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ENC/HBAC Lecture Series

Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center

Explore North Coast and the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center as co-sponsors invites the public to their Lecture Series featuring Matthew Kidwell from the National Weather Service in Eureka. Matthew will be doing a presentation titled “Coastal Flooding, Causes, Impacts, and Sea Level Rise (related to climate change) in Northwestern California.” The lecture is scheduled for Monday March 13th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921, Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Admission is free. The following is a brief description of what Matthew will be presenting: Storm surge varies significantly along the coast of Northwest California due to the shape of the coastline and the bathymetry. One of the places where these differences are particularly significant is in and around Humboldt Bay where storm surge can be up to one foot higher than outside the bay. The current storm surge models struggle to capture these local effects, especially inside Humboldt Bay. Matthew’s study looks at local variations of storm surge along the coast and within Humboldt Bay, how they relate to current storm surge model performance, and the impacts of this type of coastal flooding. Matthew Kidwell is a Lead Meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Eureka, California. He has been working for the National Weather Service for 9 years, 6 of which have been in Eureka. In his free time Matthew enjoys running on the roads and trails around the area as well as hiking and backpacking. For more information call 707-616-0016

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