HAZMAT Incidents / Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024 @ 4:23 p.m.
Vapor Incident in Fortuna
A new hazardous materials incident involving vapor has been reported to the California Office of Emergency Services.
According to a report published by the office, the incident took place at or near merchant/business in Fortuna at around 2 p.m. today.
About 14 Lbs.s of a substance described as “chlorine gas” were released to the environment, according to the person who called in the report.
Here’s the description of the incident that was recorded by the Office of Emergency Services:
Per reporting party "At 1400 hours at the water well facility a safety cylinder's lead seal ruptured resulting in the release of 14 pounds of chlorine gas in to the atmosphere. The release was stopped and contained at 1530 hours. No waterways were impacted. No fires, injuries, fatalities or evacuations were reported at this time."
This was the second hazardous materials incident recorded by the Office of Emergency Services in the Fortuna area this year and the first vapor spill in the county overall.