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Canning Workshop

Bayside Grange

Bayside Grange #500 and the Master Food Preservers are pleased to announce a canning workshop will be offered at the grange! There will be a review of canning basics and safety, including knife safety. Participants should bring a sharp knife, apron, snacks, and water, if desired. We’ll review recipes and water-bath can some plum jam and apple chutney, as well as pressure canning of green beans and a demonstration of how to make sauerkraut. $25.00 per person includes the jars and food and other supplies. Space is Limited, RSVP as soon as possible to 707-822-9998. Checks should be made out to the Bayside Grange and mailed to P. O. BOX 31, BAYSIDE, CA 95524 or can be brought the day of the workshop but RSVP is still required in advance.

  • $25
  • Phone: 707-822-9998
  • Email:
  • Web site

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