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Backstrap Weaving

Wharfinger Building

The Humboldt Handweavers and Spinners Guild announces its November 2014 Program to beheld Thursday evening 11/13 at 6:45 pm in the Bay Room of the Wharfinger Building, 1 MarinaWay, Eureka. Our guest this month is Laverne Waddington and the title of the program is Weaving on Simple Looms in South America. The program is free and the public is invited. From the coastal plains to highland valleys, up to the dizzying heights of the Andes and down to the tropical lowland jungles, indigenous and mestizo weavers create intricately patterned cloth on a variety of simple looms. Through images and video we will explore these regions and the people who inhabit them, seeing how the different environments affect the kinds of materials, looms, techniques,colors and motifs that are used. Along the way Laverne will share stories of the weavers with whom she has studied and her love of the basic, yet often surprisingly complex, backstrap looms.

  • Free
  • Phone: 707-498-2472
  • Email:
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