Shoreline Fuel Mart- Food

Food Facility - No Prep
120025 Highway 101, Orick



“Humboldt foodies rejoice! Our reports show that Shoreline Fuel Mart- Food knows how to get you fed in a sanitary manner. Now that's nummy!!”

Routine Inspection
22. Hot and Cold Water Available

Conditions Observed: Hot water was not available at the handwash sink in the employee restroom as required (water today measured at 69°F). Per PIC, breaker had switched off and the on-demand water heater supplying this restroom needs to be reset. As noted in the general inspection comments, there is currently no other functioning handwash sink in the facility, but as a “No Prep” facility that does not handle or prepare any non-prepackaged foods, additional dedicated handwash sinks are not required. It was noted that hot water, soap, and paper towels were available at the janitorial sink in the interim. This is a major violation requiring reinspection. Please reset/adjust/repair hot water heater supplying the employee restroom facility ASAP to ensure that hot water (between 100°F and 108°F) is available in the toilet facility for handwashing at at all times; thank you.


“An adequate, protected, pressurized, approved potable supply of hot and cold water shall be provided at all times. Hot water shall be supplied at a minimum temperature of 120F when measured from the faucet. The temperature of water provided to handwashing facilities shall be at least 100F. Handwashing facilities equipped with non-adjustable faucets shall have their temperature set between 100F and 108F. Hot water shall be provided at the food preparation sink and janitorial sink. (113953(c), 114099.2(b), 114163(a)(3), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195)”

44. Premises; personal/cleaning items; vermin-proofing.

Conditions Observed: Storage rooms and walk-in were cluttered with boxes and unused items. Please remove litter and unused items and maintain premises clean at all times; thank you.


“All premises of a food facility shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. The premise of a food facility shall be free of litter and items unnecessary to the operation of the facility. Areas designated for employees to eat and drink shall be located so that food, clean equipent and utensils, linens, and single-use articles are protected from contamination. Personal items shall be stored in a designated area to prevent contamination of food or utensils. Food prep sinks, warewashing sinks, and handwashing sinks shall not be used for the cleaning or maintenance of tools or cleaning supplies or to dispose of mop water and similar liquid wastes. A dedicated janitorial sink with a drain shall be provided and conveniently located. A separate room, area, or cabinet shall be provided for cleaning supplies. The facility shall be kept vermin proof. Insect electrocution devices shall retain the insect within the device and shall not be located over food or utensil handling areas. (114123, 114143(a, b), 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282)”

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