Humboldt: Going Down!

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unofficial / 10:47 p.m.

Re 101 at 299, Arcata ambulance is enroute to hosp with the bicyclist, Engine 8217 and Chief 8201 clear from scene, CHP supervisor reports traffic has been backing up but scene will be cleared shortly

unofficial / 10:35 p.m.

ARF Chief 8202 at scene, correct location is s/bound 101 just north of the 299 offramp; both engines arriving at scene, 2 CHP units also at scene

unofficial / 10:29 p.m.

Arcata t/c veh vs bicyclist, southbound 101 either north or south of hwy 299 per separate callers; for Arcata Fire all-call and Arc Ambulance; CHP also responding; it may be in the 101 construction area; Arcata Engines 8215 & 8217, chiefs 8201 and 8202

unofficial / 10:03 p.m.

SAM Chief 8601 checking the area; dispatcher replies that the caller “gave a wide range of possible areas for the fire”

unofficial / 10 p.m.

Samoa poss debris fire, somewhere in area of the Boat Ramp & Bunker Rd; caller isn’t familiar with the area and that’s their best guess; for Samoa FD… Engine 8614 responding

unofficial / 8:01 p.m.

HumBayFire is now canceling Loleta Fire WT 7556, they’re not required

unofficial / 7:54 p.m.

Elk River area, HumBayFire requesting a mutual aid water tender from Loleta FD to a possible structure fire, 8100 block of Elk River Road; 7500 series WT is responding

Going Down @ 1:16 p.m.

Friend o’ the LoCO Lilach Assayag spotted a troupe of otters doing otter things in the bay near King Salmon this afternoon. Delightful little shitheads, ain’t they?

Apparently they’ve taken to the bay. Assayag tells us that she saw the same squad — or one suspiciously like it — down by Elk River the other day.

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