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California Single Payer Healthcare Town Hall

Eureka Labor Temple

Announcing the first Single Payer Town Hall for SB 562!

The Healthy California Act will guarantee comprehensive healthcare for ALL people living in California. Like Medicare, but for all, it would cover emergencies, diagnostics, surgery, treatment of illnesses, and hospital stays. Benefits would also include vision, dental, hearing, preventative care, home health, Day Care & Hospice. All individuals would have free choice of licensed health professionals and services. In addition, it would eliminate co-pays for Medicare Part B, lower prescription drug costs and keep some of the important aspects of the ACA, like no disqualifications for age or pre-existing conditions. Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins crafted the bill to provide a single high standard of care in a financially sustainable manner. 

You are invited to come the Single Payer Town Hall, hosted by Courageous Resistance and the California Nurses Association (CNA). It will be held April 30th from 1 p.m. to 3 p m, at the Labor Temple (840 E St, Eureka). We will begin with a 30 min documentary “The Time is Now” by Simons & Sterrenberg. Speakers including Carolyn Bowden,RN ( from CNA) and our local Corrine Frugoni, MD will follow. Last, and perhaps most important, will be ample time for questions and answers about SB 562. We hope to see you there!

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