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Friction Quartet at Westhaven

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Friction Quartet is coming back to Humboldt! We are making what has become an annual trip to Humboldt and hopefully 101 remains open long enough for us to make it this year.



We are playing Mozart’s beautiful first “Prussian” Quartet, K575, Marc Mellit’s collection of minatures, entitled Tapas, Bedrich Smetana’s passionate 2nd String Quartet and lastly, Garth Knox’s zany space-themed Satellites. This is a fantastically diverse offering of music and we hope to see you there!



If you want to know more about Garth Knox & Satellites you can watch us play the second movement at Carnegie Hall here



If you want to check out some of Marc Mellits’ music you can follow this link to an awesome marimba/vibraphone piece of his called Gravity.



We are playing at Westhaven Center for the Arts on Thursday, May 11th at 7:00pm.



Sliding scale donation at the door.



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