Monday, Sept. 28, 2015’s Superior Court Docket

Party Courtroom Time Docket
Thomas, Terry Lee-Defendant
Three 8 a.m. CR1502608
Adams, Jesse James-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1402803
Counts, Danielle Marie-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504233
Gatlin, Chase Jason Raymond-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1501415
Hoopes, Chase Lee-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504308
Jealous of Him, Debra Arelette-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1302626
Linquist, Maureen Leslie-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504246
Marquez, Daniel Alvarado-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504255
McGaha, Anal Elizabeth-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504245
McGaha, Aniel E-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1303000
McGaha, Ariel E-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1303000
McKay, Teresa Galene-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504232
Morris, Dawnette Mona-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1101974
Morris, Dawnette Morie-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504288
NietoGonzalez, Laura Yamina-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1503172
Owens, Rome Laurence-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504234
Reynoso, Ramon -Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504349
Storre, Jared Barnum-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504190
Strickland, Stephen C Jr-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504309
Thomas, Terry Lee-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1502216
Thurston, Michael Ray-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1501239
Winchester, Kelly Rae Whiftaker-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1504379
Yocum, Katfie Rae-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1301605
Yocum, Kattie Rae-Defendant Three 8 a.m. CR1004278
Hunter, Gene John-Defendant Five 8:30 a.m. CR1502752
Warren, Jason Anthony-Defendant Four 8:30 a.m. CR1304284
People vs. Full Spectrum Services, Inc.
Bern, Michael Wayne-Defendant
One 8:30 a.m. DRI 40257
People vs. Full Spectrum Services, Inc.
Full Spectrum Services, Inc. -Defendant
One 8:30 a.m. DR140257
People vs. Full Spectrum Services, Inc.
People of the State of California -Plaintiff
One 8:30 a.m. 0R140257
People vs. Full Spectrum Services, Inc.
Roach, Michael Lee-Defendant
One 8:30 a.m. 0R140257
Curtis, Josh Taylor-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1504260
Davidsen, Amber Rachelle-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1500884
Gaddy, Jean Marie-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1502363A
Hall, James Scott-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1500853
Hall James Scott Jr-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1503065
Hall, James Scott Jr-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1503066
Jamison, James Edward li-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1501644
Mays, Nathan Lee-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1203317A
Rhodes, Cynthia Dustyn Lea-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1402630
Rhodes! Cynthia Dustyn Lea-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1402630
Robinson, Shawn Paul-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1500482
Rosas, Ramiro -Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1501298
Rosas, Ramiro Jr-Defendant One 8:30 a.m. CR1504370
B. Hoover vs. T. Heddinger
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FL050584
B. Hoover vs. T. Heddinger
Heddinger, Tern -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL050584
B. Hoover vs. T. Heddinger
Hoover, Brian -Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL050584
D. Hancock vs, M. Hancock
Hancock, Mikella -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL150392
D. Hancock vs. M. Hancock
Hancock, Dale Jay Il-Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FLI 50392
D. Hancock vs. M. Hancock
Hancock, Dale Jay li-Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL150392
D. Hancock vs. M. Hancock
Hancock, Mikella -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL150392
E. Can vs. A White
Can, Eldon -Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FLI 50254
E. Carl vs. A White
White, Annabelle -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FLI 50254
ft Hancock vs. M. Hancock
Hancock, Mikeila -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FLI 50392
J. Shelton vs. A. Rowland
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FL070114
J. Shelton vs. A. Rowland
County of Humboldt -DOSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FLO7OI 14
J. Shelton vs. A. Rowland
Rowland, Allison -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL070114
J. Shelton vs. A. Rowland
Shelton, Eleanore Christina-Minor
Six 8:30 a.m. FL070114
J. Shelton vs. A. Rowland
Shelton, James -Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL070114
L. Parrott vs. D. Parrott
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140502
L. Parrott vs. D. Parrott
Parrott, Daniel Blair-Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140502
L. Parrott vs. D. Parrott
Parrott, Leisyka A-Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140502
M. Henry vs. H. Henry
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140500
M. Henry vs. H. Henry
Henry, Hannah -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140500
M. Henry vs. H. Henry
Henry, Martin B-Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140500
FLI 40500
M. VanVoltenburg vs. S. Fuller
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140228
M. VanVoltenburg vs. S. Fuller
Fuller, Scott -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140228
M. VanVoltenburg vs. S. Fuller
VanVoltenburg, Melissa -Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL140228
S. George vs. M. Matheny
George, Sahara -Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FLI 50264
S. George vs. M. Matheny
Matheny, Matthew -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FLI 50264
S. McGehee vs. R. Campbell
Campbell, Ryan -Respondent
Six 8:30 a.m. FL040394
S. McGehee vs. R. Campbell
County of Humboldt -DOSS
Six 8:30 a.m. FL040394
S. McGehee vs. R. Campbell
McGehee, Samantha -Petitioner
Six 8:30 a.m. FL040394
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
DeVries, Leendart -Cross Defendant
Two 8:30 a.m. DR150204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
Mullen, Christopher E-Defendant
Two 8:30 a.m. DR150204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
Tensor LLC -Cross Complainant
Two 8:30 a.m. DRI 50204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
Tensor, LLC -Defendant
Two 8:30 a.m. DRI 50204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
The Sun Valley Group, Inc. -Cross Defendant
Two 8:30 a.m. 0R150204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
The Sun Valley Group, Inc. -Plaintiff
Two 8:30 a.m. 0R150204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
Walker, Todd A-Cross Complainant
Two 8:30 a.m. DRI 50204
The Sun Valley Group vs. T. Walker
Walker, Todd A-Defendant
Two 8:30 a.m. DRI 50204
Arreaga, Jason Michael-Defendant Two 8:30 a.m. CR1502773
Confidential Eight 8:45 a.m. PR150172
G. Monaghan vs. M. Monaghan
Monaghan, Greta -Petitioner
Six 9 a.m. FL1 30006
G. Monaghan vs. M. Monaghan
Monaghan, Michael -Respondent
Six 9 a.m. FL130006
M, Jones vs. M. Jones
Jones, Michael James-Respondent
Six 9 a.m. FLI 30092
M. Jones vs. M. Jones
Jones, Marlys Elizabeth-Petitioner
Six 9 a.m. FLI 30092
M. Jones vs. M. Jones
Jones, Michael James-Respondent
Six 9 a.m. FL130092
M. Jones vs. M. Jones
PG&E Retirement Plan Defined Benefit Plan-Claimant
Six 9 a.m. FLI 30092
Acevedo, Abraham -Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1502096
Balke, Brandon Prescott-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1503165
Barrows, Keith Gordon-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1103437
Bianchi, Nicholas Anthony McBroom-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1500425
Braden, Paul Douglas-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1500222
Bravo, Nicole Elizabeth-Defendant Three 10 a.m. TR1501455
Cogdill, Janean Carol-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1503979
Coleman, Pamela Jean-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1500760
Coons, Ryan John-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1503169
Eatmon, Johnny Allen Van Volte-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1500368
Emerson, Lauren Denise-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1503946
Erdmann, Alexander N-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1502971
Groze, Ashley Ryeann-Defendant Three 10 a.m. TR1501462
Harris, Shem Scott-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1305033
Hoibrooks, Elzie David-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1405805
McCormick, Jason Gabriel-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1500014
Obrien, Shannon Marie-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1503166
Smith, Katie Jean-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1500842
Snowton, Donald Lee-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1501161
Valenzuela, Cesar Octavia-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1502130
Warr, Ashley Elizabeth-Defendant Three 10 a.m. TR1501656
Waters, Sean Nickolas-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1501923
White, Drew Richard-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1501748
Williams, Michael Cook-Defendant Three 10 a.m. CR1502946
1. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whitlow, Wyatt-Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
A. Scott vs. Eureka City Schi Dist
Scott, Daniel -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR140584
A. Scott vs. Eureka City SchI Dist
Scott, Ashtyn -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR140584
A. Scott vs. Eureka City SchI Dist
Scott, Leslie -Guardian Ad Litem
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR140584
A. Scott vs. Eureka City SchI Dist
Zane Middle School -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR140584
A. Scott vs. Eureka City Schl Dist
Eureka City School District -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR140584
L. Kujawa-Seda vs. A. Sprague
Kujawa-Seda, Lynn Rose-Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. 0R130533
L. Kujawa-Seda vs. A. Sprague
Sprague, Amy -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR130533
People vs. $265,276.57 in US Currency
$265,276 US Currency, Bobcat, Dodge -Respondent
Eight 1:30 p.m. CVI 50390
People vs. $265,276.57 in US Currency
Puckett, Matthew-Claimant
Eight 1:30 p.m. CV150390
People vs. $265276.57 in US Currency
People of the State of California -Petitioner
Eight 1:30 p.m. CV150390
Progressive West Insurance Co vs. S. Goodwin
Benson, John -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150274
Progressive West Insurance Co vs. S. Goodwin
Goodwin, Sammy J-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DM50274
Progressive West Insurance Co vs. S. Goodwin
Progressive West Insurance Company -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150274
Sentinel Ins. vs. J. Doe Entities 1-20
John Doe Entities 1-20 -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150275
Sentinel Ins. vs. J. Doe Entities 1-20
Sentinel Insurance Company -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150275
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Nasalroad, Shea -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DRI 501 50
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Nasalroad, Shea -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whitlow, Hanna -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whitlow, William -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whitlow, William -Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. 0R150150
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whitlow, Wyatt-Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whyman, Zachery -Cross Defendant
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
Z. Whyman vs. W. Whitlow
Whyman, Zachery -Plaintiff
Eight 1:30 p.m. DR150150
Carroll, Rebecca Ann-Defendant Five 1:30 p.m. CR1504287
Lyons, Lance Richard-Defendant Five 1:30 p.m. CR1303070
5. Morris vs. T. Johnson
Morris, Stacy-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140370
A. Velasquez vs. B. Bartholomew
Bartholomew, Brian -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL120386
A. Velasquez vs. B. Bartholomew
Six 1:30 p.m. FL120386
A. Velasquez vs. B. Bartholomew
Velasquez, Angela -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL120386
C. Smith vs. L. Thomas
Smith, Crystal L-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140538
C. Smith vs. L. Thomas
Thomas, Lance -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140538
D. Beltran vs. J. Lopez
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140256
D. Beltran vs. J. Lopez
Lopez. Julia Z-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140256
D. Beltran vs. J. Lopez
Martinez, David S-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140256
D. Pope vs. G. Pope
Pope, Denise Renee-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 501 82
D. Pope vs. G. Pope
Pope, Gregory Arthur-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150182
F. Wilson et al vs A. Matias
Wilson, Francesca Denise-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. CPI 50096
F. Wilson et al vs. A. Matias
Matias, Andres Liberiano-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. CP150096
F. Wilson t al vs. A. Matias
Wilson, Edward DM1-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. CP150096
J. Brown vs. D. Stiles
Brown, Jennifer-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. CP130444
J. Brown vs. D. Stiles
Stiles1 Daryl Jr-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. CP130444
J. Erickson vs. R. Erickson
Erickson, Joy Lynn-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140626
J. Erickson vs. R. Erickson
Erickson, Rocky Man Sr-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140626
J. Franzen vs. H. Franzen
Franzen, Hannah Joy-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50162
J. Franzen vs. H. Franzen
Franzen, Jesse Jonathon-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50162
J. Gwartney vs. D. Bush
Bush, David -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150122
J. Gwartney vs. D. Bush
Gwartney, Jenney -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150122
J. Marshall vs. H. Marshall Jr.
Marshall, Harold R Jr-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150164
J. Marshall vs. H. Marshall Jr.
Marshall, Jenny L-PetiUoner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150164
K, Piffenini vs. El Charleston
Charleston, Deanna M-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150168
K. Pifferini vs. D. Charleston
Piffenini, Kelly S-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50168
L. Blankenship vs. J. Blankenship
Blankenship, Joseph W-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150166
L. Blankenship vs. J. Blankenship
Blankenship, Linda K-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50166
L. Williams vs. A. Bissonette
Bissonette, Ashley -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50360
L. Williams vs. A. Sissonette
Williams, Lucas D,-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150360
Matter of: N. Cummings
Cummings, Amanda L-Mother
Six 1:30 p.m. PRI 50084
Matter of: N. Cummings
Cummings, Nathan S-Minor
Six 1:30 p.m. PR150084
Matter of: N. Cummings
Maveety, Lea -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. PR150084
Matter of S. Prudhomme
Smith, Shakeya -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Claybon, Archie Jr-Father
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Claybon, Archie Sr-Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Six 1:30 p.m. PRI 20260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Claybon, Elmurrey -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Claybon, Josiah -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Haralson, Shayanna -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Prudhomme, Donna -Mother
Six 1:30 p.m. PRI 20260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Prudhomme, Shemarr -Minor
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter of: S. Prudhomme
Thomas, Carolyn -Guardian
Six 1:30 p.m. PR120260
Matter ot N. Cummings
Cummings, Mark -Relative lsU2nd Degree, etc
Six 1:30 p.m. PRI 50084
M. Bieniek vs. J. Bieniek
Bienick, James -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140540
M. Bieniek vs. J. Bieniek
Bieniek, Marissa -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140540
M. Krebs vs. E. Spillard, II
Six 1:30 p.m. FL100538
M. Krebs vs. E. Spillard, II
Schwartz, Megan -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL100538
M. Krebs vs. E. Spillard, II
Spillard, Everett L li-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 00538
M. Munson vs. R. Munson
Munsen, Rendy M-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150180
M. Munson vs. R. Munson
Munson, Michael S-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL1 50180
M. Rabies vs. T. Arnold
Rabies, Molly L-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140534
M. Rice vs. R, Stockhoff
Stockhoff, Ryan -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140322
M. Rice vs. R. Stockhoff
Rice! Michaela S-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140322
M. Robles vs. T. Arnold
Arnold, Timothy-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140534
M. Robles vs. T. Arnold
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140534
N. Melendrez vs. T. Bramlett
Bramlett, Trinton -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 30508
N. Melendrez vs. T. Bramlett
County of Humboldt -DCSS
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 30508
N. Melendrez vs. T. Bramlett
Six 1:30 p.m. FL130508
N. Melendrez vs. T. Bramlett
Melendrez, Nicole -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 30508
N. Melendrez vs. T. Oramlett
Melendrez, Nicole -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL130508
R. Fleming vs. S. Snead
Fleming, Rachel -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150458
R. Fleming vs. S. Snead
Snead, Scott-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150458
R. McBride-Hendrickson vs M. McDaniels
McBride-Hendrickson, Ramsey -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150170
R. McBride-Hendrickson vs M. McDanjels
McDaniels, Michelle -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150170
S. Girard vs. A. Goodman
Girard, Sylus -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140532
S. Girard vs. A. Goodman
Goodman, Alena -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140532
S. Harvey vs. E. Barber
Barber, Eric-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL040156
S. Harvey vs. E. Barber
Harvey, Sirrena -Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FL040156
S. Morris vs. T. Johnson
Johnson, Travis -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL140370
S. Snead Sr. vs. R. Fleming
Fleming! Rachel -Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50456
S. Snead Sr. vs. R. Fleming
Snead, Scott Sr-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50456
T. Dias vs L. Dias
Dias, Timothy G-Petitioner
Six 1:30 p.m. FLI 50178
T. Dias vs. L. Dias
Dias, Lisa Ann-Respondent
Six 1:30 p.m. FL150178
Branstetter, Kylee Loris-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 510659
Coodrich, Cole Jordan-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1508967
Craig, David Dean-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1510994
Gonzalez, Eduardo Rafael-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1510104
Harden, Jason Henry-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1509988
lndrachotikul, Wanida -Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1509798
Nelson, Deborah Kathleen-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1509010
Treman, Canyon -Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 510046
Williams, Gregory -Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TRI 504596
Williams, Gregory-Defendant Three 1:30 p.m. TR1504596
American Express Bank FSB vs. H. Ade
Ade, Hillary -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR150152
American Express Bank FSB vs. H. Ade
American Express Bank, FSB -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DRI 501 52
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
Joe Costa Trucking -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
Mathson, John -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
Mathson, Joy-Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. 0R140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
Olson, Rich -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
RAD, Co., Inc. -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
RAG, Co., Inc. -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. 0R140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
Remington, Bruce -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR140426
B. Remington vs. J. Mathson
Remington! Bruce -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR140426
I Frame v. City Of Trinidad
Tsurai Ancestral Society -lntervenor
Eight 1:45 p.m. 0R980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
Cahfornia Coastal Conservancy -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
California Coastal Commission -Inteivenor
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
California Coastal Commission -lntervenor
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
California Coastal Conservancy -Cross Complainant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
City Of Trinidad -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
Frame, John -Cross Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
Frame, John -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
Trinidad Civic Club -Cross Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. 0R980359
J. Frame v. City Of Trinidad
Tsurai Ancestral Society -lntervenor
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Framev. City Of Trinidad
Frame, John -Cross Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR980359
J. Mathson vs. B. Remington
Mathson, John -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR080669
J. Mathson vs. B. Remington
Mathson, Joy -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR080669
J. Mathson vs. B. Remington
Remington, Bruce -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR080669
J. Mathson vs. B. Remington
Remington, Suzanne -Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR080669
Waugh Real Estate vs. M. Owen
Owen, Matthew G-Defendant
Eight 1:45 p.m. DR150331
Waugh Real Estate vs. M. Owen
Waugh Real Estate Holdings, LLC -Plaintiff
Eight 1:45 p.m. DRI 50331
Confidential Eight 1:45 p.m. CV150633
C. Brannan vs. B. Brannan
Brannan, Brigette -Respondent
Eight 2 p.m. FL140029
C. Brannan vs. B. Brannan
Brannan, Christopher -Petitioner
Eight 2 p.m. FL140029
Zwack, Jeffrey Arthur-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504415
People vs. $1 3,354 US Currency
Christensen, Justin -Claimant
Five 2 p.m. CV150101
People vs. $13,354 US Currency
$13,354.00 U.S. Currency -Respondent
Five 2 p.m. CVI5OIOI
People vs. $13354 US Currency
People of the State of California -Petitioner
Five 2 p.m. CVI 50101
Abraham, Justin Alexander-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1503741
Benck, Gerhardt John Ill-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1501226
Blake, Larry Gene-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1405729
CR14041 52A
Boone, Jonathan Albert-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504282
Cain, James Franklin-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504013
Cantrell, Raylene Marie-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1500176
Carmona, Jose Luiz-Defendant Five 2 p.m. 92CR0008S
Chandler, Heidi Coninne-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1501407A
Chandler, Scott Glen-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR15014078
Christensen, Justin Kyle-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1500615
Griffin, Jennifer Lee-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1403541
Hale, Forrest Anthony-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1501810
Harrison, Brian Dean-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504297
Heald, Jennifer Inez-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1502257
Heald, Jennifer lnez-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1204234
Jarnaghan, William Joseph Jr-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1502462
Lorenzen, Lance Christian-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1400674C
Mccollum, Charlie William-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504398
Miller, Zackary Aaron-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504346
Roman, Christopher Edwin-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1202563A
Roman! Christopher Edwin-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1501405
Ross, Gary Lee-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1503803
Rumpf, Walker Charles-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1504367
Rush, Brian Carlton-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1204576
Ryf, Jacob Daniel-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1503361
Serna, Joe Jason-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1204890
Shelton, Lorenzo Marquis-Defendant Five 2 p.m. CR1503934
D. Asbill vs. D. Thomas
Asbill, Diane -Petitioner
One 2 p.m. CP150248
D. Asbill vs. D. Thomas
Thomas, Doug -Respondent
One 2 p.m. CP150248
D. Asbill vs. K. Alcorn
Alcorn, Kelly Made-Respondent
One 2 p.m. CP150249
D. Asbill vs. K. Alcorn
Asbill, Diane -Petitioner
One 2 p.m. CPI 50249
K. Alcorn vs. D. Asbill
Alcorn, Kelly -Petitioner
One 2 p.m. CPI 50231
K. Alcorn vs. D. Asbill
AsbHll, Diane -Respondent
One 2 p.m. CP150231
Dunning! Caitlin Hunter-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1504544
Mayberry, Marissa Lou June-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1508030
Rasella, Daniel James-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TRI 509250
Shea, Richard Wayne-Defendant Three 2 p.m. TR1508244
Dayacamos, Keneth Douglas-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1404776
Desmarais, Alexander Edward-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1300995
Falkenstrom, Stephen John-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1503112
Ficken, Roxy Dale-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1503122
Field, Elisa Catherine-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1502656
Flemens, Carl Rowe-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1303811
Franceschi, David Aaronn-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1501056
Guidara, Antonio Michael-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1405911
Harmon, Eric Douglas-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1402776
Hawkins, Lee Kelly-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1301967
Heaton, Douglas Bruce-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1405094
Hewitt, Jessica Jean-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1503686
Johnson, Jimmy Lewis-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1504115
Johnson, Jimmy Lewis Il-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1402374
Johnson, Jimmy Lewis li-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1402374
Kay, Christian John-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1305518
Kennedy, Corynn Marie-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR15021008
Lindgren, Mariah Diane-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1502328
Mcdonald, Brian David-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1503868
McElroy, David Kent-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1401181
Miguelena, Tracy Elaine-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1103369
Miller, Thomas Glenn-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1302871
Miller, Torrence Rae-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1402921
Morgan, Christopher David-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1502540
Mungai, James Nganga-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1303796
Nielsen, Steven Keith-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1405019
Owen, Christopher David-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1401373
Parker, Danial Louise-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1405270
Parris, James Allan-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1500221
Penn, Taucedi Edward-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1504336
Powell, Alexander Clayton-Defendant Two 2 p.m. CR1405043
Archuleta, Ketina Chenae-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1504361
Armstrong, Mark Earl-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1503377
Best, Duwayne Xavier Saygep Jr-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1504397
Bowie, Duane James-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1504372
Bowie, Duane James Jr-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1504296
Cooper, Christopher Shane Leon-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1501571
Ramirez, Marco Jaime-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1503593
Reslock, James Charles-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1405845
Rohrbach, David Alien-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1503779
Rohrbach, David Allen-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1401544
Sanford, Barry John-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1401326
Sevems, Edmund Eugene-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1404361
Severe, Kaleb Cory-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1501534
Severns, Edmund Eugene Jr-Defendant Five 3 p.m. CR1504389
C. Burrell vs, Agape House
Burrell, Candice C-Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SC150247
C. Burrell vs. Agape House
Agape House -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SCI 50247
D. Shaw vs. L. McCurdy
McCurdy, Larry -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC150235
D. Shaw vs. L. McCurdy
Shaw, Duncan -Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SCI 50235
S. Kennedy DDS vs. J. Velasquez
Sam Kennedy DDS -Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. 5C150189
S. Kennedy DDS vs. J. Velasquez
Velasquez, Jesse -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC150189
S. McDonald vs. C. McCovey
McCovey, Crystal -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SCI 50237
S. McDonald vs. C. McCovey
McDonald, Shelsey -Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. 5C150237
Veins Furniture vs. D. Rasella
Rasella, Kristi -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC150199
Verns Furniture vs. D. Rasella
Rasella, Daniel -Defendant
Three 3 p.m. SC150199
Verns Furniture vs. D. Rasella
Vern's Furniture -Plaintiff
Three 3 p.m. SC150199
Confidential Three 3 p.m. CVI 50588

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