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Fourth Friday Flix: Blade Runner: The Final Cut (1982)

Eureka Theater


We need the old Blade Runner. We need the director’s cut magic. Ridley Scott’s iconic 1982 adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s novel about rogue androids set a new standard for sci-fi and brought back the grit, dread and style of noir.



In acid rain-soaked 2019 Los Angeles, a retired cop (a battered Harrison Ford) hunts down a squad of escaped replicants — sentient androids — who are trying to add some time to their battery lives. Rutger Hauer wrings sympathy for the devil from his role as the wild-eyed replicant leader, while Sean Young smolders in full femme-fatale mode. And the extra footage changes everything. Anybody who tells you otherwise is probably a replicant.



Admission is $5.00 all ages. Doors open at 7:00 PM, showtime at 7:30 PM.


  • $5

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