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A Convocation of Celtic Creatures

Old Town Coffee And Chocolates (Old Town)

Ireland is a place of myth and legend, filled with creatures both benign and sinister, all wandering and inhabiting the crumbling ruins of castles and churchyards that dot the landscape. These include the Selkies, the Gancanagh, and the other Faerie Folk (or Gentry) lurking in the woods and hills. Fantastic tales of such dark and wondrous apparitions are shared in the town pub during a fine night of music and conversation, as the Irish are justifiably famous for their storytelling. The Lost Coast’s own wandering spectre and talespinner, Carpathian, invites all his human acquaintances to Old Town Coffee & Chocolates on Saturday, March 12 at 7:00 pm for A CONVOCATION OF CELTIC CREATURES – A St. Patrick’s Day Celebration of Irish Ghost Stories & Music. Appearing with him will be a multi-instrumental group of musicians consisting of Sarah Borok, Guy Smith and Emily Janzen, all skilled in the tunes and songs of the Irish.

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