Humboldt: Going Down!

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Going Down @ 9:35 p.m.

Monday evening update from management of the Six Rivers Lightning Complex:

Acreage for the Six Rivers Lightning Complex is currently 10,138 with 0% containment. Resources are in place around the fire areas laying hose, prepping in anticipation of fire movement and directly fighting the fire whenever possible. Dozers have been creating fire breaks and helicopters have been able to support firefighters on the ground in areas where there was visibility. Firefighters will work through the night to provide fire protection. Currently there are 1,125 people assigned to this incident.
Going Down @ 3:30 p.m.

Redwood Acres Fairgrounds announced Tuesday that all its scheduled events would be canceled for the foreseeable future while the space is utilized by Cal Fire as an emergency fire camp. 

“[The] public is not allowed on grounds. Thank you for understanding,” fairgrounds officials wrote on social media. 

Going Down @ 3:08 p.m.

Vegetation fire on the side of the highway north of Fortuna. Dispatch reports, via scanner, that the fire is currently 30x30 feet and involves a semi truck. Loleta Fire also responding. There’s a CHP dispatch record of the incident here. (UPDATE: North Coast News is on the scene. The fire appears to be vanquished.)

Going Down @ 11:32 a.m.

Outsiders reading about Humboldt alert! A writer working for Al Jazeera today published a nice long read chronicling the Wiyot Tribe’s efforts to reclaim land and culture, mainly told by tribal elder Cheryl Seidner. If you’ve been looking for an easy entry to better understand the Wiyot story, the piece provides a quickly digestible overview of important events, from the 1860 massacre to the recent return of Tuluwat Island and more.

Give it a read here.

Going Down @ 11:29 a.m.

Redheaded Blackbelt has noted that a backhoe has caught fire at the Scotia Mill. The fire is only impacted the machinery and is now extinguished, according to scanner traffic.

Going Down @ 11 a.m.

The Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission is on the hunt for a “small house in the redwoods” to act as a set in a major motion picture that will film locally soon. 

A “modest two-bedroom home with a grass yard surrounded or end of cul-de-sac on narrow driveway that goes down into the house,” kinda like the one pictured above, would be ideal. 

If you think your house should be a star email with some exterior and interior photos for a chance at fame.

Going Down @ 7:46 a.m.

A group of Miwok firefighters battling the Six Rivers Lightning Complex lost their transport vehicles to fire and had to hike out to safety. 

Read the story from the American Red Cross, Gold Country Division. Hat tip to our friends at the Two Rivers Tribune for finding this story.

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