Riptide Cafe
Food Facility - Full Prep
5750 Valley East Blvd, Arcata
Monday, Aug. 2, 2021 (0 violations)
Routine Inspection

“Wow! Roachy can see himself in your butterknives! Way to go, Riptide Cafe!!”
Thursday, April 1, 2021 (0 violations)

“Both patrons and the health department agree! This place sets the standard for Humboldt food facility cleanliness! All hail Riptide Cafe!!”
Monday, March 29, 2021 (1 violation)
Routine Inspection
22. Hot and Cold Water Available
Conditions Observed: Observed hot water measured at the 3-part sink to be 106 F. Adjust/service/repair to deliever hot water at 120 F or greater. This violation requires a reinspection on Thursday, April 1.

“An adequate, protected, pressurized, approved potable supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 120F when measured from the faucet. The temperature of water provided to handwashing facilities shall be at least 100F. Handwashing facilities equipped with non-adjustable faucets shall have their temperature set between 100F and 108F. Hot water shall be provided at the food preparation sink and janitorial sink. (113953(c), 114099.2(b), 114163(a)(3), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195)”
Monday, Nov. 23, 2020 (0 violations)
Routine Inspection

“Humboldt foodies rejoice! Our reports show that Riptide Cafe knows how to get you fed in a sanitary manner. Now that's nummy!!”
Friday, July 10, 2020 (0 violations)
Routine Inspection

“Humboldt foodies rejoice! Our reports show that Riptide Cafe knows how to get you fed in a sanitary manner. Now that's nummy!!”
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020 (3 violations)
Routine Inspection
06. Hands clean and properly washed; gloves used properly.
Conditions Observed: Observed employee fail to wash hands before washing dishes. Discussed the significance of washing dishes with clean hands; observed employee wash hands and then resume warwashing. COS. See regulation description. Train all staff to wash hand prior to warewashing as well as before putting up clean utensils.

“Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with nonprepackaged food that is in ready to eat form. Whenever gloves are worn, they shall be changed, replaced, or washed as often as handwashing is required. Single-use gloves shall not be washed. Employees shall wash their hands in the following situations: immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with nonprepackaged food, clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use food containers and utensils; after touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean exposed portions of arms; after using the toilet room; after caring for or handling any animal; after coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating or drinking; after handling soiled equipment or utensils; during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; when switching from working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat foods; before initially donning gloves for working with food; before dispensing or serving food handling clean tableware and serving utensils in the food service area; after engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. (113952, 113953.3, 113953.4, 113961, 113968, 113973)”
40. Wiping cloths: properly used and stored.
Conditions Observed: Measured 0 PPM chlorine in sani-bucket today. Operator emptied and refilled bucket. Measured chlorine to be 100 PPM. COS. Keep wiping cloths intended for reuse in a sanitizing solution.

“Wiping cloths used to clean food spills shall be used only once or stored in a sanitizing solution of an approved concentration as specified in section 114099.6. Dry or wet cloths that are used with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept separate from cloths used for other purposes, cloths that come into contact with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept in a separate sanitizing solution. Wiping cloths shall be free of food debris and visible soil. Working containers of sanitizing solutions for storage of in-use wiping cloths shall be used in a manner to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-use articles. Wet wiping cloths shall be laundered daily. Dry wiping cloths shall be laundered as necessary to prevent contamination of food and clean serving utensils. (114135, 114185.1, 114185.3(d-e))”
43. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, cleaned.
Conditions Observed: Restroom (located in the adjacent Napa) requires cleaning. Please clean toilet, scrub and sanitize sink, and mop floor. Keep towels in the dispenser. Inspector explained to Napa employee that a tidy and maintained restroom is an operational requirement for permit holders. Please establish a cleaning schedule for the restroom.

“Toilet facilities shall be maintained and kept clean. Toilet rooms shall be separated by a well-fitting, self-closing door. Toilet tissue shall be provided in a permanently installed dispenser at each toilet. (114250, 114250.1, 114276)”
Friday, Sept. 27, 2019 (0 violations)
Routine Inspection

“Both patrons and the health department agree! This place sets the standard for Humboldt food facility cleanliness! All hail Riptide Cafe!!”
Thursday, May 2, 2019 (1 violation)
Routine Inspection
15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.
Conditions Observed: Observed build-up on the upper right corner of the tray in the ice machine; showed observations to FSM. Clean and sanitize impacted surfaces. Increase cleaning frequency. Refer to manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.

“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”
Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019 (3 violations)
Routine Inspection
09. Time as public health control; procedures and records.
Conditions Observed: Facility keeps a canister of whipped cream on the counter with no temperature control or no written policy for time as public health control. Per PIC, the whipped cream lasts about two hours. Label the whipped cream with the time it was removed from the fridge and the time at which four hours has passed. Post a written policy that explains how you are using time as public health control.

“When time as a public health control is used, the following procedures shall be observed: food items shall be marked to indicate four hours past the time when the food was removed from temperature control, food shall be served or discarded within the four hour time limit. Written procedures shall be maintained in the food facility and made available to the enforcement agency upon request, that ensure compliance with this section and section 114002, for food that is prepared, cooked, and refrigerated before time is used as a public health control. Time only may not be used in Licensed health care facilities, public school cafeterias, or private school cafeterias. (114000)”
35. Warewashing: installed, maintained, used, Adequate Means to measure sanitizer
Conditions Observed: No chlorine test strips today. Obtain chlorine test papers. See below.

“Facilities that prepare food shall be equipped with a manual warewashing sink that has at least three compartments with two integral metal drainboards, except as specified in 114099(c). A warewashing sink shall not be used for handwashing except as specified in 114125(a). Sink compartments shall be large enough to accommodate immersion of the largest equipment and utensils used. Testing materials shall be provided to adequately measure the applicable sanitization method used during manual or mechanical warewashing. (114067(f,g), 114099, 114099.3, 114099.5, 114101(a), 114101.1, 114101.2, 114103, 114107, 114125(a))”
40. Wiping cloths: properly used and stored.
Conditions Observed: Observed the damp wiping cloths on the counter. Keep all cloths intended for use throughout the day in a sanitizing solution of 100 PPM chlorine. Measure chlorine in the sani-bucket at the 3part sink to be 50 PPM. Reviewed ratio (1 teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water). Employee refilled sani-bucket. Measured chlorine to be 100 PPM.

“Wiping cloths used to clean food spills shall be used only once or stored in a sanitizing solution of an approved concentration as specified in section 114099.6. Dry or wet cloths that are used with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept separate from cloths used for other purposes, cloths that come into contact with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept in a separate sanitizing solution. Wiping cloths shall be free of food debris and visible soil. Working containers of sanitizing solutions for storage of in-use wiping cloths shall be used in a manner to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-use articles. Wet wiping cloths shall be laundered daily. Dry wiping cloths shall be laundered as necessary to prevent contamination of food and clean serving utensils. (114135, 114185.1, 114185.3(d-e))”