Monday, Dec. 9, 2013’s Superior Court Docket
Party | Courtroom | Time | Docket |
ALPHA CALEN1AR ALL COURTROOMS Niekrasz, Ryan Albert-Defendant |
Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305210 |
Bent, Claire Elizabeth-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305480 |
Brinson, Geneva Allene-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1301273 CR1203738 |
Cady, Michael John Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305479 |
Childers, Raelee Marie-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1301553 |
Cooper, Mason Louis-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305327 |
Doolittle, Arlen Wayne Reece Sr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305475 |
Downey, Dawn Elizebeth-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305158 |
Dunkle, Timothy Lloyd-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305486 |
Earl, Jade Felecia-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1200576 |
Fode, Christen Elizabeth-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305481 |
Gregorio, Joseph Lee-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305492 |
Hogan, Jonathan David-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305484 |
Johnston, Joseph Kenneth-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1101338 CR11008758 |
Jones, Brittany Lynn-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1003153 CR094543S |
Jones, Jesse Michael-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305071 |
Kneer, Lucas Richard-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TR0536898 CR053751S CR0529215 CR0353155 |
Mcree, Robert Monroe-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1304897 |
McRee, Robert Monroe-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1203783 CR1102960 CR1003436 |
Mouraux, Cierra Jo-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1302525 CR1201830 |
Niekrasz, Ryan Albert-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305210 |
Nieto, Christopher Patrick-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305295 |
Nolan, Hannah Joy-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305488 |
Ohanlon, Jeffrey Sean-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305476 |
Patterson, Charles Jonathan-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305477 |
Pettitt, Harry Anthony-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305380 |
Rodoni, Johanna Mary-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305487 |
Rogers, John Burr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305490 |
Rutter, Jared Douglas-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1304533 CR1302574 CR1200136 |
Soza, Joshua Michael-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1104770 |
Stell, Steven Lance-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305478 |
Tritchier, Brandy Rose-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1300778 |
Tritchler, Brandy Rose-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1205452 CR1003033 |
Trujillo, Miguel Adonis-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305491 |
Walker, Charles Edward Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305485 |
C. Smith vs, C. Smith Smith, Crystal L-Respondent |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | FL110319 |
C. Smith vs. C. Smith County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | FL110319 |
C. Smith vs. C. Smith Smith, Curtis L-Petitioner |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | FL110319 |
Garcia, Jose Ill-Defendant | Four | 8:30 a.m. | CR1305390 |
Martin, Robin Leanne-Defendant | Four | 8:30 a.m. | CR1300897 CR1103980 CR1103835 |
Mosier, Jessie Ray-Defendant | Four | 8:30 a.m. | CR1 305408A CR1305396 CR1301452 CR1301200 CR1202811 |
Vandenplas, Jesse Micah-Defendant | Four | 8:30 a.m. | CR1 301754B CR1103098 |
Vandenplas, Jesse Michael-Defendant | Four | 8:30 a.m. | CR1203647 |
3. Benavides vs. D. Saveliff Benavides, George -Plaintiff |
One | 8:30 a.m. | 0R130452 |
ft Warwick vs. E. Martin Cotherman, Bruce R-Plaintiff |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DRI 20726 |
G. Benavides vs. D. Saveliff Benavides, Sarah -Plaintiff |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DR130452 |
R. Warwick vs. 2. Martin McClure, Todd -Defendant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DR120726 |
R. Warwick vs. 2. Martin Warwick, Robin -Cross Defendant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DRI 20726 |
R. Warwick vs. E. Martin Cotheman, Bruce -Cross Defendant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DR120726 |
R. Warwick vs. E. Martin Martin, Eric H-Cross Complainant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DRI 20726 |
R. Warwick vs. E. Martin Martin, Eric H-Defendant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DRI 20726 |
R. Warwick vs. E. Martin McClure, Jill A-Cross Complainant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DR120726 |
R. Warwick vs. E. Martin McClure, Jill A-Defendant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DRI 20726 |
R. Warwick vs. E. Martin Warwick, Robin -Plaintiff |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DRI 20726 |
S. Benavides vs. D. Saveliff Savelift, Dan -Defendant |
One | 8:30 a.m. | DR130452 |
5. Bench vs. D. Pool Bench, Stephanie -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL100176 |
6. Zeigler vs. J. Suma Zeigler, Elaine -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL090315 |
A. Zinselmeir vs. V. Zinselmeir Zinselmeir, Angela A-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130093 |
A. Zinselmeir vs. V. Zinsemeir California State Teacher's Retirement System-Claimant |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130093 |
B. Cruz vs. K. Cmz Cruz, Kenneth -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30294 |
B. Cruz vs. K. Cruz California Public Employees Retirement System-Claimant |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130294 |
B. Cruz vs. K. Cruz Cruz, Brook -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130294 |
E. Zeigler vs. J Suma County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL090315 |
E. Zeigler vs. J. Suma Suma, Jimi -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL090315 |
Jack Beelar vs Heather Beelar Beelar, Heather A-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL100024 |
Jack Beelar vs Heather Beelar Beelar, Jack J-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 00024 |
Jack Beelar vs Heather Beelar County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 00024 |
Jason Quinn vs. Emily Quinn County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL060028 |
Jason Quinn vs. Emily Quinn Quinn, Emily -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL060028 |
Jason Quinn vs. Emily Quinn Quinn, Haileigh -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL060028 |
Jason Quinn vs. Emily Quinn Quinn, Jaelin -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL060028 |
Jason Quinn vs. Emily Quinn Quinn, Jason -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL060028 |
Jason Quinn vs. Emily Quinn Quinn, Kamry -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL060028 |
J. Kapala vs. M. Kapala Kapala, Jennifer-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130476 |
J. Kapala vs. M. Kapala Kapala, Michael -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130476 |
J. Taylor vs. J. Smith Smith, Jonathan -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130166 FLI 30166 |
J. Taylor vs. J. Smith Taylor, Justine -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30166 |
J. Weeks vs. H. Weeks Weeks, Harry -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130056 |
J. Weeks vs. H. Weeks Weeks, Jane C-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30056 |
K, Macias vs. A. Tejeda County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL040062 |
K. Macias vs. A. Tejeda County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL040062 |
K. Macias vs. A. Tejeda Tejeda, Alfredo M.-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL040062 |
K. Maclas vs. A, Tejeda Macias, Kimberly A.-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL040062 |
K. Maclas vs. A. Tejeda Maclas, Kimberly A.-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL040062 |
Matter of: M. Dunn Dunn, James C-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PRI 20196 |
Matter of: M. Dunn Dunn, Jason William-Father |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PRI 20196 |
Matter of: M. Dunn Dunn, Madison Meadow-Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120196 |
Matter of: M. Dunn Dunn-Young, Donna -Guardian |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PRI 20196 |
Matter of: M. Dunn Martin, Linda -Relative lsW2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120196 |
Matter of: M. Dunn Nystrom, Richard Dean-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120196 |
Matter ot M. Dunn Nystrom, Naomi Lindsay-Mother |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120196 |
R, Duncan vs. A. Stevens Stevens, Adam -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
R. Duncan vs. A! Stevens County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
R. Duncan vs. A. Stevens County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
R. Duncan vs. A. Stevens Duncan, Rachael -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
R. Duncan vs. A. Stevens Duncan, Racheel -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
R. Duncan vs. A. Stevens Stevens, Adam -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
R. Duncan vs. A. Stevens Stevens, Beverly -Claimant |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080586 |
S. Bench vs. D. Pool County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 00176 |
S. Bench vs. D. Pool Pool, Dustin -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 00176 |
Zinselmeir, Vincent P-Respondent | Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130093 |
Carr, Dane Malcome-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | TR1 205937 CR1304687 CR1304686 CR1301457 CR1301065 CR1300808 CR1300712 CR1300711 CR1300508 CR1205681 CR1204002 CR1201892 |
Nastiuk, Joseph E-Defendant | Four | 8:31 a.m. | CR1302036 CR1204960 |
Nastiuk, Joseph Eugene-Defendant | Four | 8:31 a.m. | CR1302613 |
Newmaker, Gerald Wayne-Defendant | Four | 8:31 a.m. | CR1305212 CR1304649 CR1201528 CR1201138B CRI100SIIB CR1100201 |
Tilley, James Everett Jr-Defendant | Four | 8:31 a.m. | CR1305495C CR1301130 CR1004644C |
T. Blevin vs. M. Machin Blevin, Tyler-Petitioner |
Eight | 9 a.m. | FL130120 |
T. Blevin vs. M. Machin County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Eight | 9 a.m. | FLI 301 20 |
T. Blevin vs. M. Machin Machin, Melissa -Respondent |
Eight | 9 a.m. | FLI 301 20 |
K. O'Rourke vs. J, D'Rourke County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 9 a.m. | FL080688 |
K. O'Rourke vs. J. O'Rourke ORourke, Kate -Petitioner |
Six | 9 a.m. | FL080688 |
K. ORourke vs. J O'Rourke ORourke, Joseph -Respondent |
Six | 9 a.m. | FL080688 |
M, Murphy vs. C. Stone Murphy, Michelle S-Petitioner |
Six | 9 a.m. | FL100432 |
M. Murphy vs. C. Stone County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 9 a.m. | FL100432 |
M. Murphy vs. C. Stone Stone, Cameron L-Respondent |
Six | 9 a.m. | FLI 00432 |
Aldama, Philip Flores-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304441 |
Almas, Jesse Jacob-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304795 |
Batty, Micheal David-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304843 |
Brewer, Jody Layne-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302112 |
Carras, Dakota Mathew-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303663 |
Dannhausen, Ludwig Walter-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1301772 |
Davey, Lorraine -Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304536 |
Feathers, Karla Ann-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304709 |
Gensaw, Curtis Floyd-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304539 |
Grace, Joel Steven-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303693 |
May William Conrad-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304792 |
Mcneil, Camille Winans-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR0858345 CR0824375 |
Myers, Tara Kaberi-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304729 |
Nichols, James Michael-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303434 |
Pinkard, Joseph Duane-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1204072 |
Seiberlich, James Christian-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304095 |
Shilling, Ashley Jennifer-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1006741 |
Smith, Aaron Joseph-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1305464 CR1304797 |
Taylor, Jessica Leigh-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304508 |
Thompson Greydon Welch-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1203803 |
Thompson, Greydon Welch-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302359 |
Johnson, Christopher Allen-Defendant | Five | 1:29 p.m. | TR1215908 |
A. Anderson vs. C. Williams Anderson, Anne-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 0R130364 |
A. Anderson vs. C. Williams Bymaster, Carol -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 0R130364 |
A. Anderson vs. C. Williams William, Charles "Cliff-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130364 |
A. Anderson vs. C. Williams Williams, Charles "Marc-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130364 |
K Babauta vs. Dept of Motor Vehicles DepartmentofMotorVehicles-Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130520 |
K. Babauta vs. Dept of Motor Vehicles Babauta, Kristina Janell-Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130520 |
K. Babauta vs. Dept of Motor Vehicles Shiomoto, Jean -Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130520 |
K. Babauta vs. Dept of Motor Vehicles Trehearne, Anita -Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CVI 30520 |
N. Eghtesad vs. Bank of America Bank of America, N.A. -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110368 |
N. Eghtesad vs. Bank of America Eghtesad, Nader-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110368 |
N. Eghtesad vs. Bank of America SAC Home Loans Servicing, LP -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110368 |
P. Chase vs. L, Barnes Barnes, Louis -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130477 |
P. Chase vs. L. Barnes Chase, Phillip -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30477 |
P. Chase vs. L. Barnes Ransom, Janet-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130477 |
People vs. $15,005 US Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CVI 30666 |
People vs. $15005 US Currency $15005.00 US Currency -Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130666 |
People vs. $18,769.60 U.S. Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130440 |
People vs. $18,769.60 U.S. Currency Stephens, Elizabeth -Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130440 |
People vs. $18769.60 U.S. Currency $18769.60 US Currency-Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130440 |
People vs. 515,005 US Currency Ruptak, Nathan -Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130666 |
R. Lucero vs. T. Simmons All persons claiming interest in, Shelter Cove CA -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30483 |
R. Lucero vs. T. Simmons Baker, Louisa M-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 0R130483 |
R. Lucero vs. T. Simmons Lucero, Elizabeth -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130483 |
R. Lucero vs. T. Simmons Lucero, Reynal -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130483 |
R. Lucero vs. T. Simmons Simmons, Terresa -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30483 |
Dunkin, Billie Joe Jr-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305023 |
Hammers1 Shavonne Patricia-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1301099B CR090392S |
Hammers, Shavonne Patricia-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304087C |
Harrison Zachary Cordell-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305065 |
Heflin, Sheila Lynn-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305528A CR1303612 CR1 201 262A CR0905967 |
Hickey, Rex John-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1104011 CR1101868 |
James, Claire Jasper-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1303513 |
Varelas, Juan Luis-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305287 |
Co of Humboldr vs Marcus Fleming County of Humboldt-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | F5120042 |
Co of Humboldr vs Marcus Fleming Fleming, Marcus -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FSI 20042 |
Co of Humboldr vs Marcus Fleming McArthur, Christina N-Other Parent-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS120042 |
Co of Humboldt vs Jonathan A Dombeck Dyell Dombeck Dyell, Jonathon Anthony-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FSI 20284 |
Co of Humboldt vs Jonathon A Dombeck DyelI Jones Martin, Erin R-Other Parent-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS120284 |
Co of Humboldt vs Jonathon A Dombeck Dyell County of Humboldt-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | F5120284 |
Co. of Hum. vs. C. Kesseiring Ill County Of Humboldt -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | F5910072 |
Co. of Hum. vs. C. Kesselring Ill Kesselring, Charles A. Ill-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS910072 |
Co. of Hum. vs. C. Kesselring Ill Kesselring, Karen W,-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | F5910072 |
Co. of Hum. vs. J. Collins Alexander, Reichel -Other Parent-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS090316 |
Co. of Hum. vs. J. Collins Collins, Jason J.-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS090316 |
Co. of Hum. vs. J. Collins County of Humboldt-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS090316 |
D. Brown vs. J. LaRue Brown, Dannielle -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CPI 20450 |
D. Brown vs. J. LaRue LaRue, Joseph -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP120450 |
D. Dougherty vs. K. Dougherty CountyofHumboldt-DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120108 |
D. Dougherty vs. K. Dougherty Dougherty, Darlene -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120108 |
D. Dougherty vs. K. Dougherty Dougherty, Darlene-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120108 |
D. Dougherty vs. K. Dougherty Dougherty, Kevin -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 201 08 |
D. Kalis vs. J. Kalis County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL100042 |
D. Kalis vs. J. Kalis Kalis, Daniel -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL100042 |
D. Kalis vs. J. Kalis Kalis, Hannah -Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL100042 |
D. Kalis vs. J. Kalis Kalis, Jessica-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL100042 |
E. Jackson vs. A. Johnson Jackson, Ernest-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP120304 |
E. Jackson vs. A. Johnson Johnson, Ashia -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP120304 |
E. Songy vs. D. Songy Songy, Darrell Joseph Ill-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130580 |
E. Songy vs. D. Songy Songy, Eva Jolene Renee-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 30580 |
J. Brown vs. D. Stiles Brown, Jennifer -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130444 |
J. Brown vs. D. Stiles Stiles, Daryl Jr-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130444 |
J. Fox vs. N. Holbrook Fox, Joscelind Rachel-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130228 |
J. Fox vs. N. Holbrook Holbrook, Nathaniel Edward-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 30228 |
J. Godoy vs. J. Wright County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130106 |
J. Godoy vs. J. Wright Godoy, Jose Hector-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130106 |
J. Godoy vs. J. Wright Wright, Jennifer Ann-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130106 |
J. Webb vs. R. Perez County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL070248 |
J. Webb vs. R. Perez Perez Reuben -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL070248 |
J. Webb vs. R. Perez Taggart, Dorothy Ann-Claimant |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL070248 |
J. Webb vs. R. Perez Webb, Jenna -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL070248 |
Matter o A. Wright Wright, Alex -Relative 1 sU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRIOOI9O |
Matter of: A. Wright Busenius, David -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | P RI 00190 |
Matter of: A. Wright Busenius, Ferdinand -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRIOOI9O |
Matter of: A. Wright Busenius, Mary -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRI 00190 |
Matter of: A. Wright Reel1 Jerrie -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR100190 |
Matter of: A. Wright Tharp, Sarah Jolee-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRIOOI9O |
Matter of: A. Wright Tharp, Steven -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRIOOI9O |
Matter of: H. Miller Haselip, Shawn -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter of: H. Miller Miller, Hunter-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter of: H. Miller Miller, Jeffrey -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter of: H. Miller Miller, Lisa -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter of: H. Miller Smith, Deborah -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter of: H. Miller Smith, Slater -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter Of: H, Pollard Evans, Tammy S-Previous Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR010287 |
Matter Of: H. Pollard Pollard, Hailee -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR010287 |
Matter Of: H. Pollard Pollard, Hannah M.-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR010287 |
Matter Of: H. Pollard Pollard, Michelle -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR010287 |
Matter of: I. Van Cura Rose Rose, Travis -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRI 001 22 |
Matter of: I. Van Cura Rose Van Cura Rose, Erika -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRI 001 22 |
Matter of: I. Van Cura Rose Van Cura Rose, Izabella Christina-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR100122 |
Matter of: I. Van Curs Rose Miller, Misty-Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR100122 |
Matter Of: M. Gibbens Gibbens, Michael -Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PROI 0052 |
Matter Of: M. Gibbens Gibbens, Ronald -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR010052 |
Matter oft A. Wright Miller-Barkley, Stacey -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRIOOI9O |
Matter ot H. Miller Haselip, Heather-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080290 |
Matter Ot H. Pollard Pollard, Michael W-Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR010287 |
N, Apperson vs. P. Kendall Kendall, Paul Kenneth-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130492 |
N. Apperson vs. P. Kendall Apperson, Nichole Ellen-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130492 |
S. Smith vs. J. Young Smith, Sara -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130550 |
S. Smith vs. J. Young Young, Jake -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130550 |
T. Valdez vs. C. Nagahiro Nagahiro, Conrad -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130544 |
T. Valdez vs. C. Nagahiro Valdez, Tania -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130544 |
Baldwin, Lance William-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1313551 |
Hensley, Tyler Jared-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1314128 |
Mills, Alan Wayne-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1314489 |
Phillips, Nicole Jasmine-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1314218 |
Rouff, Briana Mckenzie-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TRI 314691 |
Urbina, VanessaAguirre-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1314221 |
Kay, Christian John-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305518 |
Maynard, Amber Elizabeth-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR11030538 |
Nastiuk, Joseph E-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1302036 CR1204960 |
Nastiuk, Joseph Eugene-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1302613 |
D. Davis vs. Ford Motor Company Davis, Darrell Douglas-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130451 |
D. Davis vs. Ford Motor Company Davis, Donna -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130451 |
D. Davis vs. Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company-Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130451 |
Matter of: A. McDonald McDonald, Abbey -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | CV130616 |
C. Brown vs. E. Brown Brown, Charles David-Petitioner |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL090474 |
C. Brown vs. E. Brown Brown, Erin C-Respondent |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL090474 |
C. Brown vs. E. Brown Brown, Jillian -Minor |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL090474 |
S. Gasparas vs. V. Pollentier Campbell, Valerie -Respondent |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL090159 |
S. Gasparas vs. V. Pollentier Gasparas, Stephen -Petitioner |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL090159 |
S. Gasparas vs. V. Pollentier Rose, Layla Jordan-Minor |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL090159 |
S. Ye vs. ft Sui Ye Shu Yi-Plaintiff |
Eight | 2 p.m. | SC120414 |
S. Ye vs. R. Sui Just Holiday Travel Agency -Defendant |
Eight | 2 p.m. | SCI 20414 |
S. Ye vs. R. Sui Sui, Raymond -Defendant |
Eight | 2 p.m. | SCI 20414 |
T, Propst vs. W. Propst Patton, Larry -Claimant |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL110183 |
T. Propst vs. W. Propst Patton, Amy -Claimant |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL110183 |
T. Propst vs. W. Propst Propst, Tim -Petitioner |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL110183 |
T. Propst vs. W. Propst Propst, Wendy -Respondent |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL110183 |
Confidential | Eight | 2 p.m. | CVI 30631 |
Dues, David Lee-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1303058 |
Edwards, Louis Wifliam-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1200535 |
Edwards, Louis William-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1303971 CR1006837 |
Fockaert, Matthew Michael-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1304701 |
Howard, David Keith-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1201819 CR0857755 |
Howard, Duane Lee-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1300617 CR1202092 CR1104971 |
Humphrey, Shiela Marie-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1200949 |
Jamerson, Robert Eugene-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1303765 |
Jordan, Christian Michael-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1006920 CR0524505 |
Moore, Lauren Kay-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302857 |
Smith, Craig R-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1 305528B CR1304165 |
People vs. US Currency $33,882.92 17 Gold Coins -Respondent |
Four | 2 p.m. | CV1 20429 |
People vs. US Currency $33,882.92 $3984.33 US Currency -Respondent |
Four | 2 p.m. | CVI 20429 |
People vs. US Currency $33,882.92 Waldrop, Joshua Zebulon-Claimant |
Four | 2 p.m. | CVI 20429 |
People vs. US Currency $33882.92 $33881.92 US Currency -Respondent |
Four | 2 p.m. | CV120429 |
People vs. US Currency $33882.92 People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Four | 2 p.m. | CVI 20429 |
Ramos, John Invernon IV-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302976 |
Ramos, John lnverrnon IV-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302978 |
Ramos, John lnverrnon V-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1300260 CR1300184 CR1205791 |
Rieke, Ronald Allen-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1305458 CR1302707 CR1202037 CR1103461A |
Rivas, Linda Jean-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302988 CR1203522 CR1203521 CR1202163 |
Schink, Thomas William-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1201807 |
Seipp, July Kathleen-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302557 CR1001164 |
Siraishi, Yohei -Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1301505 |
Smith, Christopher Glynn-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1100674 CR1006137 |
Taft, Jeremy Lee-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1305268 |
Tatro David Allen-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1204971 |
Tatro, David Allen-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303193 CR1302968 |
Tracy, Larry Sidney-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205608 |
Valadao, Virgilio Defreitas Jr-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205729 CR1202257 |
Vanbeers, Sjoerd James-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205342 CR087149S |
Vanpelt, Dwight Allen-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303414 |
Waidrop, Joshua Zebulon-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205454 |
Warren, Jason Anthony-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1301240 |
Webster! Rick Wayne-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1300781 |
Anderson, David Bernard Il-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1303120 |
Bondurant, Alicia Marie-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1302702 |
Burrell, Candice Crystal-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305164 CR1302200 CR1005859 CR0905343 |
Burroughs, Kevin Dale-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1304599 CR1302552 |
Caston, Matthew Gary-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305233 CR1200487A |
Chenault, John Harrison Jr-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1304873 |
Chiemwichitra, Timothy Bukiop-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305188 CR091846S |
Christensen, Jordan Eric-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305123A CR1203767 |
Diegan, Timothy David-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1205550 |
Doolittle, Virginia June-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1103454 |
Foster, Shawnee -Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1103589A |
Foster, Shawnee Nikita Marrian-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR11036338 |
Foster, Shawnee NikitaMarrian-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1302533A |
Foster, Shawnee Nikita Marriane-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 201301A |
Hermes, Paul Lee-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1203012 CR1200715 |
Apicello, Nicholas Alfonso Howard-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1306358 |
Bachemin, Paul Charles-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1312687 |
Cuimet, Helene Maria-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1310991 |
Garcia, Mathew Clayton-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1306077 |
Laplace, Ronald Victor-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1313727 |
Morales, Jacob Michael-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1309882 |
Peak, Mark Allen-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1308775 |
Sorensen, Erik V-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1312436 |
Tipton, Michael Allen-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1307074 |
Kinyon, Laura Jean-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1300130 |
Krumwiede, Sandra Ann-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1304439 |
Lamberson, Amanda Katherine-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303183 CR1202079 |
Lawson, Jeremy John-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1305049 |
Long, Kenneth James-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1301512 |
Lovergine, Troy -Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303583 CR1303088 CR1303039 CR1302489 CR1300569 CR1101636 |
Lucas, Jeremiah Allen-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1001937 |
Marcks, Jeramy Merle-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1202789 |
Mareks, Jeramy Merle-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302657 |
Maroks, Jeramy Merle-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1301207 |
Marshall, Matthew R-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1201926 |
Martin, Paul Michael-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1203220 |
Masad, Erik Martin-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303981 |
Matthews, Melvin Dwayne Jr-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1300340 |
Morales1 Eloy Glenn Jr-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302129 |
Morvan, Sandra Lynn-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302564 |
Murschel, Sarah Lea-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302438 |
Nelson, Eric John-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1304400 |
Olson, David Charles-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1104616 |
Peters, Anthony Eugene Jr-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1301832 |
Petranoff, Steven Edmund-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1203512 |
Hebert, Patricia Gayle-Defendant | Three | 2:01 p.m. | CR1204623 CR1202938 CR1202190 CR1103561 |
Rippeon, Derek Austin-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305404 CR1100319 |
Simpson, Frederick Stephen-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1302539 |
Smith, Marcus Wade Jr-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1304602 CR1204456 |
Talamanles, Gabriel -Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1103667 |
Talamantes, Gabriel -Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1300525 CR1200286 |
Thomas, Brenda Jean-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305526 CR1305509 CR1301083 CR1200312 CR1105437 |
Valentine, Kelly Renee-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1 303107A |
Valentine, Rocky Anthony-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1303107B |
White, Travis Ray-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305459 |
Anderson, Matthew Martin-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1305121 |
Armstrong, Amanda Lorraine-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1302193 CR1203276 CRIIO3B9OA |
Asti, Ashley Morgan-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1304937 CR1302544 CR1205999 CR1205364 CR1203796 CR1203281A |
Boone, Sally Jeanette-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1304832 CR1301062 |
Casey, Kevin Michael-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR13055048 CR1304199 CR1301252 |
Clark! Chester Walden-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1304803 |
Crossland, Triston Louis-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1305455 CR1 200993A CR1104466 CR1102118 |
Coast Central Credit Union vs. N. Roby Coast Central Credit Union -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SCI 30204 |
Coast Central Credit Union vs. N. Roby Roby, Nicholas -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130204 |
D. Beeler vs. T. Seder Beeler, Deanna -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SCI 30020 |
D. Beeler vs. T. Seder Seder, Ty -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130020 |
Flips For Kids vs. B. Schunneman Flip for Kids Gymnastics Center -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SCI 30307 |
Flips For Kids vs. B. Schunneman Schunneman, Brandi -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130307 |
Flips For Kids vs. B. Schunneman Schunneman, Eric -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130307 |
S. Bautista vs. F. Crawford Bautista, Sonia R DMD-Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130060 |
S. Bautista vs. F. Crawford Crawford, Fabaine -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | 5C130060 |
Confidential | Three | 3 p.m. | CVI 30640 |