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Escape-ism, Chamber Fables 54, CV, Drip Torch

Outer Space

Escape-Ism: “ESCAPE-ISM is the nom de guerre of mythic rock ’n’ roll provocateur / theorist / revolutionary Ian F Svenonius (performer, author, filmmaker, etc). Svenonius is known for his work in the music groups The Make-Up, Chain & The Gang, XYZ, Weird War and author of underground bestsellers such as The Psychic Soviet, Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock ‘n’ Roll Group, and Censorship Now! Recognised by Performer Magazine as the “greatest performer on the planet”, Svenonius is profound, prophetic, perverse, and poetic. His debut solo album an ‘Introduction to Escape-ism’ was released through Merge last year and teamed up a drum machine, guitar, cassette player, and a single voice singing out… for a way out. Svenonius’ songs cry out for love, justice, redemption and insurrection, they stomp on convention and clobber notions of what music can be. Live, Escape-ism a new paradigm of performance: raw, gestural, idiotic, sublime, revolutionary, poetic, faux naif, unknowing, a drainage pipe that leads to who knows where. ‘The Lost Record’ is Escape-ism’s album on Merge and is already a classic, destined to bewitch the minds, hearts, and dancing shoes of any rock ’n’ roll fan who happens to discover it, for as long as such creatures exist. Without the high-octane hype machine of the mind-control minstrels who hypnotize the hapless through the mass media, ‘The Lost Record’ is bound for inevitable obscurity, but—with its timeless tunes, poignant message, and innovative sound—rediscovery and immortal status is equally assured! Music enthusiasts will be thrilled to be the ones clever and kind enough to have rescued this platter from oblivion.” Chamber Fables Fiftyfour: Eureka “weirdo-folk psych”. CV: Eureka post-punk. “Made with guitars and electronics.” Drip Torch: Eureka No-Rave with members of BlackPlate & Rank Sound.

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