / 1:36 a.m.
Now they’re eastbound on Spear, about 20 mph now… s/bound on Alliance 40 mph… passing 27th St… passing Stromberg, swerving in and out of the lanes, still about 40 mph… now 60 mph, passing below the high school… blowing lots of stop signs (d’uh)… southbound on K Street… e/bound on Samoa Blvd, 30 mph… he’s stopped at H Street & Samoa…. now going 60 mph, approaching the Samoa roundabout… and turned northbound on Union St…
unofficial / 1:30 a.m.
now w/bound on Giuntoli, faster again, no traffic, passing the Chevron, continuing westbound on Giuntoli at the first roundabout.. passing over 101, and continuing westbound onto Janes Rd, 30 mph… approaching the hospital, driving in the turn lane.. southbound in the northbound lanes about 25 mph
unofficial / 1:27 a.m.
The guy’s again n/bound on L K Wood passing 24th St, road is clear, no traffic… speed now 20 mph passing… now wrong way again on L K Wood southbound, driving erratically approaching St Louis… now n/bound on West End Road, road is wet and no traffic… slowed to 20/25 mph… just turned off headlights…
unofficial / 1:22 a.m.
CHP is setting up a spike strip, susp was trying to ram police cars [didn’t say if he hit anybody]… he’s now stopping at 11th Street… and moving again n/bound on Union… w/bound on 14th Street
unofficial / 1:19 a.m.
now e/bound on 9th Street… s/b on H Street… (Arcata PD and HCSO both in pursuit)… s/b on F Street… west on 9th… s/b on I Street passing 7th… now e/bound Samoa Blvd passing H Street… turned back at the roundabout, back westbound on Samoa… and north on F Street, … going into Safeway parking lot
unofficial / 1:14 a.m.
Suspect now e/b on Foster Ave….now s/b on H Street again, 40 mph…
unofficial / 1:12 a.m.
Veh is now w/b on Forest Ave from Combs Ct… and back to L K Wood going southbound, susp on wrong side of street… westbound on Sunset, no traffic in area… now going 40 mph still on Sunset
unofficial / 1:09 a.m.
Deputy in pursuit again, Arcata PD is in front of him, back on L K Wood, now northbound… almost hit the APD car, continuing northbound.. now e/bound on Diamond Drive
unofficial / 1:07 a.m.
In Arcata, HCSO deputy in pursuit of a veh, high rate of speed, on St Louis Street…. now on L K Wood passing Sunset, roads are wet, no traffic… w/bound on 15th St…. on H Street northbound wrong-way, so deputy is terminating the pursuit; deputies in the area looking…

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