Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013’s Superior Court Docket

Party Courtroom Time Docket
Antonsen, Jordon Dennis-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1305094
Asbury, Heather Ann-Defendant Three 8 a.m. TRI 308638
Barto, Christopher James-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1304839
Brooks, Frank Eagle Pipe-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1305093
Dennis, Ashley Nacole-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1305016
Hepburn, Caleb Lee-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1300940
Irvine, Lawrence William Ill-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1305097
James, John Paul Anthony-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1102128
James, JohnPaul Anthony-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1304029
Kc, Omshree Narasingha-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1101608
Macias, Hebert -Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1304155
Macias, Herbert-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1205862
Pawlus, Richard Louis-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1304072
Schiebelhut, Kris Josh-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1305092
Schoenhofer, Donald Raymond-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1304876
Sovereign, Michelle Lyne-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1303904
Thomas, Mellissa Ashley-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1305096
Thrasher, Daniel Edwin-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1304870
D. Keistrom vs. Midway RV Park
Barrow, Don -Plaintiff
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Barrow, Carol -Plaintiff
Eight 8:30 a.m. 0R080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
California Campground Consultants -Cross Defendant
Eight 8:30 a.m. 0R080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Elissagaray, Anna -Plaintiff
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Kelstrom, Dave -Plaintiff
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Kelstrom, Linda -Plaintiff
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Kilfoil, Tricia -Plaintiff
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Midway RV Park -Cross Complainant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Midway RV Park -Defendant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Pavlich, Randy -Defendant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Pavlich, Sherry -Cross Complainant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Pavlich, Sherry -Defendant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Pavlioh, Randy -Cross Complainant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Smith, Ron -Cross Defendant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
D. Kelstrom vs. Midway RV Park
Smith, Teresa -Cross Defendant
Eight 8:30 a.m. DR080642
C. Williams vs. G. Williams
Williams, Christine -Petitioner
Seven 8:30 a.m. FL050663
C. Williams vs. G. Williams
Williams, Gary -Respondent
Seven 8:30 a.m. FL050663
C. WilNams vs. G. Williams
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Seven 8:30 a.m. FL050663
People vs. $4,549.83 US Currency
$4,549.83 US Currency -Respondent
Two 8:30 a.m. CVI 30276
CV1 30275
People vs. $4,549.83 US Currency
Springer, Lisa -Claimant
Two 8:30 a.m. CVI 30276
People vs. $4,549.83 US Currency
Springer, Wilbur Clarke-Claimant
Two 8:30 a.m. CVI 30275
People vs. $4549.83 US Currency
People of the State of California -Petitioner
Two 8:30 a.m. CV130276
Barnes, Molly Faye-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1201762
Berry, Michael -Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304040
Cameron, Christopher Ryan Turner-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304444
Confidential Two 8:30 a.m. CVI 30690
Crowl, Anna Mahe-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1 304697A
Crowl, Rocky -Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304697B
Entorf, Ryan Alexander-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304966
Hayworth, Jimmy Ray-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1201285
King, Phoenix Triton-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304015
Malo, Sarah Kay-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1303214A
Martinez, Jose Juan-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304963
Meyer, Michael Thomas-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304970
Myers, Richard Vaughn-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1304976
Springer, Lisa Jeanette-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1303976A
Springer, Wilbur Clark lV-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1303976B
Broadhead, Craig Lee Il-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304407
Brunoccinni, Anthony Gino-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1300079A
Burroughs, Jeremey Dean-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303425
Camacho, Abraham -Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304393
Castellanos, Larry Roberto-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304399
Cousineau, James Pierre-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304391
Curtis, Josh Taylor-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303793
Dennis, Ashley Nacole-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303137
Fischer, Terryn Christopher-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304039
Fox, Casey Wade-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303229
Jenkins, John Sullivan-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303923
Jones, Philip David-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304119
Kearney, Scoff Douglas-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304862
Kearney, Scott Douglas-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303761
Marshall, Justin Douglas-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303213
Menniweathers, Tiffany Charisse-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1005760
Moseley, Leonard -Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304074
Nelson, Eric John-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304400
Reed, Lashon Ruby Mirah-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303506
Rowe, Sean Raymond-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303246
Stokes, Gregory Charles-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1303509
Tinoco, Hermilo Bermudez-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1302284
Westlake, Rachel Jessica-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1304221
Grzymski, Thomas John-Defendant One 10:30 a.m. CR13031388
Larimore, Donovan Lee-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1304496
Martinez, Ruperto Gonzalez-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1303699
Mcelroy, Derick Johnathon-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1304909
Moore, Shawn Michael-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1302301
Murdter Joseph Henry-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1203698
Parker, Anontio Derelle-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1006670
Parker, Antonio Derelle-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1303835
Pimentel, Andrew David-Defendant Two 1 p.m. CR1304190
A. Batini vs. C. Barry
Barry, Chris -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130083
A. Batini vs. C. Barry
Batini, Angelo -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 30083
A. Batini vs. C. Barry
Batini, Sharon -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130083
ER. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Pesenti, Jr., Raymond R-Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
I Lytle vs. M, Campbell
Campbell, Nancy -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 20865
J. Lytle vs. M. Campbell
Campbell, Melvin -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 20865
J. Lytle vs. M. Campbell
Campbell, Melvin -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 20865
J. Lytle vs. M. Campbell
Campbell, Nancy-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR120865
J. Lytle vs. M. Campbell
Lytle, Jeffrey-Cross Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. 0R120865
J. Lytle vs. M. Campbell
Lytle, Jeffrey-Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR120865
People vs. $40,749.00 U.S. Currency
Martinez, Carrie-Claimant
Eight 1:30 p.m. CV130560
People vs. $40,749.00 U.S. Currency
Martinez, Jesus-Claimant
Eight 1:30 p.m. CV130560
People vs. $40749.00 U.S. Currency
$40,749.00 US Currency-Respondent
Eight 1:30 p.m. CV130560
People vs. 540,749.OD U.S. Currency
People of the State of California -Petitioner
Eight 1:30 p.m. CV130560
R. Birchfield vs. J. Jones
Jones, Jack A-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR110247
R. Birchfleld vs. I Jones
Birchfleld, Ron -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR110247
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Eureka Oxygen Company -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Moore1 Delbert -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Moore, Mary-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Moore, Patrick-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Pesenti Andrea -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 30437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Pesenti, Andrea -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Pesenti, Raymond R Jr-Cross Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 30437
R. Pesenti, Jr. vs. A. Pesenti
Thomas, Vincent-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130437
R, Zoss vs. L. Angelini
Angelini, Virginia -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 30242
R. Zoss vs. L. Angelini
Angelini, Leo S-Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130242
R. Zoss vs. L. Angelini
Angelini, Leo S-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130242
R. Zoss vs. L. Angelini
Angelini, Virginia -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. 0R130242
R. Zoss vs. L. Angelini
Zoss, Roger-Cross Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130242
Zoss, Roger-Plaintiff Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130242
Godoy, CarlosArturo-Defendant Five 1:30 p.m. CR1304835A
Greenspan, Alexi Bree-Defendant Five 1:30 p.m. CR1303974
Johnson, Julia Joyce-Defendant Five 1:30 p.m. CR1303122B
Maldonado, Mickey Dewayne Jr-Defendant Five 1:30 p.m. CR13048356
Renteda, Marcos Anthony-Defendant Four 1:30 p.m. CR1300851
Renteria, Marcos Anthony-Defendant Four 1:30 p.m. CR1301961
Thompson, Marilyn Louise Blake-Defendant Four 1:30 p.m. CR1302446
Tsarnas, Jeffry Lee-Defendant Four 1:30 p.m. CR1304595
Asti, Ashley Morgan-Defendant One 1:30 p.m. CR1304937
CR1 203281A
A. Kammoun vs. I. Kammoun
Kammoun, Angela -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130537
A. Kammoun vs. I. Kammoun
Kammoun, Angela-Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130537
A. Kammoun vs. I. Kammoun
Kammoun, lhsen -Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130537
A. Neuschwander vs. D. Jackson
Jackson, Daniel Paul-Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130481
A. Neuschwander vs. D. Jackson
Neuschwander, Amber-Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130481
Co of Humboldt vs Anthony Cotham
Cotham, Anthony P-Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. FS110361
Co of Humboldt vs Anthony Cotham
Seven 1:30 p.m. FS110361
Co of Humboldt vs Anthony Cotham
Lewis, Cassandra C-Other Parent-Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. FS110361
County of Humboldt vs Earl Davidson, II
County of Humboldt -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. FS110173
County of Humboldt vs Earl Davidson, II
Davidson, Earl Gene Il-Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. FS110173
County of Humboldt vs Earl Davidson, II
Jarose, Holly A-Other Parent-Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. FS110173
D. Goldman vs. S. Zepeda
Goldman Desiree -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130484
D. Goldman vs. S. Zepeda
Zepeda, Sandra -Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. CPI 30484
D. Smith vs. D. Smith
Smith, Davyd -Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130482
D. Smith vs. D. Smith
Smith, Dens -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130482
H. Aultman vs. 8. Aultman
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130079
H. Aultman vs. B, Aultman
Aultman, Bryan Kent-Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130079
H. Aultman vs. B. Aultman
Aultman, Heather Lynn-Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130079
H. Williams vs. J. Williams
Williams Harmony-Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130455
H. Williams vs. J. Williams
Williams, James -Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. FLI 30455
L. Anton vs. D. Parker
Anton, Linda -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130480
L. Anton vs. D. Parker
Parker, Danial Louis-Respondent
Seven 1:30 p.m. CP130480
Mailer Of: D. Retz
Nova, William -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR980395
Matter of: C, Adams
Garrett, Jennifer-Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090249
Matter of: C. Adams
Adams, Chase -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090249
Matter of: C. Adams
Adams, Christian Maximilion-Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090249
Matter of: C. Adams
Adams, Melissa -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090249
Matter of: C. Adams
Adams, Richard B-Father
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090249
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Asbury, Christina -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Babb, Cody-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Bagg, Craig -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Cottrell, Caleb -Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Cottrell, Walt-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Gattis, Clara -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Nelson, Aaron -Father
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Norman, Sue -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Sauls, Robert-Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: C. Cottrell
Thomas, Brenda -Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR090253
Matter of: Cook Minors
Cook, Emily-Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR040073
Matter of: Cook Minors
Cook, Kaylee -Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR040073
Matter of: Cook Minors
Luis, Susan -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR040073
Matter of: Cook Minors
Smith, Setiva -Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR040073
Matter Of: D. Re
Retz, Derek -Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR980395
Matter Of: D. Retz
Nova, Linda -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR980395
Matter Of: D. Retz
Retz (Nova), Miranda -Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR980395
Matter Of: D. Retz
Retz, Steven -Father
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR980395
Matter of Ervine Minors
Ervine, Daniel Foster Eugene-Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of Ervine Minors
Ervine, Nathaniel Wilmer Eugene-Minor
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of: Ervine Minors
Ervine, Richard -Father
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of: Ervine Minors
Freeman, Steven -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of: Ervine Minors
Richardson, Lesley -Guardian
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of: Ervine Minors
Sanchez, Breanna Lynn-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of: Ervine Minors
Sanchez, Misty -Mother
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
Matter of: Ervine Minors
Sanchez, Ronald -Father
Seven 1:30 p.m. PR110197
R. Robinson vs. J. Butler
Robinson, Raylinn -Petitioner
Seven 1:30 p.m. FL130499
Ahmad, Toheed -Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 31 2384
Albright, Benjamin Clay-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 312929
Borden, Zahara Angelina-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRIOI 5331
Butyrin, Lydia -Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI3I 2336
Fitzgerald, Garret Dalton-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 308232
George, Desiree Nicole-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 310561
Hjerpg, Julia Lucille-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1311259
Jacobs, Brandy Alaine-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1313011
Mora, Idelfonso Alvarez Jr-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1310249
Murdter, Joseph Henry-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1312897
Murphy, Maria Miroslava-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1309911
Overholt, Ashley A-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR0812319
Shilling, Ashley Jennifer-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1308913
Smith, Jered Glenn-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1301850
Stanley, Max Jordan Samuel-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1310226
Weaver, Jason Robert-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI3I 3544
Krumwiede, Sandra Ann-Defendant Two 1:30 p.m. CR1304439
Liguori, Michael -Defendant Two 1:30 p.m. CR1304837
C. LaFleur vs. L. Terry
Terry, Linda -Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130486
C. LaFleurvs. L. Terry
LaFleur, Catherine-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130486
H. MoKinney vs. S. MaClung
McKinney, Heather Dawn-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130493
J. Alves vs. D. Wendlandt
Alves, Jessie Allen-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130473
J. Alves vs. D. Wendlandt
Wendlandt, David -Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CPI 30473
J. Still vs. J. Still
Still, James G SR-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130485
J. Still vs. J. Still
Still, James JR-Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130485
S. McClung vs. F. Givins
Givins, Finn -Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130478
S. McClung vs. F. Givins
McClung, Sandra Kaye-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130478
S. McClung vs. H. McKinney
McClung, Sandra Kaye-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CPI 30476
S. McClung vs. H. McKinney
McKinney, Heather-Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130476
S. McClung vs. I McKinney
McKinney, Jason -Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CR130479
S. McClung vs. J. McKinney
McClung, Sandra Kaye-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130479
S. McClung vs. P. Givins
Givins, Patsy-Respondent
Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130477
S. McClung vs. P. Givins
McClung, Sandra Kaye-Petitioner
Eight 1:45 p.m. CPI 30477
McClung, Sandra Kay-Respondent Eight 1:45 p.m. CP130493
J. Gallagher vs. E. Gallagher
Gallagher, Danny E-Defendant
Eight 2 p.m. DRI 20775
J. Gallagher vs. E. Gallagher
Gallagher, Edward J-Defendant
Eight 2 p.m. DRI 20775
J. Gallagher vs. E. Gallagher
Gallagher, J Darlene-Plaintiff
Eight 2 p.m. 0R120775
J. Gallagher vs. E. Gallagher
Persons unknown claiming any legal right, title, estate-Defends
Eight 2 p.m. DRI 20775
Feathers, Jeffery Lynn Jr-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1303824
Galan Cruz, Roberto -Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1201835
Gibney, Justin Allen-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1102996
Gilliam, Charles Stephen-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1204778
Gregorio, Joseph Lee-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1302104
Harris, Shem Scott-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1305033
Jewell, Kyle Dale-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1301793
Johnson, Jeremiah Hathaway-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1305111
Kelly, Carl Dwayne-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1301255
Guevara, Joel Abraham-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR13022720
Leahy, Jennifer Gayle-Defendant Four 2 p.m. 92CR0062CS
Ramos, John Invernon lV-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302976
Ramos, John Inverrnon IV-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302978
Ramos, John lnverrnon IV-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1300260
Ramos, John lnverrnon V-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1205791
Runningbrook, Galeladi Moon-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1300772
Sandum, Chelsie Ann-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302586
Schaffer, Ryan Mitchell-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1303536
Shelton, Cynthia Sue-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302543
Sjoding, Kelly Jean-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1303917
Slater, Joshua Matthew-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302024
Smith, Alexander Joint-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1200067
Tatro, David Allen-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1303193
Tree, Bodhi -Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302250
Upton, Steven Nicholas-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1302840
Warner, Ted Lawrence-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1305143
White, Kenneth Eugene-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1101503
Wojcik Daniel Michael-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1200640A
Worrell, Ryan Parrish-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1303240
Wotherspoon, Robert Henry-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1 200640B
Yang, Nu -Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1 301382C
Young, Ronald Rory-Defendant Four 2 p.m. CR1301738
Amador, Heather Deanne-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1303111A
Ames, Amber Rachell-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1305040
Ashley, Andy L-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1301128
Aviles, Christopher-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1300361
Blank, Gary Louis Ill-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1006268
Blank! Gary Louis Ill-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1303061
Borgner, Lance Andrew-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1304930
Briggs, Glenn Lemule Ill-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1304728
Bullwinkel, David Robert-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1303592
CR1 303026A
Carey, Jason Ryan-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1205671
Chiemwichitra, Timothy Buklop-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR091846S
Clark, Brian James-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1304465
Coen, Michael Alan-Petitioner One 2 p.m. CR1202237
Coleman, Jaime Christine-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR091088S
Coleman, Jamie Christine-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1003383B
Contreras, Johnathan Lee-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1103886
Contreras, Jorden Gene-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1302566
Counts, Michael Daryll-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1302595A
Counts! Michael Daryll-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1205465
Foster, Keith Justin-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1301037
Hermes, Paul Lee-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1203012
Humboldt Superior Court -Respondent One 2 p.m. CR1202237
Morgan, Travis Lee Jr-Defendant One 2 p.m. CR1 303026B
Borden, Amy Therese-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1309914
Cendejas, Matthew Dylan-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1312193
Fells, David Ray-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1 31 0921
Gauchan, John Joseph-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1306653
Herrera, Arcelia S-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TRI 308684
Payton, Billy Robert-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TRI 305235
Roe, Wayne Morris Sr-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1307915
Kirk, Royce Melvin-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1303364
Laird, Adam Edward-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1302513
Lawson, Jeremy John-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1305049
Lucas, Elizabeth Renee-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1205618
Magpie, Charles Don-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1303886
Manes, James Thad-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1304952
Matlock, Terry Marvin-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1103164
Moran, Shane Cody-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1303635
Oneal, Charles Thomas Jr-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1305137
Penrod, Tina Marie-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1200950
Peters, Merlin P-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1303672
Gunther, James William-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1305113
Rodriguez, Adolfo -Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1103625
Ryan, Michael Lee-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1305112
Skillings, Ronald Alfons Il-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1305038
The, Lindzy Rose-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1203334
Turrietta, Nicholas R-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1305085
Warren, Jason Anthony-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1304284
Wright, Mark Jonathan-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1305110
Yee, Lindzy Rose-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1305115
Young, Jennifer Alice-Defendant Four 3 p.m. CR1304637
Anderson, Leland Merle-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1203553
August, Rhett Alex-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1303863
Bailey, Bridgette Saquela-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1304350
Bailey, Bridgette Sequillia-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1202937B
CR10051 27A
Bauer, James Christian-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1305117
Bowie, Jimmie Darrell-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1303430
Bowie, Jimmy Darrell-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1304353
Brisco, Misty Ann-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1304214A
Buchholz, Brandon Lee-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1305086
Carey, Jason Ryan-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1205671
Chiemwichitra, Timothy Buklop-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR091846S
Christensen, Jordan Eric-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1 3051 23A
Cringle, Jeremy John-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR1305141
Scheffler, Gretchen Kelly-Defendant One 3 p.m. CR13042140
C. Rotbergs vs. A. Smith
Rotbergs, Ginger-Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SC130280
C. Rotbergs vs. A. Smith
Rotbergs, Richard -Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SC130280
G. Rotbergs vs. A. Smith
Smith, Alexander Joint-Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC130280
M. VanVoltenburg vs. S. Fuller
Fuller, Scott-Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC130286
M. VanVoltenburg vs. S. Fuller
VanVoltenburg, Melissa -Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SC130286
V. Wiliner vs. B, Rips
Rips, Barbara -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC130274
V. Willner vs. B, Rips
Willner, Vera L-Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SCI 30274
Confidential Three 3 p.m. CVI 30582

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