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Building Bridges III

Humboldt Area Foundation

Building Bridges III Tri-County Independent Living (TCIL) is excited to announce Building Bridges III! Building Bridges is a collaborative gathering for local agencies and non-profit organizations with the goal of providing better services for persons with disabilities within our community through networking sharing information. The purpose of Building Bridges is to learn more about the local services and programs available to persons with disabilities in our community. More than 30 organizations participated last year. We are inviting local agencies or organizations who serve people with disabilities to send one representative to join us and give a short presentation about their organization and services. This event will be a great opportunity to highlight your organization’s successes and to build connections with other local agencies. Each organization will also have the opportunity to submit a one-page description of their organization, services and programs which will be compiled by TCIL into an informational directory of all participating organizations and published electronically for participants and the public to access. The event is taking place on October 26th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Humboldt Area Foundation, 363 Indianola Rd, Bayside, CA 95524. It will be a bring-your-own-brown-bag lunch event with beverages provided. If your agency or non-profit organization is interested in Building Bridges III or would like to find out more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (707) 445-8404 or email or

    • Phone: 707-445-8404
    • Email:
    • Web site

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