Shell - 4th St Mini-Mart

2111 4th St, Eureka



“Both patrons and the health department agree! This place sets the standard for Humboldt food facility cleanliness! All hail Shell - 4th St Mini-Mart!!”

Routine Inspection
15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.

Conditions Observed: Observed mold-like substance on food contact surface (dispensers) of the Frazil machine. Per manufacturer instructions, the Frazil machine is to be cleaned once every month and the filter 1 to 2 times per month. Instructed employee to take Frazil machine out of service until manufacturer instructions are followed and the machine is dismantled, cleaned and sanitized. This is a major violation that requires a reinspection on or after 11/29/21. Do not fill machine with product or put machine back into service until after reinspection is conducted.


“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”

34. Non-food-contact surfaces clean.

Conditions Observed: Observed debris in trash cabinet. Observed food debris on non-food contact surfaces of cappuccino machine and soda machine (near dispensers and drain board). Maintain non-food contact surfaces of equipment clean.


“Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. (114115(b))”

39. Thermometers provided and accurate.

Conditions Observed: Observed Grab, Heat & Eat refrigerator, stocked with PHF, lacking a thermometer. Install a readily visible thermometer in the warmest part of this unit to monitor holding temperatures frequently.


“An accurate easily readable metal probe thermometer suitable for measuring temperature of food shall be available to the food handler. Thermometers shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications as necessary to ensure their accuracy. A thermometer +/- 2 degrees F shall be provided for all refrigerators, hot and cold holding units, and high temperature warewashing machines. (114157, 114159)”

Routine Inspection


“Take a victory lap, Shell - 4th St Mini-Mart! In the race that is maintaining a clean and healthy establishment you've earned Roachy's gold medal! Eat here today, everyone!!”

Routine Inspection


“Wow! Roachy can see himself in your butterknives! Way to go, Shell - 4th St Mini-Mart!!”

Routine Inspection


“Zero violations! Now that's how you keep 'em coming back for more! I'll be sending all my human friends to Shell - 4th St Mini-Mart! Yum yum!!”

Routine Inspection
01. Demonstration of knowledge; food safety certification.

Conditions Observed: Food Safety Manager certificate has expired. Store manager is scheduled to take FSM recertification class on 4/24/19. Once obtained, submit a copy to this office via fax or email (include facility name and id # FA0001499) to avoid a reinspection on or after 5/21/19.


“The Person In Charge (PIC) and all employees shall have adequate knowledge and shall be properly trained in food safety as it relates to their assigned duties. The PIC shall have adequate knowledge of major food allergens, foods identified as major food allergens, and the symptoms that a major food allergen could cause. The PIC means a designated person who has knowledge of safe food handling practices and the major food allergens as they relate to the specific food preparation activities that occur at the food facility. (113947)”

44. Premises; personal/cleaning items; vermin-proofing.

Conditions Observed: Observed fly strip hanging over handwash sink. Fly strips are not permitted in food facilities. Remove fly strip from premises. Recommend installing insect electrocution devices that retain insect bodies, store away from utensil and food storage and handling areas. Keep doors closed at all times, if the door is to remain open, install an air curtain to prevent entrance of insects.


“All premises of a food facility shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. The premise of a food facility shall be free of litter and items unnecessary to the operation of the facility. Areas designated for employees to eat and drink shall be located so that food, clean equipent and utensils, linens, and single-use articles are protected from contamination. Personal items shall be stored in a designated area to prevent contamination of food or utensils. Food prep sinks, warewashing sinks, and handwashing sinks shall not be used for the cleaning or maintenance of tools or cleaning supplies or to dispose of mop water and similar liquid wastes. A dedicated janitorial sink with a drain shall be provided and conveniently located. A separate room, area, or cabinet shall be provided for cleaning supplies. The facility shall be kept vermin proof. Insect electrocution devices shall retain the insect within the device and shall not be located over food or utensil handling areas. (114123, 114143(a, b), 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282)”

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