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7pm Bruce Taylor 8pm HOLUS BOLUS OneManPsychedelicAcoustiloop

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Saturday May 2oth,
7pm Opening Act: Bruce Taylor, singer songwriter 8pm HOLUS BOLUS: A live looping one-of-a-kind show with the One-Man-Psychedelic-Acoustiloop musician, on guitar and small drum kit. Based in Cresecent City, he tours throughout the west, including festivals from Sawtooth Valley Gathering in Stanley, to the Wool Festival in Taos. Outfitted with a small drum-kit and an acoustic guitar with some foot pedals, he builds songs one layer at a time, that coalesce into an acoustic-psychedelic groove-rock. Albums: The Work Of The Ether (2010), and Time Machine (2012) as well as an E.P., 100 Feet Tall.



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