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6th Annual Arcata Puppet Slam

The Sanctuary

Arcata Playhouse teams up with the Sanctuary to hosts its 6th annual Arcata Puppet Slam on Saturday, November 3 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Sanctuary. Puppet Slams are a nationwide performance form of short puppetry acts for adult audiences. There are over 100 of these type events happening across the country just like this one. The event is sponsored by the National Puppet Slam Network and will feature puppet mayhem from local puppeteers and out of town guests all in a fast-paced cabaret format. The show will present a variety of puppetry styles. You will see everything from hand puppets to shadow puppets to giant puppets to object puppetry. Featured performers for this year include Sean’s Shadows, Quack and Wabbit, The Paranormal Society, Violet Crabtree, Tayloranne, Bobby Burns, and of course the Indestructible Professor Willikers with special guests West of Rowan from Bellingham, Washington. It will definitely be a raucous night of wild antics with a wide range of puppet styles and moods from comic to dark and beautiful. The evening show is recommended for adult audiences with the afternoon show being family friendly. The performances are sponsored by Playhouse Arts, The Sanctuary and the Puppet Slam Network which is a national network of short form puppetry performance The Puppet Slam Network is a great resource with over 100 Slams across the country and internationally. The Sanctuary folks are excited to be part of the nationwide fun. Funding made possible in part by the Puppet Slam Network Tickets are $10 general and $5 for kids (2 p.m. show only) and are available at Wildberries Market Place or reserve at (707) 822-1575. For information visit or

  • $10
  • $5 children
  • Phone: 707-822-0898
  • Email:
  • Web site

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