El Cora Mexican Food
MFF- Trailer
456 Briceland RD, Redway
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021 (3 violations)
Routine Inspection
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.
Conditions Observed: Measured all foods in the steam table to be below 135 F. Per Owner, MFF opened today around 11. Foods were reheated on the flat top. Measured hot held foods to be at or above 135 at the end of the inspection. COS. Revise procedure to keep foods above 135 F at all times. Measured foods in the upright fridge to be between 46 F and 52 F (mayo, 46 F; cheese, 48 F, salsa 49 F, sour cream 52 F). Observed internal thermometer read 60 F; observed integral thermometer read 46 F. Discussed troubleshooting (e.g., insufficient coolant). Adjust/service/repair to cold-hold PHF at 41 F or below. Provide proof of correction prior to 11/1/21 to avoid a reinspection. Keep foods out of the temperature danger zone (41 to 135 F).

“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”
22. Hot and Cold Water Available
Conditions Observed: No hot water on the MFF at the begining of the inspection (measured hot water to be 55 F). Cook lit pilot; measured hot water at the end of the insepction to be 133. As discussed during the inspection, you must have hot water (120 F at the 3-part sink) to be open.

“An adequate, protected, pressurized, approved potable supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 120F when measured from the faucet. The temperature of water provided to handwashing facilities shall be at least 100F. Handwashing facilities equipped with non-adjustable faucets shall have their temperature set between 100F and 108F. Hot water shall be provided at the food preparation sink and janitorial sink. (113953(c), 114099.2(b), 114163(a)(3), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195)”
24. No rodents, insects, birds, or animals.
Conditions Observed: Observed 3 to 5 flies in MFF. Observed flies landing on lids of to-go cups of salsa. Increase pest control to remove flies from the facility.

“A food facility shall be kept free of vermin. Live animals are prohibited from food facilities except as specified in 114259.5. Food facility employees shall not care for or handle animals that may be present in the food facility. Food facility employees are required to wash their hands after handling or caring for fish in an aquarium and/or shellfish, or crustacea, in display tanks and as specified in 114259.4. (114259.1, 114259.4, 114259.5)”
Thursday, March 25, 2021 (1 violation)
Routine Inspection
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.
Conditions Observed: Observed foods measured in the bottom of the deli prep to be above 41 F (green sauce, 45 F; sour cream, 48 F). Adjust/service/repair to cold-hold PHF at 41 F or below.

“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”
Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020 (1 violation)
Routine Inspection
70. Restroom facilities.
Conditions Observed: No formal restroom agreements available (per Owner, two businesses within 200 feet allow MFF employees to use their restrooms). As discussed during the inspection, provide your Inspector with a restroom agreement by 4 PM on 11/19/2020.

“MFFs shall be operated within 200 feet travel distance of an approved and readily available toilet and handwashing facility, or as otherwise approved by the enforcement agency, to ensure that restroom facilities are available to facility employees whenever the MFF is stopped to conduct business for more than a one hour period. (114315)”
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 (0 violations)
CP - New Facility Inspection

“Humboldt foodies rejoice! Our reports show that El Cora Mexican Food knows how to get you fed in a sanitary manner. Now that's nummy!!”