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Arcata House Pints For Nonprofit

The Miniplex at Richards’ Goat Tavern

For our Night Before Thanksgiving pints for nonprofit, we’ll be donating to Arcata House Partnership, which provides advocacy for and services to the homeless and food insecure with compassion, dignity, and empowerment. There are over 1300 people who are homeless in Humboldt County, or 1% of the population. These include seniors, children, veterans, and people with disabilities. Arcata House provides permanent housing, emergency shelter, case management, CalFresh outreach, and drop in services to individuals and families who are homeless and/or hungry in Humboldt County. They feed approximately 200 people each day, either directly or through partner organizations that connect with and distribute food to the neediest in the community. Each day their staff collects approximately 1200 pounds of food from restaurants and supermarkets that is still good, rescuing it from going to the landfills and distributing it to the hungry.

  • Free
  • Phone: 707-630-5000
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