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Across the Universe (2007)

Eureka Theater

Consider this the warm-up before next week’s Redwood Coast Music Festival — the deliriously joyous, heartbreakingly sad audiovisual feast that is Julie Taymor’s Across the Universe, featuring wall-to-wall Beatles songs. The late Roger Ebert called it “a bold, beautiful, visually enchanting musical where we walk intothe theater humming the songs … an audacious marriage of cutting-edge visual techniques, heart-warming performances, 1960s history and the Beatles songbook. Sounds like a concept that might be behind its time, but I believe in yesterday.” There are lots of reasons to see it, but we’d be lying if co-star Dana Fuchs (as the very sexy Sadie) wasn’t near the top of that list. And, as our good luck would have it, Ms. Fuchs will be performing LIVE during Friday Night Blues Night at the Eureka Theater on March 27th! Your $5 admission ticket to ACROSS THE UNIVERSE will give you a chance to win a VIP package with free tickets and a meeting with Dana the night of her live performance. All you need is luck.

Blu-ray, Color, 133 min. | Rated: PG-13



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