Siam Orchid Thai Cuisine

427 V St, Eureka

Routine Inspection
06. Hands clean and properly washed; gloves used properly.

Conditions Observed: Observed employee wash their hands while wearing gloves. Single-use gloves must be removed for proper handwashing. Instructed employee to remove gloves, wash hands, then don a new pair of gloves. Observed employee at 3 compartment sink handle soiled utensils and then handle sanitized utensils without handwashing. Handwashing must be conducted after handling soiled utensils and prior to handling sanitized utensils to prevent cross-contamination. Person in charge directed employees to properly wash their hands and will continue to train new employees. Refer to the handwashing, glove use and preventing bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods handout that was provided.


“Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with nonprepackaged food that is in ready to eat form. Whenever gloves are worn, they shall be changed, replaced, or washed as often as handwashing is required. Single-use gloves shall not be washed. Employees shall wash their hands in the following situations: immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with nonprepackaged food, clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use food containers and utensils; after touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean exposed portions of arms; after using the toilet room; after caring for or handling any animal; after coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating or drinking; after handling soiled equipment or utensils; during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; when switching from working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat foods; before initially donning gloves for working with food; before dispensing or serving food handling clean tableware and serving utensils in the food service area; after engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. (113952, 113953.3, 113953.4, 113961, 113968, 113973)”

07. Adequate handwash facilities supplied and accessible.

Conditions Observed: Observed kitchen handwash sink obstructed by a bus tub on a stool. Maintain handwash sinks clean and unobstructed at all times for handwashing. Bus tub and stool were moved, this minor violation was corrected.


“Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms, food preparation, and warewashing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be clean, unobstructed, and accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities shall be provided with soap and sanitary single use towels in approved dispensers. Dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. A handwashing facility shall not be used for purposes other than handwashing. (113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f))”

08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.

Conditions Observed: Measured sprouts 53F in an ice bath. Observed sprouts stored in plastic container sitting on top of the ice. When using ice baths, use metal containers to conduct cold temperatures to the food and fully submerge in the ice bath to maintain cold, potentially hazardous foods at or below 41F at all times. Sprouts were put into a metal container that was then submerged in an ice bath; sprouts measured 38F within 5 minutes. This major violation was corrected.


“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”

09. Time as public health control; procedures and records.

Conditions Observed: Observed tofu and whole, raw eggs in the shell stored out of temperature control, lacking time labels. You may hold potentially hazardous foods out of temperature control if they are time labeled for 4 hours and then discarded after the 4 hours has past. Using time as a public health control (TPHC) requires written procedures approved by this office. Tofu and eggs were returned to the refrigerator holding below 41F, this major violation was corrected.


“When time as a public health control is used, the following procedures shall be observed: food items shall be marked to indicate four hours past the time when the food was removed from temperature control, food shall be served or discarded within the four hour time limit. Written procedures shall be maintained in the food facility and made available to the enforcement agency upon request, that ensure compliance with this section and section 114002, for food that is prepared, cooked, and refrigerated before time is used as a public health control. Time only may not be used in Licensed health care facilities, public school cafeterias, or private school cafeterias. (114000)”

Routine Inspection
06. Hands clean and properly washed; gloves used properly.

Conditions Observed: Observed employee at 3 compartment sink handle soiled utensils and then handle sanitized utensils without handwashing. Handwashing must be conducted after handling soiled utensils and prior to handling sanitized utensils to prevent cross-contamination. Person in charge directed employee to handwash when changing tasks. This major violation was corrected on site.


“Food employees shall minimize bare hand and arm contact with nonprepackaged food that is in ready to eat form. Whenever gloves are worn, they shall be changed, replaced, or washed as often as handwashing is required. Single-use gloves shall not be washed. Employees shall wash their hands in the following situations: immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with nonprepackaged food, clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use food containers and utensils; after touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean exposed portions of arms; after using the toilet room; after caring for or handling any animal; after coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating or drinking; after handling soiled equipment or utensils; during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; when switching from working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat foods; before initially donning gloves for working with food; before dispensing or serving food handling clean tableware and serving utensils in the food service area; after engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. (113952, 113953.3, 113953.4, 113961, 113968, 113973)”

15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.

Conditions Observed: Measured chlorine sanitizer 0PPM at mechanical dishwasher and 0PPM in one sanitizer bucket at server station. Use chlorine test strips each time chlorine sanitizer solution is made to verify it is at 100PPM in sanitizer buckets. Use chlorine test strips prior to operating the dishwasher each day to verify chlorine sanitizer is dispensing at 50PPM. A new sanitizer container was provided for the dishwasher and an employee prepared fresh sanitizer solution in sanitizer bucket. This major violation was corrected on site.


“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”

28. Food separated and protected.

Conditions Observed: Observed raw ground meats stored above raw seafood in bottom portion of cookline prep table. Store raw potentially hazardous foods of animal origin based on final internal cooking temperatures (ground meat: 155F; seafood: 145F) to prevent cross-contamination. Person in charge moved raw ground meat to shelf under raw seafood. This major violation was corrected on site.


“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”

Routine Inspection


“Ooo! Welcome to Sanitarytown! Population: Siam Orchid Thai Cuisine! I see lots of happy hungry mouths in this establishment's near future!!”

Routine Inspection


“Take a victory lap, Siam Orchid Thai Cuisine! In the race that is maintaining a clean and healthy establishment you've earned Roachy's gold medal! Eat here today, everyone!!”

Routine Inspection
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.

Conditions Observed: Measured chopped garlic 63F with probe thermometer in ice bath adjacent to woks. Observed ice in ice bath had fully melted. If using ice baths for temperature control, ensure you are using a larger container on the bottom so that you can fully submerge the smaller container of food within the ice bath to hold potentially hazardous foods at or below 41F at all times. Operator provided another ice bath for garlic, thank you for correcting this major violation.


“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”

28. Food separated and protected.

Conditions Observed: Observed raw chicken stored over raw beef in prep table, bottom portion. Store raw potentially hazardous foods based on final internal cooking temperatures to prevent cross-contamination. Operator moved chicken under beef in prep table, thank you for correcting this minor violation. Observed open bulk bags of sugar and salt on shelving rack in dry storage area. Seal/cover all stored foods to prevent contamination or potential vermin attraction.


“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”

31. Food storage; food storage containers identified.

Conditions Observed: Observed buckets of food stored on the floor in walk-in refrigerator. Store foods at least 6 inches above the floor to prevent contamination or potential vermin attraction. Observed broccoli stored in non-food grade container in walk-in refrigerator. Store all foods in food grade containers to prevent adulteration/contamination to foods.


“Adequate and suitable space shall be provided for the storage of food. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food in a clean, dry location, where it is not exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination or adulteration, and at least six inches above the floor. Food shall not be stored in any of the following ways: in locker rooms, toilet rooms, dressing rooms, refuse rooms, mechanical rooms, under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips, under leaking water lines, including leaking automatic fire sprinklers heads, or under lines on which water has condensated, under open stairwells or under sources of contamination. Working containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the food facility shall be identified with the common name of the food. Non-prepackaged food may not be stored in direct contact with undrained ice. Products that are held by the permit holder for credit, redemption, or return to the distributor, such as damaged, spoiled, or recalled products shall be segregated and held in designated areas that are separated from food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles. (114047, 141049, 114051, 114053, 114055, 114067(h), 114069(b))”

37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.

Conditions Observed: Observed utensil handle in direct contact with bamboo shoots. Observed plastic bowl used to portion bulk sugar stored in bulk sugar container. Use approved utensils with handles, and store with handles facing up out of contact with food to prevent cross-contamination. Operator removed utensils, thank you for correcting this minor violation. Observed steamed rice utensils stored in water measuring 97F with probe thermometer. Obtain electric dipper wells that maintain water at or above 135F at all times for correct utensil storage.


“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”

38. Adequate ventilation and lighting, designated areas, use.

Conditions Observed: Observed grease accumulation on ventilation hood, ventilation hood baffle filters, ansel system and light fixtures. The ventilation hood must be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis to increase air flow and prevent a fire hazard.


“Approved exhaust hoods shall be provided to remove toxic gases, heat, grease, vapors and smoke. Canopy-type hoods shall extend six inches beyond all cooking equipment. Toilet rooms shall be consistent with local building codes and vented to the outside air by a screened openable window, air shaft, or light-switch activated exhaust fan. Adequate lighting shall be provided in all areas to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Light fixtures in areas where open food is stored, served, prepared, and where utensils are washed shall be of shatterproof construction or protected with light shields. (114149, 114149.1, 114149.2, 114149.3, 114252, 114252.1)”

Routine Inspection
07. Adequate handwash facilities supplied and accessible.

Conditions Observed: Observed knives in the handwash sink. The handwash sink shall be kept clean and unobstructed at all times for proper handwashing. Only handwashing shall be conducted at the handwash sink. Warewashing shall occur at the 3 compartment sink. Operator removed knives from handwash sink. Thank you for correcting this minor violation.


“Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms, food preparation, and warewashing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be clean, unobstructed, and accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities shall be provided with soap and sanitary single use towels in approved dispensers. Dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. A handwashing facility shall not be used for purposes other than handwashing. (113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f))”

08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.

Conditions Observed: Observed garlic, garlic oil and garlic & chili held out of temperature control. You may use Time as a Public Health Control (TPHC) and hold these items out of temperature control if they are time labeled for 4 hours and discarded after the 4 hours has past. Operator set up an ice bath and will keep the garlic, garlic oil, and garlic & chili under temperature control at all times.


“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”

15. Food contact surfaces: clean and sanitized.

Conditions Observed: Observed mold-like substance in ice machine. Clean and sanitize ice machine per manufacturer’s instructions and maintain regularly to prevent mold growth.


“Food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food-contact surfaces and multiservice utensils shall be effectively washed, rinsed, and sanitized to remove or completely loosen soils by use of manual or mechanical methods. Precleaning may be required. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished during the final rinse by contact with solution containing 100 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final rinse by achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160F or by contact with solution containing 50 ppm available chlorine, 200 ppm quaternary ammonium, or another approved sanitizer. After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils shall be air dried. Mechancial warewash machines must be approved and installed and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. Food contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized at the following times: before each use with different type of raw food of animal origin, when changing from raw food to ready to eat food, between uses with raw produce and potentially hazardous food, before using a thermometer, and any time during the operation when contamination may have occurred. Warewash sinks used to wash wiping cloths, wash produce, or thaw food must be cleaned and sanitized before and after these uses. Equipment, food contact surfaces, and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day at least every four hours or as needed to prevent contamination. (114097, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115(a,c), 114117, 114125(b), 114141)”

28. Food separated and protected.

Conditions Observed: Observed open bulk bags of panko, tempura batter, black sweet rice and all purpose flour on wire rack in dry storage room. Tightly secure open bags of food and/or transfer to a rigid container with a tight fitting lid to prevent contamination or vermin attraction.


“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”

37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.

Conditions Observed: Observed rice utensils stored in room temperature water. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, utensils shall be stored in the following manner: -In running water of sufficient velocity to flush particulates to the drain, if used with moist food such as ice cream or mashed potatoes -In a container of water if the water is maintained at a temperature of at least 135F and the container is cleaned at least every 24 hours or at a frequency necessary to preclude the accumulation of soil residues. Recommend obtaining an electric dipper well that holds hot water above 135F at all times for rice utensil storage.


“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”

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