HAZMAT Incidents / Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024 @ 8:50 a.m.
Petroleum Incident in Eureka
A new hazardous materials incident involving petroleum has been reported to the California Office of Emergency Services.
According to a report published by the office, the incident took place at or near a field office in Eureka at around 4 a.m. yesterday.
About 100 gallons of a substance described as “gasoline” were released to the environment, according to the person who called in the report.
Here’s the description of the incident that was recorded by the Office of Emergency Services:
4. Burnt pastic - unknown.
some one broken into a vehical cage , causeing 6 vehicles to burn and 2 to partially burn. 3 trucks , 2 suvs and one hybred car, Storm drains , lead to the bay , fire used water to suppress. , unknown at this time fo clean up
This was the first hazardous materials incident recorded by the Office of Emergency Services in the Eureka area this year and the second petroleum spill in the county overall.