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Celebrating Creative Women: Artist Panel
“There is a vitality, a life force…that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist.” —Martha Graham
For some, creative energy takes the form of a recognized art. For others, it unfolds in their home, relationships and work. Art has the ability to wake in each of us the choice to compose a life worth living. Regardless if you identify as an artist, the collective wisdom and unfolding lives of these creative women, may just inspire you to fully claim your unique voice. Audience members will have an opportunity to ask this fierce panel their own burning questions. Why and how do they do what they do? What motivates and inspires them to move through the very real and complex challenges of creating? Together, we will explore how to sustain and unleash our unique, expressive self.
Panelists: Jacqueline Dandeneau, Leslie Castellano, Joyce Jonte, Laura Montagna, Vanessa Vrtiak, Lyndsey Battle, Carla Paliaga
- Phone: 707-822-1575
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