Dutch Bros Coffee - 5th & N

430 N St, Eureka

Routine Inspection
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.

Conditions Observed: Measured apple juice 54F in bus tub with fruit purees held out of temperature control. Per employees, the bus tub is used for an ice bath, however all of the ice had melted. Maintain ice and fully submerge juice and fruit purees in the ice bath to maintain cold temperatures at or below 41F at all times. Employee replenished ice and put bus tub into the walk-in refrigerator to cool impacted juice and purees. This major violation was corrected.


“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”

Routine Inspection


“Zero violations! Now that's how you keep 'em coming back for more! I'll be sending all my human friends to Dutch Bros Coffee - 5th & N! Yum yum!!”

Routine Inspection


“Take a victory lap, Dutch Bros Coffee - 5th & N! In the race that is maintaining a clean and healthy establishment you've earned Roachy's gold medal! Eat here today, everyone!!”

Routine Inspection
22. Hot and Cold Water Available

Conditions Observed: Hot water measured 117.5F at 3 compartment sink. Adjust/repair/replace water heater to provide hot water at or above 120F at all mixing faucets at all times.


“An adequate, protected, pressurized, approved potable supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 120F when measured from the faucet. The temperature of water provided to handwashing facilities shall be at least 100F. Handwashing facilities equipped with non-adjustable faucets shall have their temperature set between 100F and 108F. Hot water shall be provided at the food preparation sink and janitorial sink. (113953(c), 114099.2(b), 114163(a)(3), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195)”

24. No rodents, insects, birds, or animals.

Conditions Observed: Observed several flies in the facility today. Increase pest control and cleaning efforts to remove flies from the facility. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent entrance or harborage of insects.


“A food facility shall be kept free of vermin. Live animals are prohibited from food facilities except as specified in 114259.5. Food facility employees shall not care for or handle animals that may be present in the food facility. Food facility employees are required to wash their hands after handling or caring for fish in an aquarium and/or shellfish, or crustacea, in display tanks and as specified in 114259.4. (114259.1, 114259.4, 114259.5)”

28. Food separated and protected.

Conditions Observed: Observed uncovered ice bin stored in 3rd compartment of 3 compartment sink. Per manager, this is temporary until the remodel of the facility. Provide a cover for the ice bin to protect ice from cross contamination. Post a procedure for employees instructing them to clean and sanitize all basins of the 3 compartment sink prior to warewashing.


“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”

37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.

Conditions Observed: Observed single-use items (beverage lids) stored less than 24 inches from the handwash sink. Install a splash guard on the handwash sink or move the single-use items to a sanitary location to prevent cross-contamination from handwashing.


“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”

Routine Inspection
37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.

Conditions Observed: Observed paper cups stored in bulk sugar bin. Obtain a utensil with a handle and store with the handle facing up out of contact with sugar to protect from cross-contamination. Person in charge discarded paper cups from bulk sugar bin. This minor violation was corrected on site, thank you.


“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”

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