Ray's Food Place #64 Garberville
Food Est - Meat - MU
875 Redwood Dr, Garverville
Monday, Nov. 9, 2020 (3 violations)
Routine Inspection
17. Compliance with shell stock tags, condition, display.
Conditions Observed: No shellstock tags available for review today. Facilities that sell and/or serve oysters, clams shall retain shellstock tags for 90 day using a conforming recordkeeping system (see regulation description). Locate shell stocks; develop a record keeping system as discussed during the inspection. Provide proof of correction to your Inspector before 4 PM om 11/12/2020.
“Shellstock shall be obtained in containers that bear legible source identification tags. A food facility shall ensure that shellstock from one tagged or labeled container are not commingled with shellstock from another container with different certification numbers. Shellstock tags shall remain attached to the container that they are received in until the container is empty. The identity of the source of the shellstock sold or served shall be maintained for 90 days from the dates of harvest by using an approved recordkeeping system that keeps the tags or labels in chronological order correlated to the date or dates the shellstock is sold or served. The source of the shellstock on display shall be identified. Shellstock that are portioned or prepackaged shall have a copy of the corresponding shellstock tag. Except in accordance with an approved HACCP plan, molluscan shellfish life-support system display tanks shall not be used to display shellfish that are offered for human consumption. (114039-114039.5)”
22. Hot and Cold Water Available
Conditions Observed: Measured hot water to be 116 F at the meat department 3-part sink. Adjust/service/repair to deliver hot water at 120F or greater.
“An adequate, protected, pressurized, approved potable supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 120F when measured from the faucet. The temperature of water provided to handwashing facilities shall be at least 100F. Handwashing facilities equipped with non-adjustable faucets shall have their temperature set between 100F and 108F. Hot water shall be provided at the food preparation sink and janitorial sink. (113953(c), 114099.2(b), 114163(a)(3), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195)”
36. Equipment / Utensils approved; installed, clean, good repair, capacity.
Conditions Observed: Observed raw chicken being prepped on the left drain board of the 3-part sink; observed frozen whole turkeys on the right drain board of the same sink. Inspector redirected Employee to use a dedicated surface that can be effectively cleaned and sanitized (such as a stainless steal table); drainboards are for warewashing only. Thoroughly wash and rinse drainboard prior to sanitizing today. Refrain from using drainboards for the prepping and portioning raw meats.
“Utensils and equipment shall be kept fully operative and in good repair. All new and replacement equipment shall be properly installed and be certified or classified for sanitation by an ANSI accredited certification program. Electrical appliances must meet UL standards. Single-use articles shall not allow migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food. Multi-use food contact surfaces must be smooth, free of breaks, chips, and similar imperfections; free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; finished to have smooth welds and joints; be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Unless specified, wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface. Unless specified, copper and copper alloys such as brass may not be used in contact with a food that has a pH below six or for a fitting between a backflow preventer and a carbonator. Beverage tubing and cold-plate beverage cooling devices cannot be installed in contact with stored ice intended to be used as food. Equipment that is not movable must be installed to allow for cleaning in place. Cutting or piercing parts of can openers must be readily removable. Facilities that wash, rinse, soak, thaw, or similarly prepare foods shall be provided with a approved food preparation sink. Reservoirs that supply water to produce foggers must be cleaned and maintained. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced or replaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)”
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020 (0 violations)
Routine Inspection
“Humboldt foodies rejoice! Our reports show that Ray's Food Place #64 Garberville knows how to get you fed in a sanitary manner. Now that's nummy!!”
Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 (2 violations)
Routine Inspection
17. Compliance with shell stock tags, condition, display.
Conditions Observed: Observed shell stock stored in a heap on a shelf. Store shell stock tags in chronological order; keep tags organized.
“Shellstock shall be obtained in containers that bear legible source identification tags. A food facility shall ensure that shellstock from one tagged or labeled container are not commingled with shellstock from another container with different certification numbers. Shellstock tags shall remain attached to the container that they are received in until the container is empty. The identity of the source of the shellstock sold or served shall be maintained for 90 days from the dates of harvest by using an approved recordkeeping system that keeps the tags or labels in chronological order correlated to the date or dates the shellstock is sold or served. The source of the shellstock on display shall be identified. Shellstock that are portioned or prepackaged shall have a copy of the corresponding shellstock tag. Except in accordance with an approved HACCP plan, molluscan shellfish life-support system display tanks shall not be used to display shellfish that are offered for human consumption. (114039-114039.5)”
31. Food storage; food storage containers identified.
Conditions Observed: Observed poultry stored above ham and beef in the meat department walkin. Observed chicken above beef in the far end of meat reach-in. Store chicken below ham and beef.
“Adequate and suitable space shall be provided for the storage of food. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food in a clean, dry location, where it is not exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination or adulteration, and at least six inches above the floor. Food shall not be stored in any of the following ways: in locker rooms, toilet rooms, dressing rooms, refuse rooms, mechanical rooms, under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips, under leaking water lines, including leaking automatic fire sprinklers heads, or under lines on which water has condensated, under open stairwells or under sources of contamination. Working containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the food facility shall be identified with the common name of the food. Non-prepackaged food may not be stored in direct contact with undrained ice. Products that are held by the permit holder for credit, redemption, or return to the distributor, such as damaged, spoiled, or recalled products shall be segregated and held in designated areas that are separated from food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles. (114047, 141049, 114051, 114053, 114055, 114067(h), 114069(b))”