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February Racial Equity Roundtable

Humboldt Area Foundation

The Equity Alliance of the North Coast is excited to continue our public Racial Equity Roundtables with our next offering February 3, conversations about “Microaggressions, Structural Racism, and You - Part I.” Want to deepen your understanding and learn skills to help you address microaggressions? Research shows the cumulative effect of microaggressions have profound negative health and social impacts on victims and perpetrators alike. In today’s society, racial microaggressions subtly and powerfully perpetuate racism and a culture that promotes the “rightness of whiteness.” What are microaggressions? Microaggressions are the common everyday verbal, behavioral, and environmental slights and indignities - both intentional and unintentional - that communicate derogatory messages to people from marginalized groups (sometimes even by people from these groups). At the February Racial Equity Roundtable, we will hone our skills at identifying racial microaggressions and the messages they convey, and practice interrupting microaggressive behaviors, both in ourselves and others, through scenarios, discussion, and in race-based affinity groups. Importantly, we will also explore the ways in which microaggressions and racializing social structures (i.e. media, education, criminal justice, etc.) mutually reinforce each other. Our goal? To highlight key connections between interpersonal and structural racism and develop strategies to address both. Facilitated by Ron White and Melissa Meiris. **The first of a two part series, attendance of both sessions is encouraged but not required.**

  • $15
  • $10 sliding scale
  • $5 sliding scale
  • Free scholarship
  • Phone: 707-267-9918
  • Email:
  • Web site

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