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Coast Guard Aviation Division Open House

Humboldt County Airport

An open letter from Captain Art Snyder of the U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Humboldt Bay:

Mayor Jager, Eureka City Council, Eureka City Employees, Humboldt Board of Supervisors, Navy League, Eureka Rotary Clubs, Elk’s Club, Eureka Chamber of Commerce, Sequoia Zoo, Arcata Airport, and citizens of Eureka and Humboldt County, on behalf of the men and women of the U. S. Coast Guard stationed across Humboldt County and their families I want to thank you for helping us celebrate the 226th birthday of the Coast Guard. You’ve honored the Coast Guard and its active duty, reserve and auxiliary members who help protect the Lost Coast with numerous events over the past few weeks.

As I stated to the Eureka City Council August 2nd, I’ve been truly impressed by the outpouring of support from across the community and the pride you demonstrate in your local Coast Guard. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen in 37 years of active duty service. 

As a token of our appreciation I’d like to invite you to an Open House this Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM at our McKinleyville base. We’ll be celebrating a Centennial of Coast Guard Aviation. The event will feature Coast Guard boats and aircraft, displays from other public agencies and a helicopter search and rescue demonstration at 11:15 AM. It’s free and open to the public. I hope you’ll take the opportunity to come out and meet my crew and see our equipment.

Thank you again for your support. It is an honor to be stationed here in Northern California and to be a part of this outstanding community.

Captain Art Snyder
Sector Humboldt Bay Commander


  • Free
  • Phone: 707-839-5401

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