Osprey Cafe

Harmony Cafe
39010 Highway 299, Willow Creek



“Huzzah! This establishment has successfully impressed the government! Kudos, Osprey Cafe!!”

Routine Inspection
02. Food safety certification, food handler card compliance

Conditions Observed: Facility did not have a valid Food Safety Manager (FSM) certificate available at the time of the inspection. Food facilities that prepare, handle, or serve nonprepackaged potentially hazardous foods shall have an owner or employee who has successfully passed an approved and accredited food safety certification exam. Please obtain an FSM certification and provide a copy of the certificate to this office within 60 days from the date of inspection.


“Food facilities that prepare, handle, or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous food, shall have an owner or employee who has passed an aproved food safety certification examination. Food handlers that prepare, handle, or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous food, shall obtain a valid Food Handler Card within 30 days after date of hire. (113947.1-113947.5, 113948)”

09. Time as public health control; procedures and records.

Conditions Observed: Facility uses time as a public health control (TPHC) for baked potentially-hazardous food (PHF) items held in front display case (egg baskets, foccacia topped with cheese, etc.) but did not have a written procedure or an effective mechanism for indicating the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control to the discard time. Egg basket on display at the time of the inspection was measured at 68.2°F at 11:30 am, and had been in the display case since removal from the oven at opening (9:00 am) but was not labeled with a discard time. The person in charge (PIC) reports that breakfast foods in the display case are cooked just before opening, placed immediately in the display case, and sold out or removed by lunchtime (3-4 hours later). During the inspection, a process was immediately implemented for documenting the time that each of these foods was removed from temperature control and to indicate the time (4 hours later) when the foods must be discarded. All staff working that day were trained on this process before the conclusion of the inspection; thank you. Please follow up to create a written procedure for how TPHC will be implemented in the facility, and provide this office with a copy of that procedure along with confirmation that all staff have been trained on the new process by the comply-by date indicated above.


“When time as a public health control is used, the following procedures shall be observed: food items shall be marked to indicate four hours past the time when the food was removed from temperature control, food shall be served or discarded within the four hour time limit. Written procedures shall be maintained in the food facility and made available to the enforcement agency upon request, that ensure compliance with this section and section 114002, for food that is prepared, cooked, and refrigerated before time is used as a public health control. Time only may not be used in Licensed health care facilities, public school cafeterias, or private school cafeterias. (114000)”

37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.

Conditions Observed: Ice scoop was observed stored in the ice bin of the chest freezer with the handle in direct contact with ice. Ice scoop was removed during the inspection (corrected on site); thank you. Please ensure that during pauses in food preparation, any scoops and other serving utensils are always stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135°F in order to prevent possible cross-contamination of food.


“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”

40. Wiping cloths: properly used and stored.

Conditions Observed: No measurable sanitizer was detected in the sani-bucket used to store wiping cloths in the kitchen area near the rear handwash sink. Sani-bucket was immediately emptied and re-filled with sanitizer solution in the appropriate concentration (corrected on site); thank you. It was noted that the sani-bucket in the front coffee bar area did have the correct concentration of sanitizer. Please monitor sanitizer solution used for storage of multi-use wiping cloths regularly and refresh solution as needed in order to ensure that the appropriate concentration of sanitizer is always present.


“Wiping cloths used to clean food spills shall be used only once or stored in a sanitizing solution of an approved concentration as specified in section 114099.6. Dry or wet cloths that are used with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept separate from cloths used for other purposes, cloths that come into contact with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept in a separate sanitizing solution. Wiping cloths shall be free of food debris and visible soil. Working containers of sanitizing solutions for storage of in-use wiping cloths shall be used in a manner to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-use articles. Wet wiping cloths shall be laundered daily. Dry wiping cloths shall be laundered as necessary to prevent contamination of food and clean serving utensils. (114135, 114185.1, 114185.3(d-e))”

CP - Change of Ownership


“Huzzah! This establishment has successfully impressed the government! Kudos, Osprey Cafe!!”

CP - Change of Ownership


“Take a victory lap, Osprey Cafe! In the race that is maintaining a clean and healthy establishment you've earned Roachy's gold medal! Eat here today, everyone!!”

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