Humboldt: Going Down!

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todd / 6:19 p.m.

Primary and secondary search of the first and second floor is all clear. Utilities are secure. Loleta Fire is unable to respond for the move up and cover of Eureka. Blue Lake Fire is now being requested for coverage. (*correction on the earlier post - Chief 8102 is the IC)

todd / 6:12 p.m.

B Street IC is requesting EPD to the scene for crowd control. Per the incident safety “expedite EPD, they are hostile”. EPD is arriving on scene

todd / 6:10 p.m.

Arcata Fire is sending an engine to the B Street incident. Samoa and Loleta Fire are being dispatched for move up and cover assignments in Eureka. All Humboldt Bay Fire resources are assigned to the B Street incident. Arcata Fire is now dispatching their McKinleyville engine to a separate medical aid in the Samoa Area

todd / 6:04 p.m.

Battalion 8202 on scene assuming “B Street IC” with a two story wood frame residence with heavy fire from the alpha side 2nd floor. This will be an offensive fire with primary objective of holding fire to the second floor, requesting a second alarm

todd / 6:02 p.m.

Eureka Structure Fire: Multiple reports of a fully involved structure in the 1300 block of B St and a bystander attempting to extinguish with a garden hose; Humboldt Bay Fire responding

todd / 5:08 p.m.

Per Arcata Chief 8202, this is a burn pile only. One engine is continuing, the balance has been canceled

todd / 5:06 p.m.

Arcata Structure Fire: Highway 101 at Giuntoli for a report of a barn on fire in the field; For Arcata Fire all call, Blue Lake Fire, Westhaven Fire with Humboldt Bay Fire on order; First unit at scene will be the “Barn IC”; Arcata Fire units responding are reporting a header of dark black smoke visible from their location

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