Monday, Dec. 16, 2013’s Superior Court Docket
Party | Courtroom | Time | Docket |
Robinson, Gilbert Keith-Defendant | Three | 6 a.m. | CR0856425 |
Backman, Susan Lorraine-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305650 |
Barry, Matthew Kevin-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305649 |
Bowles, Patrick Sean-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305646 |
Conrad, Mitchell Newton-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305409 |
Cryfter, Scott Robert-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305619 |
Dalton, Troy Walker-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1203113 |
Darling, Paula Sue-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1302593 CR1301715 CR1101237 CR1001417 |
Dingman Susannah Jane-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305623 |
Edwards1 Robert Eugene-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1204535 |
Edwards, Robert Eugene-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1005315 CR1000644 |
Edwards, Robert Eugene Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1301044 |
Eib, Aaron James-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305647 CR1200509 |
Feathers Jeffery Lynn Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305616 |
Feathers, Jeffery Lynn Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303824 |
Hilliard, Dwayne E-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1300848 CR1 300571A |
Hogan, Ray David-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305444 CR1302549 CR1300086 |
Huston, Cameron Levi-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TR1306416 |
Johnson, Wayne Ray-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305704 CR1305615 CR1204679 |
Khoury, Lynn Francis-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TRI 304424 TR1300547 CR1305420 CR1304052 CR1303084 CR1302616 CR1205645 |
Kiefer, Jeremiah Joseph-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305626 |
Lehnherr, Micheas -Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305220 CR1303126 CR1300305 |
McCarver, Paul Douglas-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1300660 CR1 300458B |
Mccovey Chmook Sinjun Tay-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305625 |
Mouraux, Cierra Jo-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1104781 |
Myers, John Anderson-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305620 |
Nichols, Christopher Stephen-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1204944 |
Osborne, William Eugene-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305648 |
Owen, Kayla Leeann-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305651 |
Owen, Kayla LeeAnn-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1204906B |
Richards, Randall Elton-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1103439 |
Savonen, Janice Marie-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305551 |
Schaeffer, Joseph Steven-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305622 |
Wafts, Steven Christopher-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305627 |
Woodring, Jared Andrew-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305624 |
Yang, Yer -Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305652 CR1304914 CR1300313 |
S. Gasparas vs. V. Pollentier Campbell, Valerie -Respondent |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | FL090159 |
S. Gasparas vs. V. Pollentier Gasparas, Stephen -Petitioner |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | FL090159 |
S. Gasparas vs. V. Pollentier Rose Layla Jordan-Minor |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | FL090159 |
Leen, Joshua Jason-Defendant | Five | 8:30 a.m. | CR1204489 |
A. Nichols vs. P. Nichols County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080358 |
A. Nichols vs. P. Nichols Nichols, Alison -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080358 |
A. Nichols vs. P. Nichols Nichols, Peter -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL080358 |
A. Zinselmeir vs. V. Zinselmeir California State Teacher's Retirement System-Claimant |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130093 |
A. Zinselmeir vs. V. Zinselmeir Zinselmeir, Angela A-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30093 |
I Joachim vs. S. Joachim Joachim, Joanna M-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110018 |
J. German vs. T. Bates Bates, Terry -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130434 FLI 30434 |
J. German vs. T. Bates German Julie M-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130434 |
J. German vs. T. Bates German, Julie M-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130434 |
J. Joachim vs. S. Joachim County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLIIOOI8 |
J. Joachim vs. S. Joachim Joachim, Scott -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLIIOOI8 |
J. Rodriguez vs. W. Rodriguez Rodriguez Joseph Michael-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110648 |
J. Rodriguez vs. W. Rodriguez Rodriguez, Joseph Michael-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110648 |
J. Rodriguez vs. W. Rodriguez Rodriguez, Whitney Ann-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110648 |
K. Heath vs. C. Galati Galati, Christopher-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110614 |
K. Heath vs. C. Galati Heath, Kelly -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110614 |
M. Potter vs. D, Potter Potter, Diane -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130446 |
M. Potter vs. D. Potter Potter, Diane -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130446 |
M. Potter vs. D. Potter Potter! Diane -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | CPI 30384 |
M. Potter vs. D. Potter Potter, Monty Allen-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | CP130384 |
M. Potter vs. D. Potter Potter, Monty -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130446 FLI 30446 |
M. Strain vs. L. Strain Strain, Levi -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130204 |
M. Strain vs. L. Strain Strain, Melissa -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130204 FLI 30204 |
R. Hoyos vs. ft Koenen Koenen, Rachel -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL100411 |
R. Hoyos vs. R. Koenen Hoyos, Rafael -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL100411 |
Zinselmeir, Vincent P-Respondent | Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30093 |
Casey Kevin Michael-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1305504B |
Casey, Kevin Michael-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304199 CR1301252 |
Confidential | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CVI 30750 |
Hawk, Jessie Kate -Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1204847 CR1200890A CR1007074 |
Hawk, JessieKate -Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1300798 |
Peterson, Robert Ole-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304867 |
Simpson, Frederick Stephen-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1302539 |
Thomas, Brenda Jean-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1305526 CR1305509 CR1301083 CR1200312 CR1105437 |
Tinkham, Maria Suzanne-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304152 |
G. Dove vs. D. Wade Dove, Genna -Petitioner |
Six | 9 a.m. | CP100444 |
G. Dove vs. D. Wade Wade, Dawn -Respondent |
Six | 9 a.m. | CP100444 |
Anderson, Michael Joseph-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303124 |
Byrd, Eric Lane-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303572 |
Dorantes, Karen Marie-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304920 |
Faumui, Austin Kerisimari-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304924 |
King, Bella -Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304880 |
Kinsang, Pauline Talifolau-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304666A |
Knight, Jeremy Glen-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1200229 |
Lewis, Benjamin Lee-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304885 |
Saechao, Kao Saeng-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304921 |
Sturtevant, Adam F-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302590 |
B, Lange vs. Bank of America Citibank NA. -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR120707 |
B. Lange vs. Bank of America Bank of America, National Assoc, -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 20707 |
B. Lange vs. Bank of America Lange, Brenda J-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 20707 |
C. Davila vs. B. Squires Davila, Crystal -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130428 |
C. Davila vs. B. Squires Roberts, Tyler-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 0R130428 |
C. Davila vs. B. Squires Squires, Betty -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 08130428 |
C. Davila vs. B. Squires Squires, Floyd -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130428 |
D. Coleman vs. City of Fortuna City of Fortuna -Cross Complainant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130377 |
D. Coleman vs. City of Fortuna City of Fortuna -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30377 |
D. Coleman vs. City of Fortuna Coleman, Dennis-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130377 |
D. Coleman vs. City of Fortuna Coleman Margaret-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30377 |
D. Coleman vs. City of Fortuna SHN Consulting Engineers and Geologists, Inc-Cross Defenth |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 08130377 |
D, Marcus vs. PG&E Corporation DeVinny, Ryan -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130247 |
D. Marcus vs. PG&E Corporation Landis+Gyr, Inc. -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30247 |
D. Marcus vs. PG&E Corporation Marcus, Denise -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130247 |
D. Marcus vs. PG&E Corporation Marcus, Gregory -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130247 |
D. Marcus vs. PG&E Corporation PG&E Corporation -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30247 |
D. Nail Jr. vs. H. Ulansey Natt, Donovan Sr-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30319 |
D. Natt Jr vs. H. Ulansey Lawhon, Chrissy -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30319 |
D. Natt Jr. vs. H. Ulansey Natt, Donovan Jr-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR1 30319 |
D. Natt Jr. vs. H. Ulansey Ulansey, Hannah -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30319 |
D. NattJr. vs. H. Ulansey Lawhon, Chrissy -Guardian Ad Litem |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30319 |
F, Squires vs. M. Adams White1 Larry -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Adams1 Andrew -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Adams, Mark-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRII0803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams California Receivership, LLC -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Craig, Dana -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Dekelaita, Deon -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Hamline, Edward "Eddie-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Root, Andrew-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Squires, Betty -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | D8110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams Squires, Floyd E Ill-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | D8110803 |
F. Squires vs. M. Adams White, Judith -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110803 |
M. Brasher vs. cSM Brasher, Michael -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110490 |
M. Brasher vs. CSM AAA Mountainwest Insurance Co -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110490 |
M. Brasher vs. CSM AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah Ins. Exchange-Defen |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110490 |
M. Brasher vs. CSM California State Automobile Association-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110490 |
M. Brasher vs. CSM CSM Inter-Insurance Bureau-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR110490 |
M. Brasher vs. CSPA ACA Insurance Company -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | 0R110490 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Natha, Maganbhai L-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30343 DR130342 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Natha, SarIs M-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130342 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Natha, Sarla M-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Binita -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130342 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Chiman J-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130343 DR130342 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Jagdish P-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Pritesh -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130342 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Sandhyaben C-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR1 30343 DRI 30342 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Urmilaben J-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 30343 |
People vs. $2,806.00 US Currency $2,806.00 US Currency -Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130694 |
People vs. $2,806.00 US Currency Nielsen, Anthony Robert-Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130694 |
People vs. $2,806.00 US Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130694 |
People vs. $45,271.00 U.S. Currency 2004 Ford Mustang -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV090696 |
People vs. $45,271.00 U.S. Currency $45,271.00 US Currency -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV090696 |
People vs. $45,271.00 U.S. Currency Couch, Dan Brady-Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV090696 |
People vs. $45,271.00 U.S. Currency Markusson, Michelle -Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV090696 |
People vs. $45271.00 U.S. Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV090696 |
Confidential | Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130500 |
Esparza, Luis Miguel-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305513C |
Hang, Paul Lojan-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305170 |
Hickey, Rex John-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1104011 CR1101868 |
Steele, Richard James-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1007011B |
Wear Kevin Maurice-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | TR1307148 CR1203823 |
Wear, Kevin Maurice-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | TR1308876 TRI 307217 CR1305273 CR1305259 CR1305132 CR1301019 CR1203823 CR1105235 |
Carter Randy Dennis-Defendant | One | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305494 |
Phines, Eric Williams-Defendant | One | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304171 CR1303282 CR1302236 CR1205357 CR1204840 |
A. Velasquez vs. B. Bartholomew Bartholomew, Brian -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 20386 |
A. Velasquez vs. B. Bartholomew County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 20386 |
A. Velasquez vs. B. Bartholomew Velasquez, Angela -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL1 20386 |
Christian Kellawan vs Amalia Ruiz County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130106 |
Christian Kellawan vs Amalia Ruiz Kellawan, Christian -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130106 |
Christian Kellawan vs Amalia Ruiz Ruiz, Amalia -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130106 |
Co. of Hum. vs. S. Rexford County of Humboldt -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS950052 |
Co. of Hum. vs. S. Rexford Fox, Stephanie A-Other Parent-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS950052 |
Co. of Hum. vs. S. Rexford Rexford, Shannon Lee-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FS950052 |
H. Weatherbee vs. B. Mueller-Cwsley Mueller-Owsley, Brian -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL990818 |
H. Weatherbee vs. B. Mueller-Owsley Owsley, Janet-Claimant |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL990818 |
H. Weatherbee vs. B. Mueller-Owsley Weatherbee, Hannah -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL990818 |
J. Gaitlin vs. L. Wethington GatHn, Joshua -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120408 |
J. Gaitlin vs. L. Wethington Gatlin, Joshua -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120408 |
J. Gaitlin vs. L. Wethington Wethington, Loni A-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120408 |
J. Wood vs. T. Brannon Brannon, Tyrel -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130542 |
J. Wood vs. T. Brannon Wood, Jennifer -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CPI 30542 |
K, Duffy vs. 0. Duffy Duffy, Karrie -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL030530 |
K. Duffy vs. 0. Duffy County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL030530 |
K. Duffy vs. 0. Duffy Duffy, Gregory-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL030530 |
Mailer Of: C. Mendes Mendes, Randal -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR020374 |
Mailer of: K. Lee Norman, Pamela -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070316 |
Matter Of: C. Mendes Gear, Patty -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR020374 |
Matter Of: C. Mendes Mendes, Clinton Leland-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR020374 |
Matter Of: C. Mendes Mendes, Elsie -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR020374 |
Matter Of: C. Mendes Mendes, Frank -Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR020374 |
Matter of: D. Steele et 81 Steele, David E-Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070248 |
Matter of: D. Steele et al Mallett, Lynda -Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070248 |
Matter of: D. Steele et al Steele, David L-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070248 |
Matter of: D. Steele et al Steele, Laverne L-Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070248 |
Matter of; D. Steele et at Bodwoif, Samantha -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070248 |
Matter of: Giuntini Minors Andrews, Judith M-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080388 |
Matter of: Giuntini Minors Giuntini, Shawn M-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080388 |
Matter of: Giuntini Minors Giuntini, Shyanna I-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR080388 |
Matter of: J. Worrell Sprague, Maxine -Relative lst/2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | P81 201 94 |
Matter of: J. Worrell Worrell, Jacob -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRI 20194 |
Matter of: J. Worrell Worrell, James Thomas-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PRI 201 94 |
Matter of: J. Worrell Younger, Amber-Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR120194 |
Matter of: J. Worrell Younger, Michael -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR120194 |
Matter of: K. Lee Lee, Kendra -Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070316 |
Matter of: K. Lee Rogers, Susan -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070316 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Richmond, James-Relative lsV2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Richmond, Melissa -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Schilling, Burl -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Schilling, Clinten -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Schilling, James Edward-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Schilling, Janeta -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | P8090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Schilling, Karlie Mae Lynn-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | P8090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Schilling, Katherin Marie-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | P8090294 |
Matter of: Schilling Minors Wilson, Kathy -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR090294 |
Matter of S. Stratton Jackson! Tina -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR110228 |
Matter of S. Stratton Stratton, Siara Lynn-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR110228 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Keehn, Barbara S-Guardian |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Keehn, Dennis L-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Starritt, Lana -Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Starritt, Storm V-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Starritt, Waylan R-Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Starritt, Waymond -Father |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter of: Starritt Minors Starritt, Wesley L-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR070344 |
Matter ot J. Worrell Younger, Beverly-Mother |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | PR120194 |
M. Barnes vs. S. Wilks Barnes, Michael -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI100I6 |
M. Barnes vs. S. Wilks County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL110016 |
N. Garcia vs. F. Vielma Garcia, Norma -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP1 30424 |
N. Garcia vs. F. Vielma Vielma, Fernando -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130424 |
P. Burgess vs. A. Burgess Burgess, Angela -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL100498 |
P. Burgess vs. A. Burgess Burgess, Philip -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL100498 |
R. Apple vs. A. Spain Apple, Rebecca -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CPI 30552 |
R. Apple vs. A. Spain Spain, Andrew Paul-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130552 |
S. Casey vs. C. Robbins Casey, Scott -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL020426 |
S. Casey vs. C. Robbins Casey, Vanessa -Minor |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL020426 |
S. Casey vs. C. Robbins Center for Child Advocacy -Court Investigator |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL020426 |
S. Casey vs. C. Robbins County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL020426 |
S. Casey vs. C. Robbins Robbins, Courtney L-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL020426 |
S. Olozco vs. E. Bahena Coronado, Sabina L-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP1 30546 |
S. Olozco vs. E. Bahena Fuentes, Eduardo -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP130546 |
S. Smith vs. J. Young Smith, Sara -Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 30550 |
S. Smith vs. J. Young Young, Jake -Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL130550 |
S. Velez vs. R. Cloud Cloud, Richard C-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP100384 |
S. Velez vs. R. Cloud Velez, Shawntae Nicholle-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | CP100384 |
T. McCabe III vs. K. Bingham County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120122 |
T. Mccabe III vs. K. Gingham Gingham, Kayla A-Respondent |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FLI 201 22 |
T. McCabe Ill vs. K. Bingham McCabe, Timothy J Ill-Petitioner |
Six | 1:30 p.m. | FL120122 |
Alexander, Zachary Elmer-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TRI3I 3286 |
Bush Mark Ethan-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR0526156 |
Cervantes, Miguel Angel-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1312832 |
Cuevas, Maria Heroica-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1314965 |
Figueroa, Mahssa Monet-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1311712 |
Fitzgerald, Gary Lynn-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1313617 |
Fleming Matthew Robert-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1311173 |
McErlane, Aaron Gerald-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1314120 |
McFarland, Andrew James-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1311373 |
Mitchell, Edward Darrin-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1310560 |
Oconnell, Katherine Rosemary-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1315248 |
Tompkins, Landon Brendan-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1312833 |
Vitali, Alexandria Rose-Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1313535 TRI3I 3535 |
Loyd, Jenae Deborah-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304207 CR1 203672A |
Lyman John Aaron-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305395 |
Lyman, John Aaron-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305415A |
McElroy, Paul Kenneth-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1305216 |
Risling, Nikki -Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | TRIOI 0909 TR1010909 |
Risling, Nikki Gail-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1 305408B CR1203035 CR1003489 CR1 002869A |
Risling, Nikki Sail-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1002869A |
0. Gregorio vs. N. Perras Gregorio, Ozzie Leen-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130579 |
0. Gregorio vs. N. Perras Whitlow, Bill -Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DRI 30579 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Natha, Maganbhai L-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Natha, Sarla M-Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DRI 30343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Chiman J-Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Jagdish P-Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Sandhyaben C-Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DRI 30343 |
M. Natha vs. C. Patel Patel, Urmilaben J-Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DRI 30343 |
M. Nordlof vs. Pacific Specialty Ins. Co. Nordlof, Michael -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | 0R091 052 |
M. Nordlof vs. Pacific Specialty Ins. Co. Pacific Specialty Insurance Company -Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR091052 |
M. Nordlof vs. Pacific Specialty Ins. Co. Vickers Insurance Agency-Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR091052 |
L. Mayo vs. M. Mayo Mayo, Lisa -Petitioner |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL100525 |
L. Mayo vs. M. Mayo Mayo, Mark -Respondent |
Eight | 2 p.m. | FL100525 |
Dues, David Lee-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1303058 |
Edgar, Christopher Brice-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1303952 |
Fallan, Gary James-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302732 |
Fortner, Jessica Autumn-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1301249 |
Freitas, Brenton Michael-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1304100 |
Gadsen, Sean Anthony-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1301397 |
Gant, Chaslynn Marie-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302678 |
Graham, Cody Alan-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302602 |
Greenspan, Alexi Bree-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | TR1315366 CR1305204 CR1303974 CR1303806 CR1103902 CR1006462 |
Guthart, Jordan Marty-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1300143 |
Hicks, Dennis Earl Jr-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1301965 CR13OI4IIB |
Houston, Jeremy Ray-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1201381 |
Howard, Duane Lee-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1300617 CR1202092 CR1104971 |
Johnson, Christopher Allen-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | TR1215908 CR1304933 CR1202648 CR1103149 |
Kavanaugh, James Joseph-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1203582 |
Kelly, Carl Dwayne-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1301255 |
Ketchen, Rosemary Anne-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR0906222 |
Knauff, Kevin Francis-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1301810 CR0906341 |
Larimore, Donovan Lee-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303134 |
Meserve, Kailan Coridon-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302352 |
Reed, Roger Allen-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1102580 |
Reed, Roger Allen Jr-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1104892 |
Reyes, Myrna Marlene-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302794 |
Sterling, Jorden Allen Matthew-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1102839 |
Taft, Jeremy Lee-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1305268 |
Thompson, Masyn Aubrey-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1304696 CR1304326 CR1300635 CR1200662 |
Vega, Ricardo Lugo-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR0928625 CR0863355 |
Williams, Shena Le-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1201393 CR0905250 |
Williams, Shena Lee-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302080 CR1301297 CR1203887 |
Worrell, Ryan Parrish-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303240 CR1302531 CR1204238 |
Yang, Feng Tou-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1300912 |
People vs. $31960 US Currency $31,960.00 US Currency -Respondent |
One | 2 p.m. | CV130639 |
People vs. $31960 US Currency Cameron, Christopher-Claimant |
One | 2 p.m. | CV130639 |
People vs. $31960 US Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
One | 2 p.m. | CV130639 |
Achane, Ronette Made-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 204318 |
Achane, Ronette Marie-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1302053 |
Adair, Derrick James-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1304871 |
Allen, Misty Dawn-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1005357 |
Aspinwall, Natashia Marie-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 305156A CR1 304841A CR12021 77A CR1101904 CRIOO3005A |
Aston David William Il-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305520 |
Backues, Gavin Lee-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1302898 |
Barff, Gilbert Modesto-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1205748A |
Bar-if, Gilbert Modesto-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1302687 CR1000366A |
Bauer James Christian-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1203336 |
Bauer, James Christian-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305117 CR1200692 |
Bayless, Timothy Halter-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1301892 |
Bayless, Timothy Hatler-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1201722 CR1201088 CR1104998 CR1003107 |
Beene, Ethan Dbediah Sterren-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305083 |
Beene, Ethan Obediah-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1102493 |
Blank, Gary Louis Ill-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1303061 CR1204114 CR1006268 |
Bolt, Phyllis Anne-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR0905749 |
Byrd Daniel Alan Jr-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1301291 |
Cameron, Christopher Ryan Turner-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1304444 |
Campos, Carlos Soto-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1304707 |
Cheng, Yeng -Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1104281A |
Colvin, Joe Carl-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1103271 |
Cornett, Omar Ramses-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1202564 |
Fossett1 Lily Elizabeth-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR12057488 |
Fossett, Lily Elizabeth-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR10058848 CR09051838 |
Foster, Shawnee -Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1103589A |
Foster, Shawnee Nikita Marrian-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR11036338 |
Foster, Shawnee NikitaMarrian-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1302533A |
Foster, Shawnee Nikita Marriane-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 201301A |
Grzymski, Thomas John-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 303317A CR13031388 CR1302116 CR1202896 |
Lester, Donald Lee-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1205428 CR1201143 |
Littlefield, Timothy Floyd-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR0912045 |
Pool, Dennis Warren-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | 93CR0221S |
Reed, Marshall Jr-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1201535 |
Baird, Harvey Gruff-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1312568 |
Koehier, Robert Dale Jr-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1310547 |
Marks, Gregory Allen-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TRI 307071 |
Mayhan, Benjamin Tyler-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1312795 |
Rockey, Kathryn Elizabeth-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1310922 |
Sanchez, Samuel Robert-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1309597 |
Tortorici, John Michael-Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1309937 |
York, Eva -Defendant | Three | 2 p.m. | TR1 31 2760 |
King, Jonathan Wayne Jr-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302974 CR1300452 |
Knopf, Randy Charles-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1305527 |
Lara, Faith Joy-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303277 |
Larson, Joshua Earl-Petitioner | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1305355 |
Leblanc, Milton Ray-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1304986 CR1102735 CR1102279A |
Levan Amber Dawn-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1304785 |
Levan, Amber Dawn-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1205557 |
Littlejohn, Christopher Paul-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1304204 CR1300200 CR1003717 |
Long, Stephen David-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1305581 |
Lopez, Gilberto Farias-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1305599 |
Loureiro, Ruby Cheryl-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1200667 |
Mackenzie, Richard Louis-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302909 CR1104972 |
Matthias, Heather Renee-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303485 CR1006859 |
Mays Nathan Lee-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1203317A |
Medrano, Mark Alexander-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302329 |
Merriman, Michael Jay-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1102400 |
Mixon, Joseph Curtiss-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303770 CR1200449 CR1104308 |
Moon, Cherri lnez-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR13028928 |
Moon Cherri nez-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302611 |
Moon, Cherri nez-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1305536 CR1304339 CR1301697 |
Mulvaney, Jeremy Leon-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1005955 CR1004121 |
Mungai, James Nganga-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303796 |
Murdter, Joseph Henry-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303043 |
Nelson, Stefani Renee-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302514 |
Norris, Daniel Earl-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1204907 |
Oneal, Charles Thomas Jr-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1203742 |
Pratt, Johnny Cole-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1001073 CR094601S CR050753S |
Price, Seth Michael-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1201281 |
Read, Tony Bradley-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1304679 |
Reynoza, Enrique Rick Jr-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1304222 |
Rippeon, Derek Austin-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305688 |
Ryan, Michael Lee-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305112 CR1304071 CR1203161 CR1200012 |
Sims, Leroy Arvie-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305114 CR1302587 |
Stennes, Michael Paul-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1302079 |
Tatro, David Allen-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305631 CR1303193 CR1302968 CR1204971 |
Torrey, Vincent David-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305700 |
Walker, Joseph Raymond-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305699 CR1302340 |
Walker, Matthew Brooks-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1303735 CR0800385 CR0702005 CR0502225 |
Worrell, Jacob Charles-Defendant | Four | 3 p.m. | CR1305710 |
Aguilar, Jeffrey Omar-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1305582 |
Becker Dakota Reed-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1304183 |
Becker, Dakota Reed-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1305398 CR1304549 CR1302932 CR1302783 |
Blacksmith, Gary Lavern-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1302122 CR1203560 |
Blacksmith, Gary Lavern Jr-Defendant | One | 3 p.m. | CR1305716 |
H. Marsh vs. E. Martella Marsh, Dan -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130303 |
H. Marsh vs. E. Martella Marsh, Heidi -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130303 |
H. Marsh vs. E. Martella Martella, Elizabeth -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130303 |
J. Hindbaugh vs. T. Gregaho Aregario, Tray -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130314 |
J. Hindbaugh vs. T. Gregario Hindbaugh, Jesse -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130314 |
J. Rossi vs. M. McClain McClain, Mathew -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130112 |
J. Rossi vs. M. McClain Rossi, Jack -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130112 |
J. Rossi vs. M. McClain Shroyer, Donovan -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | 5C130112 |
L. Giovannoni vs. M. Grabzky Giovannoni, Ligia Alba-Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SCI 30320 |
L. Giovannoni vs. M. Grabzky Grabzky, Marc -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130320 |
R. Reel vs. M. Clark Clark, Michael -Defendant |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130306 |
R. Reel vs. M. Clark Reel, Ray -Plaintiff |
Three | 3 p.m. | SC130306 |
Pace, Tim -Defendant | Three | 3 p.m. | 5C130303 |