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DBS and NHS Winterization Workshop

See Event Description

Dirty Business Soil and Northcoast Horticulture Supply will be teaming up for two Winterization Workshops during October and November. We will be discussing why harvest time is considered to be the beginning of your next cycle. Winter is a time to increase organic matter and microbes in your soil, along with optimizing your pH and removing most, if not all of the salt build-up. You can bring a soil sample in to any NHS location to have it analyzed for salts and current nutrient levels – we can help with getting your soil optimized for spring! Winterization components such as compost, cover crops, straw mulching, and compost tea will also be discussed in detail. Preparing your garden and farm for Spring will help build a healthier soil and help reduce erosion, pests & disease! Register at The October Winterization Workshop will be held at the NHS Eureka store located at 852 West Wabash Avenue across from Costco.

  • $25
  • Phone: 707-444-9999
  • Email:
  • Web site

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