Humboldt: Going Down!

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Going Down @ 3:37 p.m.

Photo: Shiloh Croy-Baker

Gah! If you have the misfortune of being in hot-as-balls Redway today — where we are told it is approaching 110°! — at least swing by the corner of Rusk and Redway Drive where some of the saintly folks from the Mateel Community Center are handing out free snow cones.

Get em’ while they’re not hot! -AG 

Going Down @ 2:10 p.m.

The Eureka that Angelenos imagine

Sigh. The outside world has again been reminded that, come summertime, Humboldt is a comparatively frigid paradise compared to the rest of our melting state.

This time the Los Angeles Times is the narc. In a piece published over the holiday weekend headlined “This is a Cold Oasis in California on the Hottest Weekend of the Year,” the Times warns potential Humboldt-trekking readers to “beware of ‘fogburn” before delving a bit into local culture and the science that allows our coast to remain so pleasantly chilly.

Read the latest article crushing your dream of owning a home by clicking here. -AG

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