Speedy Taco - Truck #2

112 W Harris ST, Eureka

Routine Inspection
36. Equipment / Utensils approved; installed, clean, good repair, capacity.

Conditions Observed: Facility is using single-use plastic sour cream containers to store and reheat food. Obtain commercial food-grade containers for food storage.


“Utensils and equipment shall be kept fully operative and in good repair. All new and replacement equipment shall be properly installed and be certified or classified for sanitation by an ANSI accredited certification program. Electrical appliances must meet UL standards. Single-use articles shall not allow migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food. Multi-use food contact surfaces must be smooth, free of breaks, chips, and similar imperfections; free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; finished to have smooth welds and joints; be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Unless specified, wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface. Unless specified, copper and copper alloys such as brass may not be used in contact with a food that has a pH below six or for a fitting between a backflow preventer and a carbonator. Beverage tubing and cold-plate beverage cooling devices cannot be installed in contact with stored ice intended to be used as food. Equipment that is not movable must be installed to allow for cleaning in place. Cutting or piercing parts of can openers must be readily removable. Facilities that wash, rinse, soak, thaw, or similarly prepare foods shall be provided with a approved food preparation sink. Reservoirs that supply water to produce foggers must be cleaned and maintained. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced or replaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)”

40. Wiping cloths: properly used and stored.

Conditions Observed: Observed wet wiping cloths stored on counter tops without an approved sanitizer solution. You may use a wet wiping cloth once and then launder it, or use it multiple times if held in sanitizer solution.


“Wiping cloths used to clean food spills shall be used only once or stored in a sanitizing solution of an approved concentration as specified in section 114099.6. Dry or wet cloths that are used with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept separate from cloths used for other purposes, cloths that come into contact with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept in a separate sanitizing solution. Wiping cloths shall be free of food debris and visible soil. Working containers of sanitizing solutions for storage of in-use wiping cloths shall be used in a manner to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-use articles. Wet wiping cloths shall be laundered daily. Dry wiping cloths shall be laundered as necessary to prevent contamination of food and clean serving utensils. (114135, 114185.1, 114185.3(d-e))”



“Huzzah! This establishment has successfully impressed the government! Kudos, Speedy Taco - Truck #2!!”

Routine Inspection
08. Proper hot and cold holding temperatures.

Conditions Observed: Sour cream and cubed tomato reading 52F. Both products stored on insert. Bottom product at 43F and 45F. Above product VC&D. Ice bath set up to hold remaining sour cream and cubed tomatoes.


“Except during preparation, cooking, cooling, transportation to or from a retail food facility for a period of less than thirty minutes, when time is used as the public health control, or as otherwise specified, potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at or below 41F or at or above 135F. The following foods may be held at or below 45F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original sealed containers, potentially hazardous foods held during transportation. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in serving lines and salad bars may be held at 45F, not to exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour period, if unused portions are discarded. Food preparation shall not exceed two cumulative hours without a return to the required holding temperatures. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a))”

36. Equipment / Utensils approved; installed, clean, good repair, capacity.

Conditions Observed: Under counter refrigerator holding food at 45F. Please reassure this office that unit is working by servicing unit prior to use.


“Utensils and equipment shall be kept fully operative and in good repair. All new and replacement equipment shall be properly installed and be certified or classified for sanitation by an ANSI accredited certification program. Electrical appliances must meet UL standards. Single-use articles shall not allow migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food. Multi-use food contact surfaces must be smooth, free of breaks, chips, and similar imperfections; free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; finished to have smooth welds and joints; be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Unless specified, wood and wood wicker may not be used as a food-contact surface. Unless specified, copper and copper alloys such as brass may not be used in contact with a food that has a pH below six or for a fitting between a backflow preventer and a carbonator. Beverage tubing and cold-plate beverage cooling devices cannot be installed in contact with stored ice intended to be used as food. Equipment that is not movable must be installed to allow for cleaning in place. Cutting or piercing parts of can openers must be readily removable. Facilities that wash, rinse, soak, thaw, or similarly prepare foods shall be provided with a approved food preparation sink. Reservoirs that supply water to produce foggers must be cleaned and maintained. Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced or replaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)”

37. Equipment, utensils and linens: storage and use.

Conditions Observed: Observed direct hand contact with food. Discussed the use of individual serving utensil to minimize direct food contact. COS. Utensils provided.


“Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in an approved location within the fully enclosed permitted food facility. Clean equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles shall not be exposed to splash, dust, vermin, or other forms of contamination. Non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. During pauses in food preparation utensils shall be stored with handles above the top of the food, on a clean sanitized surface, in running water, or in water that is at least 135øF. Single-use articles and multiservice utensils shall be handled, displayed, and dispensed so that contamination of food and lip-contact surfaces is prevented. Extra preset tableware shall be removed when a consumer is seated or cleaned and sanitized before further use. Pressurized cylinders shall be securely fastened to rigid structure. Linens must be free of food residue and soil and be laundered as required. (114074, 114075(a,b,d,e), 114081, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114083, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5)”

39. Thermometers provided and accurate.

Conditions Observed: Please provide a thermometer for refrigerator unit to monitor temperature.


“An accurate easily readable metal probe thermometer suitable for measuring temperature of food shall be available to the food handler. Thermometers shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications as necessary to ensure their accuracy. A thermometer +/- 2 degrees F shall be provided for all refrigerators, hot and cold holding units, and high temperature warewashing machines. (114157, 114159)”

40. Wiping cloths: properly used and stored.

Conditions Observed: No evidence of sanibuckets/wiping cloths to sanitize surfaces. COS, sanitizer set up reading 100ppmCL.


“Wiping cloths used to clean food spills shall be used only once or stored in a sanitizing solution of an approved concentration as specified in section 114099.6. Dry or wet cloths that are used with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept separate from cloths used for other purposes, cloths that come into contact with raw foods of animal origin shall be kept in a separate sanitizing solution. Wiping cloths shall be free of food debris and visible soil. Working containers of sanitizing solutions for storage of in-use wiping cloths shall be used in a manner to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-use articles. Wet wiping cloths shall be laundered daily. Dry wiping cloths shall be laundered as necessary to prevent contamination of food and clean serving utensils. (114135, 114185.1, 114185.3(d-e))”

44. Premises; personal/cleaning items; vermin-proofing.

Conditions Observed: The interior of the vehicle was messy, unorganized. Please clean and organize storage areas.


“All premises of a food facility shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. The premise of a food facility shall be free of litter and items unnecessary to the operation of the facility. Areas designated for employees to eat and drink shall be located so that food, clean equipent and utensils, linens, and single-use articles are protected from contamination. Personal items shall be stored in a designated area to prevent contamination of food or utensils. Food prep sinks, warewashing sinks, and handwashing sinks shall not be used for the cleaning or maintenance of tools or cleaning supplies or to dispose of mop water and similar liquid wastes. A dedicated janitorial sink with a drain shall be provided and conveniently located. A separate room, area, or cabinet shall be provided for cleaning supplies. The facility shall be kept vermin proof. Insect electrocution devices shall retain the insect within the device and shall not be located over food or utensil handling areas. (114123, 114143(a, b), 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282)”

Routine Inspection
07. Adequate handwash facilities supplied and accessible.

Conditions Observed: Observed paper towel dispenser lacking paper towels in restroom. Keep all required handwash supplies stocked in dispensers for proper handwashing at all times. Operator provided paper towels in the restroom, thank you for correcting this minor violation.


“Handwashing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to toilet rooms, food preparation, and warewashing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be clean, unobstructed, and accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities shall be provided with soap and sanitary single use towels in approved dispensers. Dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. A handwashing facility shall not be used for purposes other than handwashing. (113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f))”

23. Sewage and wastewater properly disposed.

Conditions Observed: Observed wastewater leaking from 3 compartment sink onto the ground. Repair leak and in the meantime, keep a container in that location to catch the wastewater, then dispose of in the sanitary sewer.


“Liquid waste shall be disposed of through the approved plumbing system and shall discharge into the public sewerage or into an approved private sewage disposal system. (114197)”

28. Food separated and protected.

Conditions Observed: Observed tortillas stored in plastic garbage bag and dried chilies stored in plastic shopping bag. Obtain food grade containers for storage of foods to prevent contamination or adulteration from non-food grade plastic.


“Food shall be protected from contamination during transportation, storage, preparation, holding, and display. Adequate and suitable counter space shall be provided for all food preparation. Food preparation shall be conducted wthin an approved food compartment or fully enclosed food facility. Open-air barbecues shall be separated from public access. (113984(a-f), 113986, 114060, 114067(a,d,e,j), 114069(a, c, d), 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c,e))”

41. Plumbing: proper backflow devices.

Conditions Observed: Observed leaky faucet at 3 compartment sink. Repair/replace faucet.


“Steam tables, ice machines, ice bins, food preparation sinks, display cases, walk-in refrigeration units, and other similar equipment that discharge liquid waste shall drain into a floor sink with an air gap or other approved type of receptor. All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with applicable local plumbing ordinances, maintained so as to prevent any contamination, kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device. Any hose used for potable water shall be of approved materials, labeled, properly stored, and used for no other purpose. Liquid drain lines shall not pass through an ice machine or an ice storage bin. (114171, 114190, 114192, 114193, 114193.1, 114199, 114201, 114269)”

62. Compliance with commissary requirements.

Conditions Observed: Observed whole produce (lettuce, tomatoes, avocados) stored on truck. Whole produce shall be stored and prepped at the commissary location.


“MFFs shall operate in conjunction with a commissary, mobile support unit (MSU), or other facility approved by the enforcement agency. The MFF shall be stored at or within a commissary or other location approved by the enforcement agency. MSUs shall operate from and be stored at a designated commissary. MFFs engaged in food preparation other than limited food preparation shall not operate in conjuction with a MSU.(114295)”

75. Compliance with safety requirements

Conditions Observed: MFF is lacking required first-aid kit. Provide a first-aid kit in an enclosed case and store in a convenient location.


“All utensils in a MFF shall be stored so as to prevent their being thrown about in the event of a sudden stop, collision, or overturn. MFFs must have a fully stocked first aid kit, properly charged 10 BC-rated fire extinguisher (for MFFs with heating elements or cooking equipment) and compliant second exit (at least 24"x36"). Gas fired appliances shall be properly insulated in a manner that will prevent excessive heat buildup and injury. All liquified petroleum equipment shall be installed to meet applicable standards. (114323)”

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