Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013’s Superior Court Docket
Party | Courtroom | Time | Docket |
Adams, Regina Elda-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303297 |
Alvarez, Joseph Michael Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1304831 |
Baker, Dylan Sky-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1201524 |
Benton, Miranda Lee-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1304840 CR1304818 |
Block, Fawnalei Dawn-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1205291 |
Bramlett, Trinton Williams-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1202546 |
Brock, Fawnalei Dawn-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1205291 CR1104251 |
Brock, Fawnalel Dawn-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1104251 |
Burgess, Brad Donovan-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1304478 |
Campbell, Diana Marie-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305051 CR1201963 |
ConneD, Elizabeth Esperanza-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303662 |
Connell, Elizabeth Esperanza-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303662 |
Corner, Jeremy Warren-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305072 CR1302279 CR1102622 |
Cribb, Stephanie Made-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303985 |
Cribb, Stephanie Marie-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1304830 CR1303985 CR1303742 CR1303271 CR1302277 |
Dickey Valisha Renee-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1302203 CR1203755 |
Dickey, Valisha Renee-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1302203 CR1203755 |
Green, Benjamin Bodhi-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1 305084 |
Jones, Jesse Michael-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305071 |
Jones, Richard Joseph-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303997 CR1303257 |
Kelly, Ariel Aurelius-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305082 |
Khoury, Lynn Francis-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TR1304424 TR1300547 CR1304052 CR1303084 CR1302616 CR1205645 |
Laughton, Jason Adam-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TR1205954 TRI 205954 TR1113570 CR1304081 CR1301617 CR1301304 CR1300332 |
Leverett, Matthew Duncan-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305087 |
losefa, Shaylani Rhode Vase-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305088 |
MartinezPerez, Mario -Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305073 |
McGuinn, Katherine Marie-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305091 |
Milligan, Misty Mane-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TR1105148 |
Milligan, Misty Marie-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | TR1303864 TR1105148 CR1301189 |
Moore, Robert Eugene Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305079 |
Morris, William Larry-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305074 |
Perkett, Joshua Daniel-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305078 |
Quigley, Jacob Edward Mills-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305080 |
Rivas, Lidia Esther-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305081 |
Scheid, James John-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305089 |
Smith, Eric Demetris-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305075 |
Spears, Shaunda Kaye-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1303750 CR1202683 |
Stewart, Casey Adam-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1101704 |
Thorp, Douglas Patrick Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1301420 |
Thorpe, Douglas Patrick JR-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR052962S |
Warner, Robert Dell-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305069 |
Wengrofsky, Frank -Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305070 |
Whitehawk, Thurston David-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1 304498 CR1303858 CR1300964 |
Wilks, Richard Leroy Il-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1200432 |
Williams, Cynthia Kay-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1101121 CR0919848 CR090888S CR0908888 |
Williams, Dennis Talmadge Jr-Defendant | Three | 8 a.m. | CR1305076 |
Clark, Cynthia Dustyn Lea-Defendant | Two | 8 a.m. | CR1305077 |
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park California Campground Consultants -Cross Defendant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park Elissagaray, Anna -Plaintiff |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park Midway RV Park -Cross Complainant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park Midway RV Park -Defendant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park Pavlich, Sherry -Cross Complainant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park Pavlich, Sherry -Defendant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Barrow, Carol -Plaintiff |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Barrow, Don -Plaintiff |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Kelstrom, Dave -Plaintiff |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Kelstrom, Linda -Plaintiff |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Kilfoil, Tricia -Plaintiff |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Pavlich, Randy -Cross Complainant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Pavlich, Randy -Defendant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Smith, Ron -Cross Defendant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | DR080642 |
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park Smith, Teresa -Cross Defendant |
Eight | 8:30 a.m. | 0R080642 |
Meadors, Teresa Murlene-Defendant | Five | 8:30 a.m. | CR1303528 |
K. Halley vs. A. Rose County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Four | 8:30 a.m. | FL110603 |
K. Halley vs. A. Rose Halley, Kurtis -Petitioner |
Four | 8:30 a.m. | FL110603 |
K. Halley vs. A. Rose Johnson, Brandon -Other Parent-Father |
Four | 8:30 a.m. | FL110603 |
K. Halley vs. A. Rose Rose, Amy -Respondent |
Four | 8:30 a.m. | FL110603 |
Grzymski, Thomas John-Defendant | One | 8:30 a.m. | CR13031 38B |
A. Gibson vs. B. Gibson Gibson, Angela C-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130402 |
A. Gibson vs. B. Gibson Gibson, Bradley M-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130402 |
C. Naughton vs. G. Naughton County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL070607 |
C. Naughton vs. G. Naughton Naughton, Chris W-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL070607 |
C. Naughton vs. S. Naughton Naughton, Gretchen M-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL070607 |
K. Peterman vs. S. Peterman County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110678 |
K. Peterman vs. S. Peterman Peterman, Delilah -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110678 |
K. Peterman vs. S. Peterman Peterman, Isabella -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110678 |
K. Peterman vs. S. Peterman Peterman, Kristen -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110678 |
K. Peterman vs. S. Peterman Peterman, Scott -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110678 |
K. Peterman vs. S. Peterman Peterman, Talula -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL110678 |
K. Shrubsole vs. S. Borglund Borglund, Steven -Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30408 |
K. Shrubsole vs. S. Borglund Shrubsole, Kim -Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130408 |
Matter at P. Phillips Boyton, Tyson D-Father |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120315 |
Matter of: P. Phillips Phillips, Preston -Minor |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120315 |
Matter of: P. Phillips Phillips, Tyisha R-Mother |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120315 |
Matter of: P. Phillips Shelley, Connie J-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120315 |
Matter of: P. Phillips Shelley, Tim E-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | PR120315 |
M. Dowling vs. A. Bondurant Bondurant, Alicia M-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL130371 |
M. Dowling vs. A. Bondurant Dowling, Michael J-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FLI 30371 FL130371 |
T. Sanderson vs. B. Sanderson County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL050436 |
T. Sanderson vs. B. Sanderson Sanderson, Bryan P-Respondent |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL050436 |
T. Sanderson vs. B. Sanderson Sanderson, Tanya L-Petitioner |
Six | 8:30 a.m. | FL050436 |
Matter of: D. McGillivray McAuley, James W-Petitioner |
Two | 8:30 a.m. | PR1 20035 |
Matter of: D. McGillivray McGillivray, Dwight J-Decedent |
Two | 8:30 a.m. | PR120035 |
Matter of: D. McGillivray McGillivray, Gloria -Objector |
Two | 8:30 a.m. | PR120035 |
Alvarez, Joseph Michael Jr-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304831 CR1304319 |
Anghilante Paul Joseph Jr-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304254 |
Anghilante, Paul Joseph Jr-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304964 CR1304956 CR1304955 CR1304434 CR1303888 |
Dominguez Armando Pozos-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1302945 |
Estrada, Yubani -Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304954 |
Fregeau, Donald Vincent Sr-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1302477 |
Gerace, Katrina Marie-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1203258 CR1105074 |
Gerace, Katrjna Marie-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304957 |
Gonzales, Anthony Wayne Sr-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304960 CR1302658 CR1204169 CR1204023 |
Goodwin, Tyler Shane-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304008 CR1303910 CR1205746 CR1005521 |
Mayhan, Benjamin Tyler-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304113 |
Melvin, Royce Earl Ill-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1100413 |
Owings, Ronald George-Defendant | Two | 8:30 a.m. | CR1304902 CR1304868 |
Barnett, Robert Randle Jr-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304198 |
Congdon, Eric John-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1104509 |
Drake Rebecca Lynn-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1301821 |
Drake, Rebecca Lynn-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1301881 CR1301880 |
Eubanks, Francis Lewis-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304048 |
Frank, Gregory Samuel-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304487 |
Gibson, Benjamin Paul-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1204927 |
Godwin, Tyler Dean-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304474 |
Jentry, William Hathaway-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302287 CR1201343 |
Johnston, Khan Yeshe-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303625 CR1303357 |
Lara Roger Milton-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1201295 |
Lara, Roger Milton-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304028 CR1202352 |
Naslund, Steve Robert-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304356 |
Patel, Roshan Bhai Bhulabhai-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1303131 |
Rooney, Shannon Josephryan-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1100692 |
Rooney, Shannon Joseph Ryan-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302659 |
Schechla, Steven Edward-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR0857305 |
Schoenberner, Ryan Richard-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302105 CR1 204702B |
Shattuck, Darell Keith Ill-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1202503 |
Shrader, Eric Carl Kim-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1302182 |
Thrasher, Daniel Edwin-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304870 CR1201481 |
Visser, Dale Vaughn-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1001858 |
Whitehurst, Daniel Lee-Defendant | Three | 10 a.m. | CR1304024 CR1006143 |
Baidridge, Dale Dodge-Defendant | One | 1:29 p.m. | CR1 3051 56B |
Baldridge, Dale Dodge-Defendant | One | 1:29 p.m. | CR13048418 CR1300001 CR1202679 |
C. Beaton vs. City of Eureka Beaton, Carole -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130058 |
C. Beaton vs. City of Eureka City of Eureka -Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130058 |
C. Beaton vs. City of Eureka Jager, Frank-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130058 |
J. Lytle vs. McKinleyville Community Service District Lytle, Jeffery -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 20849 |
J. Lytle vs. McKinleyville Community Service District McKinleyville Community Service District-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DRI 20849 |
People vs. 6 lbs Marijuana Rosano, Jacob M-Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130320 |
People vs. 8 lbs Marijuana 8 lbs Marijuana, Cell Phone, Envelo -Respondent |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130321 CVI 30320 |
People vs. 8 lbs Marijuana City of Eureka -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130320 |
People vs. 8 lbs Marijuana People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130321 CV1 30320 |
People vs. 8 lbs Maruana Rosano, Sarah R.-Claimant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | CV130321 |
TD Auto Finance LLC vs. K. Bunten Bunten, Kimberly June-Defendant |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130440 |
TD Auto Finance LLC vs. K. Bunten TD Auto Finance LLC -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:30 p.m. | DR130440 |
Dobbs, Dan Craig-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304878 |
Dobbs, Daniel Craig-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1302354 CR1300861 CR1204991 |
Elric, Edward Zoel-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | TR1307899 TRI 307899 |
Gregory, Alexander Lee-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304695 CR1302920 CR1102863 CR032361AS |
Grimes, Sean Douglas-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1 304124A |
Johnson, Christopher Allen-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | TR1215908 |
Latu, Joseph Jr-Defendant | Five | 1:30 p.m. | CR1 304877B CR1304557 |
Roubidoux, Ricky Allen-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304175 |
Stolberg, Steven Micheal-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304106 CR1303455 |
Thorp, Douglas Patrick Jr-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304693 |
Voight, Sarah Audrey-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1300244 CR1103025 CR1102773 |
Wilks, Brandon Leroy-Defendant | Four | 1:30 p.m. | CR1302951 CR1301453 |
Boone, Sally Jeanette-Defendant | One | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304832 CR1301062 |
Clark, Chester Walden-Defendant | One | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304803 |
Contreras, Fidel Alberto-Defendant | One | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304829 |
Couturier, Kevin Bruce-Defendant | One | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304833 |
Co. of Humboldt vs. John Rogers, Sr. Alfred, Johana P-Other Parent-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS040032 |
Co. of Humboldt vs. John Rogers, Sr. County of Humboldt -Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS040032 |
Co. of Humboldt vs. John Rogers, Sr. Rogers, Sr., John T.-Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS040032 |
Co of Humboldt vs Michael Nagy County Of Humboldt -Plaintiff |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9895 |
Co of Humboldt vs Michael Nagy Macewen, Justin -Minor |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9895 |
Co of Humboldt vs Michael Nagy MacEwen, Sandra L-Other Parent-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9895 |
Co of Humboldt vs Michael Nagy Nagy, Michael -Defendant |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9895 |
Co of Humboldt vs Zachariah A Etter County of Humboldt-Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS120357 |
Co of Humboldt vs Zachariah A Etter Etter, Zachariah A-Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS1 20357 |
Co of Humboldt vs Zachariah A Etter Markowitz, Eva S-Other Parent-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS120357 |
Co. of Hum. vs. L. McCovey Billings, Roseanna R-Other Parent-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9700901 |
Co. of Hum. vs. L. McCovey County Of Humboldt -Plaintiff |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9700901 |
Co. of Hum. vs. L. McCovey McCovey, Leonard Lee Jr-Defendant |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS9700901 |
Co. of Hum. vs. N. Britton Britton, Nora E.-Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS090095 |
Co. of Hum. vs. N. Britton County of Humboldt -Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS090095 |
Co. of Hum. vs. T. Lowery County of Humboldt -Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS060300 |
Co. of Hum. vs. T. Lowery Grandfleld, Korine -Other Parent-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS060300 |
Co. of Hum. vs. T. Lowery Lowery, Tyrone T.-Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS060300 |
Co. of Hum. vs T. Smith County of Humboldt-Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS020520 |
Co. of Hum. vs T. Smith Smith, Thomas G-Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | F5020520 |
Co. of Hum. vs T. Smith Smith, Virginia L.-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS020520 |
Nathaniel Shuflin vs Rebecca Shuflin County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS110141 |
Nathaniel Shuflin vs Rebecca Shuflin Shuflin, Nathaniel -Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FSIIOI4I |
Nathaniel Shuflin vs Rebecca Shuflin Shuflin, Rebecca -Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FS1IOI4I |
State of Oregon vs. L. Lorenzen CountyofHumboldt-DCSS |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FSIOOII8 |
State of Oregon vs. L. Lorenzen Coyle, Katlyn J-Other Parent-Mother |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FSI 00118 FSIOOII8 |
State of Oregon vs. L. Lorenzen Lorenzen, Lance -Respondent |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FSIOOII8 |
State of Oregon vs. L. Lorenzen State of Oregon -Petitioner |
Three | 1:30 p.m. | FSIOOIIB FSIOOII8 |
Elliott, Thomas -Defendant | Three | 1:30 p.m. | TR1109854 |
Kemps, Sean P-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1303010 CR1302624 |
Meagher, John Peter-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1300994 CR1100155 CR1001914 |
Murzi, Miki Lee-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304959 |
Owens, Ashlynn Mae-Defendant | Two | 1:30 p.m. | CR1304838 CR1303204 CR1302595C |
B. Lewis vs. G. Stallings Lewis, Bronson -Petitioner |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | CPI 30468 |
B. Lewis vs. G. Stallings Stallings, Gael -Respondent |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | CP130468 |
D. Alkema vs. C&K Market Inc. Alkema, David -Plaintiff |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DRI 30234 |
D. Alkema vs. C&K Market Inc. C & K Market Inc -Defendant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130234 |
D. Alkema vs. C&K Market Inc. CourtCall, LLC -Claimant |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | DR130234 |
Matter Of: H. Hart Hart, Heather-Petitioner |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | CV130586 |
Matter Of: H. Hart Quinionez, Jesse A-Respondent |
Eight | 1:45 p.m. | CV130586 |
People vs. $4567.00 US Currency $4567.00 US Currency -Respondent |
Five | 2 p.m. | CVI 20756 |
People vs. $4567.00 US Currency Hunter, Ramon -Claimant |
Five | 2 p.m. | CVI 20756 |
People vs. 54567.00 US Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Five | 2 p.m. | CV120756 |
People vs. $7,896.00 U.S. Currency $7896.00 US Currency -Respondent |
Five | 2 p.m. | CVI 20755 |
People vs. $7,896.00 U.S. Currency Marshall, Angelo -Claimant |
Five | 2 p.m. | CVI 20755 |
People vs. $789600 U.S. Currency People of the State of California -Petitioner |
Five | 2 p.m. | CVI 20755 |
Depute1 Todd Dean-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1304486 |
Garcia, Tessa Lynn-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1 300968A |
Gomez, Roberto -Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1101810 |
Goodenow, Laura L-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302290 |
Henson, Penny Marie-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1300176B |
Hickey, Rex John-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1104011 CR1101868 |
Hunter1 Reman Jeremiah-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1 2051 83A |
Hunter, Ramon Jeremiah-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302990 |
Jacobs, Uriah Thomas-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1302220 |
Johnson, Nickolas Ryan Joseph-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1304436 |
Juliano, David Elmer-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1203487 |
Lindke, Jeremiah J-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR13034238 |
Lopez, Danny Joseph Sr-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR1007378 |
Marshall Malbrough, Angelo C-Defendant | Five | 2 p.m. | CR12051838 |
Wilson, Travis Earl-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303995 |
RamosArroyo, Francisco Javier-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1304348 |
Ramos, Francisco Arroyo-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1103395 CR1101037 |
Reed, Thomas Carlin Jr-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR0906551 |
Rees, Daniel Allan-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205412 |
Reeves, Mariah Faye-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1105273 CR1003102 |
Rhodes, Tyler Scott-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1300290 |
Roach, Jacob Tanner-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205451 |
Robbins, William Dale-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1300182 |
Scott, Derrick Dwayne-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1301017 |
Shelton, Brandie Renee-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1201812 CR1101653 |
Shoop, Robert Charles Il-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1102518 |
Shoop, Robert C Il-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1203191 |
Shoop, Robert C lI-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1205841 |
Slabaugh, Michael Harlowe-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR0906568 |
Smith, Crystal Louise-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1105236 |
Spaugy, Jasmine Fay-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1102425 |
Stearns, Kyle Lawrence-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303042 CR1103401 |
Surles, Joseph Troy-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1206012 |
Tarelli, Kevin Donald-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1200507 CR085371S |
Tatara, Ryan Anthony-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1303708 |
Tucker, Sean Steven-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1301720 |
Tufte, Blame Jon-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1304490 |
Walker, Joseph Raymond-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1302340 CR1104720 |
Watkins, Brett Walter-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1304340 CR1103334 |
Wilson, Travis Earl-Defendant | Four | 2 p.m. | CR1301311 |
Aquino, Tony Jesus-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1303550 |
Asbury, Jessica Faye-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1005656 CR1004358 CR1002915 |
Bailey, Lee Roy-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1301848 |
Bazan, Jaime -Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1303179 |
Bravo, Javier Tapia-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305032 |
Bravo, Nicholas -Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1002955 |
Canning, Ian Douglas-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1305001 |
Christian, Amy Kathleen-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1103619 |
Clift, Kory Grant-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1301091 |
Cook, Jesse Lucas-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 303717A |
Cross, RickeyAundra-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1300051 |
Duncan, Mary Frances-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1202840 |
Home, John Reginald-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR13037I7B |
Home, Rye Patrick-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 303717C |
Lifflefleld, Timothy Floyd-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR091 2048 |
Vincent, Branden Michael-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1 300079B |
Weston, Ryan David-Defendant | One | 2 p.m. | CR1303717D |
Likins David Eugene-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1302821 |
Likins, David Eugene-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1301576 |
Mabrier, Nickola Patricia-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR0905469 |
McBride, Quincy James Marcel-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1304180 |
McConnel, Benjamin Thomas-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1003206 CR1000406 |
Milligan, Cassie Marissa-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1102012 |
Nolasco, Luis Alonso-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1205619 |
Nutter, Matthew Frank-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303694 |
Overholt, Christopher Cbyton-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR0906000 |
Payton, Derek Charles-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1303477 CR1 303109B CR1 302999B CR1300125 CR1200677 |
Quinionez, Jesse Allan-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1301718 |
Titus, Byron Dean-Defendant | Two | 2 p.m. | CR1105145B |
Co. of Hum. vs. J. Tuey Chaplin, Shamrae L-Mother |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FS000279 |
Co. of Hum. vs. J. Tuey County of Humboldt -Petitioner |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FS000279 |
Co. of Hum. vs. J. Tuey Tuey, Justin W.-Respondent |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FS000279 |
Priscilla Ahrens vs Christopher Boynton Ahrens, Priscilla -Petitioner |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FL130381 |
Priscilla Ahrens vs Christopher Boynton Boynton, Christopher-Respondent |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FL130381 |
Priscilla Ahrens vs Christopher Boynton CountyofHumboldt-DCSS |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FL130381 |
Rosetta Harris vs Barry Harris County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FL130420 |
Rosetta Harris vs Barry Harris Harris, Barry A-Respondent |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FL130420 |
Rosetta Harris vs Barry Harris Harris, Rosetta M-Petitioner |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FL130420 |
State of Idaho vs. I Bellegante Bellegante, Jason 5.-Respondent |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FS070004 |
State of Idaho vs. J. Bellegante County of Humboldt -DCSS |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | FS070004 |
State of Idaho vs. J. Bellegante State of Idaho -Petitioner |
Three | 2:30 p.m. | F5070004 |
Diller, John Paul-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1304151 |
Drake, Kenneth Warren-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1303965 CR1200165 CR1200130 |
Gillespie, Rebecca Lyn-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1304845A CR1204018 CR1 000367B |
Hattje, Josan Gianna-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1 303707 |
Henson, Penny Marie-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1 300176B |
Shephard, Michael Allan-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1302537 |
Shepherd, Michael Allan-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1005637 |
Shepherd, Michael Allen-Defendant | Five | 3 p.m. | CR1 304845B |
Long, Alan Dorsie-Defendant | Two | 3 p.m. | CR1305009 |
Nix, Nathan Leon Jr-Defendant | Two | 3 p.m. | CR1305119 CR1201698A |
Nixon, Jonathan Stclair-Defendant | Two | 3 p.m. | CR0724845 |
Nixon, Jonathan St Clair-Defendant | Two | 3 p.m. | CR1305116 CR1303487 |
R. Jimenez vs. C. Cousins Cousins, Christopher-Defendant |
Four | 4 p.m. | DR120349 |
R. Jimenez vs. C. Cousins Jimenez, Rudy -Plaintiff |
Four | 4 p.m. | DR1 20343 |
R. Jimenez vs. C. Cousins Moreno, Luz -Plaintiff |
Four | 4 p.m. | DRI 20349 |