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4th Annual Wildlife and Fisheries Science Symposium

Kate Buchanan Room

Come learn about cutting-edge wildlife and fisheries research in northern California! Speakers from a variety of public and non-profit wildlife and fisheries organizations will present on topics relevant to northern California conservation issues. Keynote speakers are Chris West and Tiana Williams of the Yurok tribe, who will discuss the tribe’s current efforts to reintroduce the California Condor in northwestern California. Other highlights include a wildlife detection dog demonstration (noon), HSU Wildlife honors student poster session (4PM), and a post-symposium cocktail hour at the Humboldt Bay Social Club (5PM). Onsite registration from 9AM-9:50AM, speakers at 10AM. $15 (student), $30 (member) $45 (non-member, includes membership). Buffet lunch available ($15)

  • $45
  • $45 nonmembers (includes membership)
  • $30 members
  • $15 students

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