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Who Ya Callin’ Bozo?

Carlo Theatre (Dell’Arte)

LAUGHTER – this is the bottom line, the proof of the pudding, where the rubber meets the road. At Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre, 27 students from around the world have a grave task: To provoke laughter.

Directed by Ronlin Foreman and coached by DAI’s 2nd year MFA students. A transformative universe featuring palm trees, a flock of ducks on a lake, an underwater ballet, a black swan, a full clown band and chorus! 

Within the study of clown, laughter arrives not just through a comedian’s timing or a sitcom’s turn of events, but through contradiction within the character itself. We laugh at the inescapable dilemmas of one whom, succumbing to the force of gravity, falls but bounces. We laugh at the ones who can dance over the abyss in spite of the pull of the grave.

The comic duos and trios of vaudeville, the skills and inventiveness of the “red nose” clown, and the eccentric absurdity of the character clown will all be part of the play as Dell’Arte students dive into characters and situations guaranteed to make you revel in a world gone awry.

Over the years alumni from Dell’Arte’s world-renowned program have taken clown characters developed during their training and gone on to perform with Cirque du Soleil, Dragone Productions,  and the Ringling Brothers Circus, among others.


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