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Eureka Fair Wage Act Meeting

Labor Temple

Eureka residents who filed a peoples’ initiative this summer called the Eureka Fair Wage Act urge you to get involved in passing the Eureka Fair Wage Act, also known as the Minimum Wage Ordinance. If passed through a popular vote, the Act would require large employers with 25 or more workers in Eureka to pay a 12 dollar minimum wage.  A higher minimum wage, with a small business exception, will improve lives, make Walmart reconsider its presence in Eureka, boost the local economy, bring employment up, and allow individuals who work full time to rise just above the federal poverty level. 

Meetings for the Eureka Fair Wage Act are now every Wednesday at 6:15pm at the Eureka Labor Temple, 840 E Street. More information can be found and questions answered by visiting the Eureka Fair Wage Act website,, or by calling 707-442-7465. If you are interested in helping the campaign in any way, wherever you live, please get in contact. 



    • Phone: 707-443-3731

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