Carmela's Mexican Restaurant Arcata
1288 G St, Arcata
Monday, Nov. 29, 2021 (3 violations)
Routine Inspection
02. Food safety certification, food handler card compliance
Conditions Observed: No food handler cards available for review today. All employees shall have a current California Food Handler’s Card on file at the facility. As discussed during the inspection, obtain food handler cards and make available for review at the next inspection.

“Food facilities that prepare, handle, or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous food, shall have an owner or employee who has passed an aproved food safety certification examination. Food handlers that prepare, handle, or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous food, shall obtain a valid Food Handler Card within 30 days after date of hire. (113947.1-113947.5, 113948)”
22. Hot and Cold Water Available
Conditions Observed: Measured hot water at the 3-part sink to be 115 F. Adjust/service/repair to deliver hot water at 120 F or greater.

“An adequate, protected, pressurized, approved potable supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 120F when measured from the faucet. The temperature of water provided to handwashing facilities shall be at least 100F. Handwashing facilities equipped with non-adjustable faucets shall have their temperature set between 100F and 108F. Hot water shall be provided at the food preparation sink and janitorial sink. (113953(c), 114099.2(b), 114163(a)(3), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195)”
28. Food separated and protected.
Conditions Observed: Observed containers of shrimp and sliced onions and peppers lacked a cover. Keep foods covered to prevent contamination.

“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”
Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021 (0 violations)

“Zero violations! Now that's how you keep 'em coming back for more! I'll be sending all my human friends to Carmela's Mexican Restaurant Arcata! Yum yum!!”
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 (5 violations)
Routine Inspection
06. Hands clean and properly washed; gloves used properly.
Conditions Observed: Observed Cook add meat to the grill using their bare hand, brush hand against a wiping cloths, and then tortillas to the grill. Inspector intervened and directed Cook to wash their hands. Observed Cook wash their hands at the middle bin of the 3-part sink. Train all staff to wash hands after handling raw meats and to wash hands at a designated handwashing sink. This violation requires a reinspection on/after 8/2/21.

“Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with nonprepackaged food that is in ready to eat form. Whenever gloves are worn, they shall be changed, replaced, or washed as often as handwashing is required. Single-use gloves shall not be washed. Employees shall wash their hands in the following situations: immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with nonprepackaged food, clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use food containers and utensils; after touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean exposed portions of arms; after using the toilet room; after caring for or handling any animal; after coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating or drinking; after handling soiled equipment or utensils; during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; when switching from working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat foods; before initially donning gloves for working with food; before dispensing or serving food handling clean tableware and serving utensils in the food service area; after engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. (113952, 113953.3, 113953.4, 113961, 113968, 113973)”
07. Adequate handwash facilities supplied and accessible.
Conditions Observed: Observed water pitcher in handwashing sink and ice scoop under the pump soap. Owner removed pitcher and scoop - COS. Keep handwashing sink empty and unobstructed at all times.

“Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms, food preparation, and warewashing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be clean, unobstructed, and accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities shall be provided with soap and sanitary single use towels in approved dispensers. Dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. A handwashing facility shall not be used for purposes other than handwashing. (113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f))”
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.
Conditions Observed: Measured foods in the left walkin to be above 50 F (cut tomato, 50.1 F; shell egg, 51 F). Adjust/service/repair to cold-hold PHF at 41 F or below. As discussed during the Inspection, provide an addittional thermometer for this walkin. This violation requires a reinspection on/after 8/2/21.

“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”
37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.
Conditions Observed: Observed handle of tongs resting on top of raw meat. Inspector intervened and requested tongs be brought to the 3-part sink. Cook brought tongs to the warewash and provided clean tongs -COS. Keep handles up and out food.

“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”
45. Floor, walls, and ceilings: built, maintained, clean.
Conditions Observed: Observed an approximately 10 by 12 inch gap in wall adjacent to water heater closet. Repair wall to eliminate gap. Maintain walls to keep facility vermin proof.

“Food facilities shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. The walls and ceiling shall be smooth, durable, nonabsorbent, and easily cleanable. Flooring and base coving shall be smooth, durable, and made of approved nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Floor surfaces shall be coved at the juncture of the floor and wall with a 3/8 inch minimum radius and shall extend up the wall at least 4 inches. (114143(d), 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272)”
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 (2 violations)
Routine Inspection
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.
Conditions Observed: Measured minor temperature violations in the 3-door fridge at the bar (juice, 45: mango, 43 F). Mango was discarded. Adjust/service/repair to cold-hold at 41 F or below.

“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”
36. Equipment / Utensils approved; installed, clean, good repair, capacity.
Conditions Observed: Observed excessive build-up on bottom of 3-door fridge at the bar. Operator began cleaning - thank you. Remove build-up; clean and sanitize impacted surfaces.

“Utensils and equipment shall be kept fully operative and in good repair. All new and replacement equipment shall be properly installed and be certified or classified for sanitation by an ANSI accredited certification program. Electrical appliances must meet UL standards. Single-use articles shall not allow migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food. Multi-use food contact surfaces must be smooth, free of breaks, chips, and similar imperfections; free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; finished to have smooth welds and joints; be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Unless specified, wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface. Unless specified, copper and copper alloys such as brass may not be used in contact with a food that has a pH below six or for a fitting between a backflow preventer and a carbonator. Beverage tubing and cold-plate beverage cooling devices cannot be installed in contact with stored ice intended to be used as food. Equipment that is not movable must be installed to allow for cleaning in place. Cutting or piercing parts of can openers must be readily removable. Facilities that wash, rinse, soak, thaw, or similarly prepare foods shall be provided with a approved food preparation sink. Reservoirs that supply water to produce foggers must be cleaned and maintained. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced or replaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)”
Thursday, July 9, 2020 (0 violations)
Billable Reinspection

“Both patrons and the health department agree! This place sets the standard for Humboldt food facility cleanliness! All hail Carmela's Mexican Restaurant Arcata!!”
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 (1 violation)
10. Proper cooling methods.
Conditions Observed: Measured pinto beans in 3 plastic white buckets to be above 41 F. Pinto beans were made yesterday. Per Owner, pinto beans will be discarded and a fresh batch prepared for service today. See notes below.

“After heating, potentially hazardous foods shall be rapidly cooled from 135F to 70F within 2 hours, and then from 70F to 41F within 4 hours. Potentially hazardous foods prepared from ambient temperature ingredients must be cooled to below 41F within 4 hours. Cooling shall be facilitated by one or more of the following methods: in shallow pans, separating food into smaller portions, adding ice as an ingredient, using an ice bath and stirring frequently, using an ice paddle, using rapid cooling equipment, or using containers that facilitate heat transfer. (114002, 114002.1)”
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 (5 violations)
Routine Inspection
10. Proper cooling methods.
Conditions Observed: Measured a bucket of pinto beans in the walkin to be 48F. Per Cook, beans were made yesterday. Beans were brought to the prep sink to be discarded. Reviewed rapid cooling. Revise cooling method to ensure that beans reach 41 F before being transferred to buckets. This violation requires a reinspection on 6/30/2020. Provide your Inspector with a cooling procedure prior to the reinspection on 6/30/2020.

“After heating, potentially hazardous foods shall be rapidly cooled from 135F to 70F within 2 hours, and then from 70F to 41F within 4 hours. Potentially hazardous foods prepared from ambient temperature ingredients must be cooled to below 41F within 4 hours. Cooling shall be facilitated by one or more of the following methods: in shallow pans, separating food into smaller portions, adding ice as an ingredient, using an ice bath and stirring frequently, using an ice paddle, using rapid cooling equipment, or using containers that facilitate heat transfer. (114002, 114002.1)”
14. Food in good condition; safe and unadulterated.
Conditions Observed: Observed bucket used for transport ice previously contained rinse aid (rinse label was printed on bucket). A container that previously held poisonous or toxic substances shall not be use to store or transport food. Bucket was brought to dish pit to be discarded or otherwise appropriately reused. Use a food-grade container to transport ice.

“Food shall be produced, prepared, stored, transported, and served so as to be free from adulteration and spoilage. Employees shall not commit any act that may cause the contamination or adulteration of food or food contact surfaces. Containers previously used to store poisonous or toxic materials shall not be used to store food, utensils, or single use articles. Utensils used for tasting shall be discarded or washed, rinsed, and sanitized between tastings. Ice used as a medium for cooling food and beverages shall not be offered for consumption. Food shall be inspected upon receipt and prior to any use, storage, or resale. Shell eggs shall be received clean, sound, and not exceed restricted tolerances for US Consumer Grade B Standards. (113967, 113976, 113980, 113982, 113988, 113990, 114035, 114041(a), 114254.3)”
25. Person in charge present and performs duties.
Conditions Observed: Upon arrival, the Inspector was informed there was no Person-In-Charge today as the Owner was not present. Desginate a Person-In-Charge for each shift. See regulation description above.

“A Person in Charge (PIC) shall be present at the food facility during all hours of operation. The PIC shall ensure that persons unecessary to the food facility operation shall not be allowed in food preparation, food storage, or warewashing areas. The PIC shall ensure that consumers are notified that clean tableware is to be used when they return to self-service areas such as salad bars and buffets. (113945, 113945.1, 113984.1, 114075(c))”
36. Equipment / Utensils approved; installed, clean, good repair, capacity.
Conditions Observed: Observed container used to reheat rice to be in poor condition as if the container had partially burned. Cook discarded container and will reheat rice in a food grade container that is in good conditon. Use as NSF appproved utensil that is safe for high heat.

“Utensils and equipment shall be kept fully operative and in good repair. All new and replacement equipment shall be properly installed and be certified or classified for sanitation by an ANSI accredited certification program. Electrical appliances must meet UL standards. Single-use articles shall not allow migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food. Multi-use food contact surfaces must be smooth, free of breaks, chips, and similar imperfections; free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; finished to have smooth welds and joints; be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Unless specified, wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface. Unless specified, copper and copper alloys such as brass may not be used in contact with a food that has a pH below six or for a fitting between a backflow preventer and a carbonator. Beverage tubing and cold-plate beverage cooling devices cannot be installed in contact with stored ice intended to be used as food. Equipment that is not movable must be installed to allow for cleaning in place. Cutting or piercing parts of can openers must be readily removable. Facilities that wash, rinse, soak, thaw, or similarly prepare foods shall be provided with a approved food preparation sink. Reservoirs that supply water to produce foggers must be cleaned and maintained. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced or replaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)”
39. Thermometers provided and accurate.
Conditions Observed: No metal stem thermometer available today. Obtain an NSF approved metal thermometer. You must have a thermometer to confirm foods have cooled correctly.

“An accurate easily readable metal probe thermometer suitable for measuring temperature of food shall be available to the food handler. Thermometers shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications as necessary to ensure their accuracy. A thermometer +/- 2 degrees F shall be provided for all refrigerators, hot and cold holding units, and high temperature warewashing machines. (114157, 114159)”
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020 (0 violations)

“Both patrons and the health department agree! This place sets the standard for Humboldt food facility cleanliness! All hail Carmela's Mexican Restaurant Arcata!!”
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020 (2 violations)
Routine Inspection
15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.
Conditions Observed: Observed food debris on a few bowls and plates. Showed observations to Operator. Remove food debris prior to washing. Maintain all dishes to be clean to the sight and clean to the touch. Observed minor debris on divider in ice machine. Remove build-up; clean and sanitize.

“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”
34. Non-food-contact surfaces clean.
Conditions Observed: Observed excessive build-up on front of lids for bulk bins and on seam of warmer (below chips by the grill). Remove build-up; clean and sanitize.

“Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. (114115(b))”
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020 (3 violations)
Routine Inspection
10. Proper cooling methods.
Conditions Observed: Measured pinto beans to be 43 to 48 F. Per Operator, beans were made yesterday. Pinto beans were discarded. Reviewed rapid cooling techniques with staff (correct use of ice paddles, ice bath, stirring, etc). Measure cooling foods often. Per Manager, facility will cool beans using an ice bath. This violation requires a reinspection on/after 1/17/2020.

“After heating, potentially hazardous foods shall be rapidly cooled from 135F to 70F within 2 hours, and then from 70F to 41F within 4 hours. Potentially hazardous foods prepared from ambient temperature ingredients must be cooled to below 41F within 4 hours. Cooling shall be facilitated by one or more of the following methods: in shallow pans, separating food into smaller portions, adding ice as an ingredient, using an ice bath and stirring frequently, using an ice paddle, using rapid cooling equipment, or using containers that facilitate heat transfer. (114002, 114002.1)”
15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.
Conditions Observed: Observed food debris on a few bowls and plates. Showed observations to Operator. Remove food debris prior to washing. Maintain all dishes to be clean to the sight and clean to the touch. Observed minor debris on divider in ice machine. Remove build-up; clean and sanitize.

“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”
34. Non-food-contact surfaces clean.
Conditions Observed: Observed excessive build-up on front of lids for bulk bins and on seam of warmer (below chips by the grill). Remove build-up; clean and sanitize.

“Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. (114115(b))”
Monday, Sept. 9, 2019 (0 violations)

“Zero violations! Now that's how you keep 'em coming back for more! I'll be sending all my human friends to Carmela's Mexican Restaurant Arcata! Yum yum!!”
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019 (6 violations)
Routine Inspection
06. Hands clean and properly washed; gloves used properly.
Conditions Observed: Observed Cook add lettuce and cheese to foods using their bare hands. Minimize bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods. Use a clean utensil to add ready-to-eat foods to orders. No paper towels at first bin of two-part sink at dishwasher. Keep paper towels stocked at all times.

“Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with nonprepackaged food that is in ready to eat form. Whenever gloves are worn, they shall be changed, replaced, or washed as often as handwashing is required. Single-use gloves shall not be washed. Employees shall wash their hands in the following situations: immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with nonprepackaged food, clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use food containers and utensils; after touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean exposed portions of arms; after using the toilet room; after caring for or handling any animal; after coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating or drinking; after handling soiled equipment or utensils; during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; when switching from working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat foods; before initially donning gloves for working with food; before dispensing or serving food handling clean tableware and serving utensils in the food service area; after engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. (113952, 113953.3, 113953.4, 113961, 113968, 113973)”
07. Adequate handwash facilities supplied and accessible.
Conditions Observed: Observed water pitcher in handwashing sink. Keep handwashing sink empty and unobstructed at all times. The handwashing sink is for handwashing only. No paper towels at first bin of two-part spray sink. Keep paper towels stocked at all times.

“Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms, food preparation, and warewashing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be clean, unobstructed, and accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities shall be provided with soap and sanitary single use towels in approved dispensers. Dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. A handwashing facility shall not be used for purposes other than handwashing. (113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f))”
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.
Conditions Observed: Measured sliced pineapple at the bar to be 54 F. Cold-hold sliced fruits at 41 F or below.

“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”
28. Food separated and protected.
Conditions Observed: Observed a container of raw chicken above chopped veggies in the bottom of the deli prep. Observed a case of eggs above whole peppers in the walkin. Store chicken and eggs below produce. Observed lids on bulk bean and flour bins to be difficult to close; observed lid on bulk rice container to be cracked. Repair or replace with a tightly fitting lid.

“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”
39. Thermometers provided and accurate.
Conditions Observed: No thermometer in the deli prep today. Provide a thermometer for this unit. COS. Cook found the thermometer.

“An accurate easily readable metal probe thermometer suitable for measuring temperature of food shall be available to the food handler. Thermometers shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications as necessary to ensure their accuracy. A thermometer +/- 2 degrees F shall be provided for all refrigerators, hot and cold holding units, and high temperature warewashing machines. (114157, 114159)”
44. Premises; personal/cleaning items; vermin-proofing.
Conditions Observed: Observed the back storage area to be congested. Observed build-up on surfaces throughout the facility. Observed bugs in remaining flour in nearly empty bin. Maintain a clean and tidy facility. Remove items no longer in use.

“All premises of a food facility shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. The premise of a food facility shall be free of litter and items unnecessary to the operation of the facility. Areas designated for employees to eat and drink shall be located so that food, clean equipent and utensils, linens, and single-use articles are protected from contamination. Personal items shall be stored in a designated area to prevent contamination of food or utensils. Food prep sinks, warewashing sinks, and handwashing sinks shall not be used for the cleaning or maintenance of tools or cleaning supplies or to dispose of mop water and similar liquid wastes. A dedicated janitorial sink with a drain shall be provided and conveniently located. A separate room, area, or cabinet shall be provided for cleaning supplies. The facility shall be kept vermin proof. Insect electrocution devices shall retain the insect within the device and shall not be located over food or utensil handling areas. (114123, 114143(a, b), 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282)”
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 (6 violations)
Routine Inspection
07. Adequate handwash facilities supplied and accessible.
Conditions Observed: Observed a water pitcher in the handwash sink. This sink is used to fill water pitchers/glasses. You must have a designated handwashing sink that is empty, unobstructed, and stocked with pump soap and paper towels at all times. Use this sink for handwashing only or install a handwashing sink.

“Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms, food preparation, and warewashing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be clean, unobstructed, and accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities shall be provided with soap and sanitary single use towels in approved dispensers. Dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. A handwashing facility shall not be used for purposes other than handwashing. (113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f))”
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.
Conditions Observed: Measured food on the left side of the steam table to be below 135 F (chicken in red sauce, 117 F; pinto beans, 124 F). Reviewed correct reheating for hot holding with the Operator. Operator returned pinto beans to grill and reheated the chicken on the stove. Measured chicken at the end of the inspection to 187. COS. Train all staff in correct reheating for hot holding. Measure foods before placing in the steam table to confirm temperatures are correct (e.g., 165 for foods made ahead). Measured tomato in the left walkin to be 47 F; measured egg whites to be 45 F. Adjust/service/repair to coll-hold foods at 41 F.

“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”
15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.
Conditions Observed: Observed food debris on spatulas in container of water next to the grill.. Wash, rinse, and sanitize utensils after use or every four hours. Keep utensil on a clean food contact surface. Observed build-up on scoop in pinto bean bin. Remove scoop; wash, rinse, and sanitize. All utensils shall be clean to the sight and clean to the touch. Observed squeeze bottle resting on top of shredded cheese Do not do this. Keep squeeze bottle in fridge at or below 41 F.

“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”
28. Food separated and protected.
Conditions Observed: Observed a container of raw chicken on a box of avocados. Operator moved chicken to a separate shelf. COS. Store raw meats below or away from ready-to-eat foods. Observed tray of tortillas on drainboard below dishwashing chemicals. Keep tortillas away from chemicals.

“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”
36. Equipment / Utensils approved; installed, clean, good repair, capacity.
Conditions Observed: Observed build-up on bulk container of dried beans. Remove build-up; clean and sanitize.

“Utensils and equipment shall be kept fully operative and in good repair. All new and replacement equipment shall be properly installed and be certified or classified for sanitation by an ANSI accredited certification program. Electrical appliances must meet UL standards. Single-use articles shall not allow migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food. Multi-use food contact surfaces must be smooth, free of breaks, chips, and similar imperfections; free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; finished to have smooth welds and joints; be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Unless specified, wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface. Unless specified, copper and copper alloys such as brass may not be used in contact with a food that has a pH below six or for a fitting between a backflow preventer and a carbonator. Beverage tubing and cold-plate beverage cooling devices cannot be installed in contact with stored ice intended to be used as food. Equipment that is not movable must be installed to allow for cleaning in place. Cutting or piercing parts of can openers must be readily removable. Facilities that wash, rinse, soak, thaw, or similarly prepare foods shall be provided with a approved food preparation sink. Reservoirs that supply water to produce foggers must be cleaned and maintained. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced or replaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)”
39. Thermometers provided and accurate.
Conditions Observed: Unable to locate a thermometer in the true deli prep and in the pepsi cooler. Provide a thermometer for these units.

“An accurate easily readable metal probe thermometer suitable for measuring temperature of food shall be available to the food handler. Thermometers shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications as necessary to ensure their accuracy. A thermometer +/- 2 degrees F shall be provided for all refrigerators, hot and cold holding units, and high temperature warewashing machines. (114157, 114159)”