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Alderpoint Natural History Field Trip

Ray’s Food Place

Join Redwood Region Audubon Society for a natural history trip around the Alderpoint area. Enjoy the birds, plant life, and reptiles of the Eel River canyon on this full-day trip. We will bird along Alderpoint road first and then walk the Alderpoint railroad tracks to Cain Rock Trestle to have lunch and look for Rufous-crowned Sparrows. In 2012 there was a washout along the railroad tracks and it took a bit of work to cross it and it is still in the same shape. Due the heavy amount of rain this winter the washout might not be passable but we will walk to it, at least. Other species like Oak Titmouse, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher, and similar birds of dry habitats in southeast Humboldt County can be expected along with just-arrived summer residents. Diogenes’ lantern, interior live-oak, and birch-leaf mountain-mahogany will be seen as well. Bring sun protection, layered clothing, and a small pack for carrying lunch and water. Meet leader Tony Kurz in the Ray’s Food Place parking lot in Garberville at 8:30 a.m. We should return to the Humboldt Bay area at ~5 p.m.

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